In the parking lot, people are walking around from time to time.

There were also many people parked outside the restrooms in the parking lot.

However, after seeing the sign hanging on the bathroom door that it was under repair, these people had to leave.

"Okay, didn't I say that you won't be discovered because you are too careful?"

In this world that lacks supernatural power, Li Mu's methods are already very sophisticated, and it is impossible for anyone to crack it.

Even if Li Mu holds a party in this bathroom, it is estimated that no one outside will hear it.

However, Chi Bo Jinghua is naturally impossible Knowing that, if she knew, she probably wouldn't be so conservative.

The matter was over. Naturally, Chi Bo Jinghua wouldn't get too entangled, and just gave Li Mu a dissatisfied look.

"Okay, Li Mu, let's go. After waiting here for so long, Heiji and the others are probably anxious."

Chi Bo Jinghua grabbed the door handle and suddenly became nervous.

If she opened the door and there happened to be a 097 person outside, she and Li Mu would definitely be seen.

By then, all fools would know what happened inside.

Li Mu naturally knew Chi Bo What was Jinghua thinking? She opened the door calmly.

"Don't worry, there's no one outside."

Chi Bo Jinghua was startled and quickly looked outside.

After seeing no one outside, Chi Bo Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at Li Mu dissatisfied.

"Li Mu, you really should not open the door casually. What if there is someone outside?"

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't know Li Mu, so he naturally didn't know that Li Mu could confirm whether there was anyone outside.

Li Mu didn't explain and left the parking lot directly.

Soon, Li Mu and Chi Bo Jinghua came to the beach again.

But Li Mu was alone. , and Ikeba Jinghua also separated from Li Mu.

After arriving at the beach, Ikeba Jinghua saw Hattori Heiji who was looking for him, and walked over quickly.

Hattori Heiji naturally also met Ikeba Jinghua, and also took a step forward

"Mom, where have you been? Went there for an hour, really."

Chiha Jinghua heard Hattori Heiji's hug and quickly clasped his hands together with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry, Heiji. I went to the parking lot to look for something. I wasted time. Sorry."

"Is it? Looking for something."

Hattori Heiji looked at Ikeha Shizuka up and down, and felt a little suspicious.

However, Hattori Heiji didn't think much about it. He didn't think his mother would do such an outrageous thing.

In fact, Hattori Heiji didn't know that Ikeha Shizuka just now , lived very happily with Li Mu, and had long forgotten about his son.

At this moment, Li Mu came over.

Hattori Heiji frowned slightly. Although he disliked Li Mu very much, he also knew that he could not show too much. obvious

"It's you, where were you just now? Are you also looking for something?"

Although this was just a joke, Chibo Jinghua was obviously a little embarrassed after hearing it.

If (bgdf) was looking for something, the two of them were indeed looking for something together, but what they were looking for was not ordinary things, but Human happiness.

Li Mu was very calm and joked with a smile:"You are joking, I am not looking for anything. I just went to exercise. Yes, it is exercise.""

When talking about exercise, Li Mu deliberately emphasized his tone, which made Hattori Heiji a little confused.

However, Ikeha Jinghua immediately understood, with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Li Mu was right, the two of them did exercise, and they were not General exercise.

This great exercise can not only exercise the body, but also focus on strengthening the waist! Even the strength on the thighs can be exercised.

"Exercise, you go exercise."

Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu with confusion. He didn't understand where Li Mu was missing a muscle.

It's normal to exercise, but when you go to the beach and don't enjoy a sea bath, but exercise instead, that's a little abnormal. Got it

"Yes, it’s exercise, my unbeatable program every day. Madam, what do you think? How about we exercise together tonight."

After Chi Bo Jinghua heard Li Mu's meaningful words, he still didn't know what Li Mu meant.

However, Chi Bo Jinghua had no intention of refusing, and even had some small expectations in his heart.

"OK! It’s good to exercise. Let’s do it together tonight!"

Conan looked at Li Mu with some doubts in his heart.

"Hattori, why do I feel like there seems to be something wrong with the two of them?"

"Yeah, they……"

Hattori Heiji suddenly reacted, turned around and punched Conan on the head.

"Are you kidding me? How could they possibly have a problem?"

How could Hattori Heiji admit that there was a problem between the two of them?

Anyway, he would never believe that Shizuka Chiha and Li Mu were related.

Conan realized that he was not seeking death by saying this.

Pirates and Dragons Are

Fate_Feilu Remind you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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