"Okay, Li Mu, you can put it down, I'm very tired."

Although Li Mu did the whole swimming process, Chi Bo Jinghua was also a little tired.

After all, after paddling on the sea water for so long, everyone will feel a little physically and mentally exhausted.

Li Mu also stopped after listening to Chi Bo Jinghua's words. He stretched out his head and looked at Chi Bo Jinghua.

Except for a small part exposed, Li Mu's entire body was hidden in the water.

In addition, it was far away from the beach, so no one could notice Li Mu and Chi Bo Jinghua.

"Jinghua, long time no see, do you miss me?"

Chi Bo Jinghua's cheeks were slightly red, and he stretched out his hands to grab Li Mu.

Li Mu suddenly felt a sense of warmth, and a breeze came, along with the fragrance, drifted into Li Mu's nose

"Didn't we just meet last week? It didn't seem particularly long."

Yes, Li Mucai and Chi Bo Jinghua met last week, and it didn't last long.

Logically speaking, Chi Bo Jinghua shouldn't miss Li Mucai.

But soon, Li Mu reacted, and two shining lights Her big eyes stared at Chibo Jinghua

"Although it didn't last long, I can guarantee that you will definitely miss me. Otherwise, why is your face so red?"

While speaking, Li Mu blinked at Chi Bo Jinghua.

"Okay, Li Mu, don't be here. What if someone else discovers you?"

Li Mu also stopped and did not continue.

Of course, Li Mu was not afraid of being discovered, but he just felt that it seemed a little inappropriate here.

After all, this is the sea, and naturally he could not perform well in the sea.

But here It cannot be deployed. It can also be deployed elsewhere.

"Honey, there is a parking lot nearby. There is one there. I will wait for you there. Don't make me wait too long."

Li Mu tapped Chi Bo Jinghua on the cheek, and then dived into the sea again without giving Chi Bo Jinghua a chance to speak.

Before Chi Bo Jinghua could say anything... Mu had already left.

"Mom, you are serious, how can you swim so far? What if something happens?"

Hattori Heiji looked at Ikeba Shizuka who came back and couldn't help complaining.

Of course, in his heart, Hattori Heiji still cared about Ikeba Shizuka.

"Heiji, I'm going to the bathroom. You guys are here, so don't worry about me."

"Go ahead, let's take care of ourselves."

Hattori Heiji waved his hand, and his attention was not focused on Shizuka Chiha at all. He was looking at other people with all his heart.

Of course, all Hattori Heiji paid attention to were beauties.

As a normal person, of course he cares more about beauties.

Secondly. , Hattori Heiji turned his attention to Kazuha and confirmed that Kazuha was not with Li Mu.

As for the rest, everything was OK and it had nothing to do with him.

After Chiba Shizuka left the beach, he came to a nearby Parking lot.

After arriving at the parking lot, Chibo Jinghua found a bathroom.

But standing outside the bathroom, Chibo Jinghua stopped and looked at the bathroom door hesitantly.

Now he still doesn't know who is in the bathroom. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if it was someone else?

In the bathroom, Li Mu, who had already arrived, was ready.

Outside, a person came over and passed the (De Nuo Zhao) bathroom.

However, because of Li Mu's magic, this person did not He didn't hear the sound of the bathroom and continued walking towards his car.

On the beach, Hattori Heiji looked at the beauty for a while, and suddenly realized that his mother didn't seem to be back yet.

".By the way, where's mom? Why hasn't she come back yet?"

Hattori Heiji glanced at the crowd nearby, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

This uneasy feeling enveloped his heart and could not dissipate for a long time. One Piece: A

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