After Xiaolan woke up, Li Mu was still resting, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

On the other side, Tomoko saw that it was almost done and walked up to Xiaolan, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Xiaolan noticed Tomoko's abnormality and quickly said:"Auntie, what's wrong? Do you have something to say? Then just say it"

"Well, Xiaolan, I didn’t know whether I should say it or not, but now that we’ve reached this point, there’s no point in hiding it.

Yesterday night, we played that game and everyone drank a little too much. As a result, we did something wrong.

Because Li Mu drank too much, he regarded Eri and Yukiko as his own, and as a result... something happened that shouldn't have happened."


Xiaolan, Yuanzi and others exclaimed with disbelief on their faces.

For a moment, Xiaolan didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Pengzi quickly said:"Xiaolan, don't say this, you Go have a good talk with Yingli and don't let her do stupid things. I'm going to persuade Yukiko. Once what happened today is revealed, we will all be doomed."

Xiaolan also realized that this matter cannot be told.

All of these people are celebrities. If others find out about this matter, they will definitely be ruined.

When thinking of this, Xiaolan quickly stood up and quickly She put on some clothes and walked towards the second floor.

She didn't notice that there was a smile on the corner of Tomoko's mouth, just like a fish taking the bait.

Tomoko just smiled, then also came to the second floor, and then left Entered Yukiko's room.

However, Tomoko did not persuade Yukiko. Instead, she talked and laughed with Yukiko, as if nothing happened.

On the other side, Xiaolan came to Fei Yingli's room and knocked gently. Door

"Mom, it's me, please open the door."

In the room, Fei Yingli suddenly became nervous when she saw Xiaolan coming.

Although she had already discussed it with Li Mu, she was still very nervous at this point.

However, being nervous, Fei Yingli took some onions and put them on her Next to her eyes, she was choked with tears.

After doing it, Fei Yingli threw the onion under the bed and got up.

Outside, Xiaolan heard the crying, opened the door gently, and walked in.

Just came in, Xiaolan Lan then saw Fei Yingli who was crying, and saw the tears on her face.

Xiaolan immediately stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Fei Ying, and patted Fei Yingli's shoulder.

"Okay, mom, don't cry. It's okay. This matter will pass soon."

Fei Yingli really cried. She couldn't help it anymore, and her tears stayed with her.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have used onions. It was so irritating.

Fortunately, Xiaolan didn't know Fei Yingli's thoughts, otherwise she would have gone berserk..

I thought Fei Yingli was really crying, but it turned out that she was choking on onions.

After a while, Fei Yingli recovered and wiped her eyes.

Although the tears were gone, there were still tears in the corners of her eyes. Her eyes were still full of tears.

Xiaolan felt a pang in her heart when she saw Fei Yingli crying so sadly.

"Mom, this matter……"

Xiaolan stopped suddenly, not knowing what to say.

One is her man, the man she loves deeply.

The other was her mother, who didn't even know who to help.

Help Fei Yingli blame Xiaolan, or help Xiaolan persuade Fei Yingli not to dwell on this matter.

She didn't even know what to do097.

Fei Yingli saw that Xiaolan was confused and had no choice but to take the initiative.

"Xiaolan, I'm sorry for your father"

"No, it's not your fault, it's just too much to drink, no big deal, and……"

Xiaolan suddenly thought of Li Mu and Tomoko, and then of the useless Mouri Kogoro. Finally, she thought of what Fei Yingli had committed, and her mind was racing.

She does have a way, and that is to make Fei Yingli the same as Tomoko.

Only in this way, nothing happens.

And there is a success story.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli very seriously.

As if to increase her persuasion, Xiaolan betrayed Tomoko without hesitation.

In fact, Fei Yingli also knew about this, but she heard Xiaolan say so.

Pirates and Dragons -

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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