On Friday, downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan prepared a change of clothes and waited downstairs.

Conan, on the other hand, stood next to Xiaolan, waiting patiently.

Although he couldn't go, he wanted to make sure that Li Mu didn't go either, so that he could feel free to let Xiaolan go.

Originally, this party was planned to be held on Sunday.

But secretly, Li Mu moved the party forward. Since he was planning to stay a little longer, he could also have a perfect Sunday.

Not long after, a stretched Lincoln appeared downstairs at the Maori Detective Agency.

After the extended Lincoln stopped, the window opened and Sonoko's head stuck out of the window.

"Xiaolan, if you're ready, let's get in the car."

Conan just realized that this car actually belongs to Yuanzi.

But considering Yuanzi's identity, an extended version of Lincoln is nothing at all, so he stopped thinking about it.

"I'm ready to get in the car now."

After listening to Xiaolan's words, Yuanzi immediately got out of the car and took Xiaolan's luggage.

Conan took advantage of this opportunity and quickly looked into the car. His shining eyes quickly scanned the car. After confirming that Li Mu was not there, Conan relaxed. Take a breath.

As long as Li Mu is not around, there is no need for him to follow him closely. He will be easily disliked this way.

"Little Guitou, we have left, you can have a good rest at home alone, and remember to do your homework."

Sonoko provoked Conan, with a smug look in her eyes.

She knew that Conan wanted to go, but was rejected in the end.

Conan's mouth twitched, feeling very unbalanced.

Why can everyone else go, but he can't?.

Simply, Conan stopped worrying about this matter and returned directly to the office.

At the desk, Mouri Kogoro put down the newspaper and glanced at Conan.

"Little Guitou, why don't you go? They've only been away for two days, and I won't take care of you."

Conan's head was full of black lines, and he felt very unhappy.

If he could, he would naturally want to go, but what can he do if others don't take him there.

As for secretly following him, he hasn't thought about it yet.

After all, Li Mu won't go, Even if he followed her secretly, he still wouldn't be able to attend the party, so there was no need to waste his time.

"Uncle Maoli, don't worry, I will take care of myself and won't cause you any trouble."

Mouri Kogoro stared at Conan closely.

The other children were fine, but this little kid often got himself into trouble.

Whenever something happened, he would encounter a case. In the end, he was asked to help and even made a record.

Moori Kogoro subconsciously forgot Yes, he often appears at crime scenes, although they are affected by Conan's death halo.

"It's good that you know, remember, don't give me any trouble, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Moori Kogoro continued to pick up the newspaper.

On the other side, in the car, there were not only Sonoko and Tomoko, but also Suzuki Ayako.

After Xiaolan saw Suzuki Ayako, she was slightly stunned

"Sister Ayako, you are here too. Why haven’t I seen you recently?"

Suzuki Ayako's cheeks were slightly red, with a hint of shyness in her heart.

"I recently went out to handle company matters and came back recently. I heard there was a party today, so I came over to attend."

Next to her, Sonoko suddenly grabbed Suzuki Ayako's arm and winked at Xiaolan.

"In fact, my sister heard that Li Mu was participating, so she prepared to participate. Otherwise, could she participate today?"


Suzuki Ayako couldn't help but push Sonoko.

Although Sonoko was right, she was still a little shy when it was said out like this.

Xiaolan also understood this, but looking at the shy Suzuki Ayako, she didn't continue to say anything.

The car was driving fast, and gradually, the number of people outside the car became sparse.

Soon, the extended version of Lincoln left the city and came to a nearby hill.

Xiaolan looked at the forest outside, and a case suddenly came to mind.

"Yuanzi, isn't this road going to your villa?"

"Yes, you remember, there was a case that happened in that villa last time, that is, the case of the bandage man."

When Yuanzi said this, Xiaolan became more sure of her thoughts, and at the same time she remembered what happened last time.

Last time, they encountered a case in this villa.

A man with a bandage even sneaked up on Xiaolan, but was finally killed by Li Mu. Kicked to death.

Although so much time has passed, Xiaolan's heart may feel a little chilly, but also filled with some fear.

Obviously what happened last time left a big impression on her.

Although Xiaolan didn't want to go, she was already there. Now, with Li Mu also going, Xiaolan had to hold back her inner fear.

About ten minutes after coming here again, the car stopped at a cliff.

The next road was a suspension bridge, and the car could not pass at all.

"Xiaolan, let’s get off the car and walk over. Sonoko got out of the car first, then picked up her luggage and walked onto the suspension bridge.

Tomoko and Suzuki Ayako followed closely, and the four of them walked onto the suspension bridge together.

The last few people spent a long time and made many trips back and forth, and finally got there. They brought their luggage to the villa.

This was because Li Mu had prepared most of the things, otherwise it would have taken them a long time.

Not long after Yuanzi and others entered the villa, another person came from the bottom of the forest. A car.

This car is exactly Li Mu’s car

"Li Mu, are you here? Is this where the party is?"

In the back seat of the car, Yukiko stretched out her head and glanced at the forest in the distance.

Next to Yukiko, there was another person sitting, it was Fei Yingli.

This time, Tomoko specially invited Yukiko to the party.

After all, they all knew each other. , and they haven’t been together for a long time, so they specially invited these two people to attend the party together.

"That's right, there is a villa in the mountain, which belongs to Tomoko's family. This party will be held in this villa."

Li Mu replied while driving the car. After listening to Li Mu's words, an actor looked up and saw at a glance that they were all trees.

"Rich people are different. There are really many villas here. By the way, besides the three of us, who else is there in this party?"

"Apart from the three of us, there are only Tomoko, Ayako, Sonoko, and Xiaolan, and there is no one else."

"There are so many people, Li Mu, it looks like you are gorgeous! Blessings are not shallow."Yukiko smiled and joked.

Li Mu smiled and didn't answer.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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