Soon, the high-speed train arrived at its destination.

This time, Xiaolan and the others were in Kyoto on their school break trip.

After arriving in Kyoto, Li Mu took his luggage and found Xiaolan and Yuanzi among the crowd.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, here I come."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi became happy and hurriedly walked to both sides of Li Mu.

One on the left and one on the right, just like Li Mu's guardians.

"Hey, Li Mu, look at you. After you came, they didn't stay with me anymore. They actually stayed with you for more than an hour."

Shiliang Zhenjun walked to Li Mu and patted Li Mu on the shoulder.

"I'm really sorry to leave you alone, but don't worry, I'll treat you to a French dinner tonight."

Li Mu smiled.

After taking care of this person first, at night, it would be Li Mu's happy moment.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it would be great if there were more people, such as He Ye and the others.

"Okay, I'll go talk to my classmates, and then talk to the teacher. I'll treat you to a French dinner tonight."

Shiliang Zhenchun also knew Li Mu's identity, so he was not polite and went directly to Li Mu to invite the whole class.

"No problem, let’s go to the French dinner tonight."

Li Mu didn't refuse.

In this way, not only Sera Masaki was dealt with, but also all Xiaolan's classmates. By then, there might not be anyone in the way.

Sera Masaki immediately walked aside and talked to the teacher, He said it to the whole class again.

For a moment, all Xiaolan’s classmates came over and thanked Li Mu.

After all, this is a French feast, and many people will never know it in this life.

Li Mu and others casually said a few words , and then came to a nearby hotel.

Today, this hotel was booked by the school, and there was no one except the students of the school.

Except, of course, Li Mu.

Before today, Li Mu had taken care of the boss and left a luxurious The suite was specially designed for Li Mu to live in.

After arriving at the hotel, Li Mu and Xiao Lan took their luggage and walked towards the room.

"Xiaolan, there seem to be students from other schools nearby. Is there anyone else?"

Sonoko looked at some students nearby and frowned slightly.

These students were wearing black sailor uniforms, while their school wore blue sailor uniforms. It was obvious that they were not from the same class.

"this one? I remember there were students from other schools, apparently from Osaka."

Xiaolan looked at the uniforms of other school students and always felt that this uniform looked familiar.

Not only Xiaolan, but also Li Mu took another look and thought of He Ye.

It seemed that He Ye's school wore this. School uniforms in various colors and styles

"Xiaolan, Brother Li, Yuanzi, I didn’t expect you to be here too."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Everyone turned around and saw Kazuya walking over.

In addition to Kazuye, there was now a dark-skinned boy.

Behind the two of them, there was Kazuya. Someone who looks very much like Shinichi

"He Ye, you are here too."

When Xiaolan and Yuanzi saw He Ye, they were also overjoyed and hurriedly walked to He Ye's side.

He Ye was also very happy. Did she ever expect that she could actually meet Li Mu here.

Since she could see Li Mu, It means that tonight, she can indulge again.

This is especially true for Li Mu.

Just now he was thinking that He Ye would be here, but He Ye was here.

Is this an opportunity sent by God?

Compared to While Li Mu and others were happy, the black-skinned boy Hattori Heiji was a little unhappy.

I thought this was an opportunity to be alone with Heye, but he actually met Li Mu again.

How unlucky this must be

"Heye, why are you here today? Can you come over for a break from school and travel if you have something to do?"

"What? Xiaolan, you two are also here for a break from school."

He Ye didn't expect his luck to be so good.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also took a break from school for a trip, and even Li Mu was there.

"Damn it, how come I met this guy? What a bad luck."

Not only Hattori Heiji was very unhappy, but Li Mu was also unhappy.

Today was originally a good day, but there was an extra bastard, such as the guy who persuaded Heiji Bei

"By the way, Li Mu, Xiaolan and the others are out on a study trip, why are you here too?"

Hattori Heiji was very unhappy.

Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji, and then ignored him.

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Who said he couldn't beat Li Mu ?

"He Ye, I’m going to treat Xiaolan’s whole class to a French dinner tonight. Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course, thank you, Brother Li, I will trouble you tonight."

After Kazuye saw Li Mu, she originally planned to be with Li Mu.

Now that Li Mu has invited her, she will naturally not refuse.

Heiji Hattori felt anxious after hearing this.

How could he let Kazuye and Li Mu be together? This is not to create opportunities for the two of them.

He must also come together.

It's a pity that Li Mu has no intention of letting Hattori Heiji participate in such a good opportunity.

"By the way, Heye, why don’t you introduce your friend to me?"

Behind Heye, a cute girl asked

"Oh, let me introduce to you, these two are my good friends, Xiaolan and Yuanzi, this is Brother Li, and the girl is Xiaolan’s classmate Sera Masumi.

Xiaolan, this is my classmate, you can get to know her."

I introduced him one by one to Ye.

As for the one who looks very similar to Kudo Shinichi, Li Mu and Xiaolan both know him. There is a student in Osaka named Okita Souji, who is a very powerful swordsman.

"By the way, He Ye, tonight’s dinner is at a nearby French restaurant. You can take your classmate there with you. There happens to be room for two people."

Li Mu suddenly said, with a smile in his eyes.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji's expression changed drastically.

Just two positions, and Ye plus her classmates, doesn't it mean that he is gone?

"Wait, Li Mu, there shouldn't be a place for me, right? We are friends, how could there be no place for me?"

Li Mu's mouth twitched.

Hattori Heiji didn't regard him as a friend before, but now he actually came to recognize him as a friend, which makes him feel a little sorry.

"Sorry, Hattori, I forgot to tell you. There are only two seats. Without you, I can only feel sorry for you and not go."

"Okay, which restaurant are you at? I go by my own."

The Pirate's Fate with the Dragon"

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