"I feel like you are very much like sisters, sisters in the true sense of the word."

Li Mu said truthfully.

Although Li Mu told the truth, it fell into Fei Yingli's ears and he didn't mean it.

She thought Li Mu was praising her youth, so her face turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

Xiaolan noticed Fei Yingli's expression was muttering angrily and staring at Li Mu with dissatisfaction.

It was really unreasonable to pick up her mother with the stronghold in front of her like this. Similarly

, Xiaolan also began to be wary.

After all, her father had already It was useless, and her mother sometimes felt lonely.

If Concubine Yingli suddenly became interested in Li Mu, she would suffer a big loss.

So Xiaolan decided to keep a good watch on Li Mu and not let Li Mu What does it have to do with Fei Yingli?

Li Mu also noticed Xiaolan's abnormality, recovered immediately, and looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

"Everyone, since everyone is here, I will now announce that today's party has begun."

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at Li Mu.

When Li Mu was admiring their clothes, they were also admiring Li Mu.

Although Li Mu was only wearing one piece of clothing, it matched Li Mu's figure. It was perfect. It was so even.

With his beautiful physique and handsome face, there is no word to describe Li Mu.

Because it is so perfect, so perfect that no word in the world can be used to describe Li Mu.

"Okay, let's go downstairs and play games."

Li Mu waved his hand and took the lead to go down the stairs.

The others followed Li Mu and came downstairs together, and then sat down around the square table.

"Xiaolan, tell me, what games will you play tonight, or should you go out for a walk."

Since we are going out to play, we must prepare games.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other and said nothing.

In fact, they had already prepared the game before they came.

But now there are two more people, Yukiko and Fei Yingli. Before The game can no longer be played.

When they thought of this, the two of them felt a little pity.

However, Tomoko did not hesitate and said directly:"How about we play lots and the loser takes off a piece of clothing. What do you think?""

This game is very good.

Li Mu fell in love with this game at a glance.

But others can tell it, but he can't take the initiative to say it, otherwise his image will completely collapse.

Although he has no image.

Yukiko heard this Game, her eyes lit up.

This game was also in line with her ideas. Although there were Xiaolan, Yuanzi and others next to her, she didn't care at all.

Anyway, these people are Li Mu's people, so there is no need to worry about being exposed.

"Okay, I think this game is good, I agreed, Yingli, what about you?"

Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli and touched Fei Yingli's feet at the same time, signaling Fei Yingli to agree.

Fei Yingli's cheeks were slightly red. Although Fei Yingli wanted to agree in her heart, she was still a little hesitant on the surface.

"I don't care, what about you? If you want to play, I can also play with you."

If Xiaolan wasn't here, and there were people she knew nearby, and knew her relationship with Li Mu, she would naturally not be able to refuse.

Tomoko raised the corner of her mouth, and after taking care of two people, she only needed to take care of the other two people.

"Sonoko, Ayako, where are you two? This game is pretty good. It should be fun. How about we play together?"

Yuanzi and Xiaolan really want to agree, but they can't let go because they have Concubine Yingli next to them.

As for Suzuki Ayako, it goes without saying that she is the shyest among these people, so naturally she can't agree, but she won't refuse either. Tomoko saw what the three of them were thinking and took out a deck of playing cards.

"Well, since you don't say anything, let's work together and the loser will be punished."

Li Mu looked at everyone and took out a bottle of red wine from nowhere.

"Madam, one punishment is not enough. If there is another punishment, the loser will have to drink a glass of wine."

As he spoke, a strange light flashed in Li Mu's eyes.

The punishment just now was indeed very good, but it is estimated that no one will continue at the last step.

Especially Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Fei Yingli, they must be very shy, absolutely Unable to proceed to the next step.

But if everyone is drunk after drinking, even if they accept the punishment, they will probably accept it subconsciously.

Tomoko looked at the wine in Li Mu's hand, then looked at Li Mu's eyes, and immediately guessed Li Mu's idea

"OK, I agreed, that's it."

The others did not refuse and agreed to Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled proudly, and then took the playing cards from Tomoko.

As long as the playing cards are in hand, Li Mu can use his gambling skills to make other people lose. Chaotian.

As for Li Mu himself, even if he only wears one piece of clothing, he probably won't lose.

This is Li Mu's self-confidence.

The others didn't say anything. They didn't know Li Mu's gambling god ability, so naturally they wouldn't worry.

Wait until they react When I came here, I guess Li Mu had already feasted his eyes on it.

"Okay, let's start, even if the person sitting on the east side starts first."

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was sitting on the east side, and quickly reached out her hand to draw a card from the garden.

Li Mu also took a look at the card in his hand. The ghost card was not here, which meant that Li Mu would definitely Win.

Just wait until Li Mu draws a card.

After one round, it is Li Mu's turn to draw a card. Just for a moment, Li Mu draws the cards from Xiaolan and Yuanzi's hands.

At this time, Li Mu has no cards and Xiaolan has no cards. , and Sonoko still had one card left in her hand.

Others began to get nervous.

Everyone looked at each other carefully, for fear that they might accidentally draw a bad card.

In the end, only Tomoko and Fei Eri were left. Two people.

They both looked at each other nervously, fearing that they would accidentally draw a ghost card, or that the ghost card would be left behind.

Tomoko slowly stretched out her hand and placed it on Fei Yingli's hand, and then hesitated, His eyes were fixed on Fei Yingli.

Although Fei Yingli was nervous, she had a poker face and no expression at all.

However, as an important supporting role and a famous lawyer, she still has this psychological quality.

Tomoko After looking at it for a while, I didn't see anything.

I had no choice but to randomly draw a card.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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