"Xiaolan, this is not a good thing, after all, I am your mother."

Fei Yingli was very happy in her heart, but she still pretended to be very hesitant on the surface.

Fortunately, Li Mu, Yukiko and others were not here, otherwise she might have laughed.

Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli's hesitation and felt a little happy in her heart.

She is not afraid of Fei Yingli's hesitation, but she is afraid of Fei Yingli's direct rejection.

If it is just hesitation, she can still persuade her, but if it is rejection, she has no choice.

"Mom, it's okay, we just need to be together. Dad is useless anyway, so we can't delay your future. I think that's it."

While speaking, Xiaolan's cheeks were slightly red, and she looked very cute.

Fei Yingli glanced at Xiaolan one more time. Being able to say such words shows that Xiaolan is used to it.

"this……"Fei Yingli pretended to hesitate for a moment, then nodded.

"Then... how about giving it a try, if possible, this will be it from now on"

"Okay, I'll go talk to Brother Li and the others, and take a look at Aunt Yukiko."

She has already taken care of Feiyingli, and now she has to work hard to take care of Yukiko, so there will be no problem.

After Xiaolan left Feiyingli's room, she came directly outside Yukiko's room

"Aunt Yukiko, do you have time?"

In the room, Tomoko heard Xiaolan's voice and raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

"Yukiko, it seems that Xiaoran has already taken care of Eiri. You should pretend for a while and she will be fine soon."

Yukiko also pretended to wipe her eyes.

Earlier, Yukiko had already pretended to cry, and there is no need to continue now.

And now her eyes are still red, as if she had just cried.

"Okay, I'm going to open the door."

Tomoko got off the bed and walked to the door of the room.

After opening the door, Tomoko looked at Xiaolan outside and winked at her.

"Xiaolan, I've already done it here, and Yukiko has agreed."

In the room, Yukiko twitched her mouth after listening to Tomoko's words, and slapped Tomoko to death.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said quickly:"I have taken care of my mother."

Tomoko had guessed it a long time ago, and he didn't

"Okay, these two people have taken care of it, then I will take a rest and wait until Li Mu wakes up, and then I will talk to him."

Xiaolan nodded.

In fact, Li Mu had woken up a long time ago, and he just pretended to be asleep. Li Mu decided to wait a little longer and pretend to wake up when it was almost the same. After a while, Li Mu opened his eyes and pretended that he had just woken up. sober look

"Well, my head hurts a little. I shouldn't have drank so much wine yesterday night, really."

Yukiko and the other three couldn't help rolling their eyes after hearing Li Mu's words.

Li Mu was obviously very energetic, but he also pretended to have a headache.

And Li Mu shouldn't be too happy yesterday evening. He is probably very happy now.

After Li Mu pretended to wake up, he looked Xiaolan and others arrived at the side.

At this moment, the six of Xiaolan had already dressed and were sitting on stools on the side waiting.

When Li Mu woke up, Xiaolan immediately walked over and looked at Li Mu seriously.

"Brother Li, I have something to discuss with you. Come over here with me."

Of course Li Mu knew what it was, but he still pretended to be very confused.

"Xiaolan, what's the matter?"

"You and I come here, it’s not convenient to talk here."

Li Mu didn't say much, and followed Xiaolan to the second floor.

However, before leaving, Li Mu secretly glanced at Fei Yingli and others next to him.

Fei Yingli, Tomoko, and Yukiko noticed Li Mu's eyes blinked at Li Mu.

Li Mu turned his head, raised the corners of his mouth, and followed Xiaolan.

After arriving at Xiaolan's room, Li Mu directly grabbed Xiaolan and fell to the side.

Xiaolan didn't either Refuse, rely on Li Mu

".Brother Li, I have something to tell you. You shouldn’t be too surprised after hearing this."

Li Mu grabbed Xiaolan tightly and tapped Xiaolan's cheek.

"You said, I won't be surprised, I also want to see what is going on."

Xiao Lan suddenly broke away, and then looked at Li Mu seriously.

Li Mu already knew what Xiao Lan was going to say, but he still showed a very surprised expression.

"Really? It’s impossible. Why don’t I have any impression?"

It was precisely because I had no impression that it was possible (for Nuo Zhao).

After all, I drank too much at the time.

"That's right, that was what happened yesterday night."

Xiaolan nodded her little head, looking very serious.

"So Xiaolan, what do you think I should do? Am I a little sorry for them? After all, I ruined their lives."

Li Mu blamed himself very much, as if he had really done something wrong.

But it seemed that he had really done something wrong.

Xiaolan felt somewhat comforted after hearing Li Mu's words. At least Li Mu still thought about her parents.

This It also strengthened Xiaolan's previous thoughts.

After all, Li Mu cares so much about her family, so naturally she must also care about Li Mu's future. To read the ununderlined version of the novel , please download Feilu Novel

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