Twenty minutes later, near the suspension bridge.

After Li Mu got off the bus, he took a large amount of luggage with him

"Yukiko, Eri, you two go over and leave these big luggage to me. As for the change of clothes, I leave it to you."

"Don’t worry, we’ll leave this to us. Yukiko patted her chest and shook it up and down.

Then the two of them pulled a suitcase and walked forward.

Li Mu hugged the big suitcase and walked onto the suspension bridge.

When they arrived at the villa, Li Mu found that there was no door to the villa. Guan Guan and walked directly in.

Yukiko and Fei Yingli followed closely behind.

As soon as he entered the villa, Li Mu saw Xiaolan and four others in the living room on the first floor of the villa.

Xiaolan and four others also saw Li Mu

"Brother Li, you are here."

Xiao Lan immediately stepped forward, and just as she was about to throw herself into Li Mu's arms, she saw You Xizi and Fei Yingli behind Li Mu.

Especially Fei Yingli, Xiaolan never thought that she could meet Fei Yingli here.

"Mom, Aunt Yukiko, why are you two here?"

Xiaolan naturally didn't know that Li Mu had an unusual relationship with Yukiko and Fei Yingli.

This time they were invited to the party.

Even Sonoko was stunned and didn't react for a while.

Among them, Tomoko was the only one. Only then did she know the relationship between Li Mu and Fei Yingli.

However, Tomoko would not tell it, otherwise she would not know how to explain the relationship. Just sharing Li Mu with Sonoko Suzuki Ayako felt a little awkward, let alone Xiaolan And Fei Yingli.

And Xiaolan probably couldn't accept it for a while.

Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan secretly, and then at Fei Yingli next to him, thinking quickly in his mind.

Should he take advantage of this opportunity to deal with Xiaolan? Lan, mother and daughter.

By then, Li Mu will be able to get high. Thinking about it now makes me feel a little excited.

"Li Mu, what are you thinking about? What things make you happy?"

Yukiko noticed Li Mu's smile and couldn't help but tease him.

"No...nothing, let's clean up first and don't forget the centerpiece of today's party."

When it comes to the core of today's party, whether it is Xiaolan, Yuanzi, or others, their cheeks have a hint of red.

Today's party is a very good party.

Everyone did not speak and returned silently. In his own room.

Li Mu also followed Fei Yingli to the second floor, then picked up his luggage and found a room by himself.

In the room, Li Mu took out his clothes and quickly changed them.

The core of today's party is clothes..Of course not ordinary clothes, but various professional attires.

This clothes party also has an easy-to-understand name - uniform party.

Yes, there is only one man, Li Mu, today, so naturally he has to prepare a decent party.

For example, take the uniform party.

And Li Mu specially selected the clothes for this party.

And there is only one piece of clothing in this outfit, and that is a pair of big pants.

Today Li Mu’s theme is athletes.

Athletes, in order to facilitate exercise, naturally wear simple clothes.

And Li Mu only prepared one piece of clothing because it was easy to wear.

When the time comes, it will be easy and simple, and there is no need to waste time.

On the other side, others are also changing clothes.

About ten minutes later, Li Mu was the first to leave his room, and others also left their rooms one after another.

As soon as Li Mu went out, he saw Fei Yingli coming out of the next room.

Looking at Fei Yingli in front of him, Li Mu couldn't help but take another look, his eyes widened. It's very big.

The clothes Fei Yingli chose was a nurse's uniform.

That's all. Fei Yingli probably chose a smaller one on purpose, so it was very tight! It perfectly flattered! It brought out her beautiful figure.

Especially There is a sense of femininity on the upper body.

Fei Yingli is simply provoking herself.

Unfortunately, now is not the time. Li Mu cannot do anything to Fei Yingli.


The door to the other room also opened.

Li Mu looked up and saw a beautiful woman wearing a rabbit costume walking out.

Looking carefully, it was Yukiko.

Yukiko is wearing a rabbit-eared outfit, and her clothes are also small.

It seems that Yukiko and Fei Yingri have discussed it, and both of them wear one size smaller clothes.

Li Mu can guarantee that if there wasn't someone here and Xiaolan was here, he would have turned into a wolf and eaten both Yuxizi and Yuxizi.

Then, the doors to the rooms on the second floor opened one after another.

One after another, beautiful women came out of their respective rooms.

The first one to come out was Xiaolan, followed by Sonoko, then Tomoko, and finally Suzuki Ayako.

Li Mu looked at them one by one, as if admiring the beautiful scenery.

This beautiful scenery, with beautiful spring sunshine, is like an exquisite landscape painting, very beautiful.

Xiaolan is wearing a sailor suit and Sonoko is wearing black! Silk cat earwear.

As for Suzuki Ayako and Tomoko, one is wearing a police uniform and the other is wearing a stewardess uniform.

These four people may have agreed upon it, and everyone’s skirts did not go above the knees! Cover, even the knees! Gaidu is still more than ten centimeters away.

Obviously, they all planned to show their beautiful side in front of Li Mu.

After Xiaolan came out, she grabbed her clothes shyly and secretly glanced at Fei Yingli next to her.

She didn't expect Fei Yingli to come over, so the clothes she bought were really inappropriate.

At least it's not suitable for her as a student.

If she knew that Fei Yingli would come, she probably wouldn't buy this kind of clothes, but would buy something conservative.

At the same time, Xiaolan couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Since Fei Yingli is coming to this party, why not inform her.

Also, if there are irrelevant people, parties like uniform parties should not be held.

Of course, this is only irrelevant in Xiaolan's eyes.

In fact, Fei Yingli and Li Mu also have a relationship, and their relationship is very close.

Fei Yingli naturally noticed Xiaolan's shyness, walked slowly to Xiaolan's side, and then took Xiaolan's arm.

"Li Mu, look at it, Xiaolan and I don’t look like mother and daughter at all? Instead, they are like sisters."

Li Mu looked at the two of them seriously.

It seems that Fei Yingli and Xiaolan can indeed be regarded as sisters.

After all, they are both Li Mu's people, so naturally they can be regarded as sisters.

Pirates and dragons are destined to

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