In the end, Li Mu told Hattori Heiji about the French restaurant.

As for whether Hattori Heiji can go in, that's none of Li Mu's business.

That afternoon, in the French restaurant, Li Mu took Xiaolan's classmates and Ye Ye into the restaurant.

When Li Mu came, he did not bring Hattori Heiji with him.

By the time Hattori Heiji reacted, Li Mu had already entered the restaurant.

"Damn it, this bastard came here secretly without telling me."

Hattori Heiji complained as he walked to the door of the French restaurant.

Just as he was about to go in, a waiter came over

"Sir, I'm sorry, our French restaurant has been booked and no one can enter."

Hattori Heiji:"…………"

Did he hear it wrong? The French restaurant was actually booked.

There are very few people in the world who can afford to book this three-Michelin-starred French restaurant.

And among the people he knew, there was one.

Li Mu.

Among so many people, only Li Mu was able to book the venue.

Moreover, Li Mu also said that he would come over for dinner today, so it is very likely that Li Mu booked the place.

But since Li Mu reserved the place, it meant that he had a seat, but he didn't tell him.

Hattori Heiji was very angry and wanted to break in, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have to ask clearly.

"Excuse me? Do you know the person who booked the venue? Do you remember what that person looked like? Who are all the people who came in to eat?"

"I don’t know who reserved the place, and I didn’t see that person, but it seemed that all the people who came in to eat were young people."

The waiter didn't hide anything, and this matter was not an important matter.

Hattori Heiji's face darkened after hearing this. He still didn't understand why the person who booked the table was Li Mu.

After all, those people sounded like students.

But it was... Because of this, Hattori Heiji was very unhappy. Li Mu clearly had a seat, so he didn't let him pass by.

This guy Li Mu is really a bit hateful.

"Damn it, this bastard dared to lie to me, I will never let him go."

Hattori Heiji cursed carelessly for a long time, and then he realized what he was doing and looked at the waiter.

"Sorry, I know that person. Can you let me in? I'm just late."

The waiter looked at Hattori Heiji with an apology on his face.

"Sorry, the gentleman just said that if some unscrupulous people come pretending to be his friends, they will not be allowed in."

After saying that, the waiter looked at Hattori Heiji carefully.

He now understood that the shady person Li Mu was talking about was the black-skinned boy in front of him.

But he also saw that the black-skinned boy before, He had a bad relationship with Li Mu, so Li Mu wouldn't let him in.

Hattori Heiji's already dark face turned even darker after hearing what the waiter said.

Why did the shady person Li Mu mentioned sound like him.

Unexpectedly He was not allowed to go in, but he had to go in.

Unfortunately, Li Mu had already expected this, so he had arranged many waiters.

After seeing Hattori Heiji's face, these waiters immediately stood in front of the gate and blocked all the ways. Got it

"Sorry, sir, you can't go in."

Hattori Heiji:"……………"

Li Mu had already guessed his feelings and sent so many waiters to wait for him.

As for saying it wasn't arranged by Li Mu, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

After all, which restaurant would have so many waiters standing at the door.

It's not weird just looking at him

"Well, I'll call him now. When the time comes, he will definitely come to greet me personally."

Hattori Heiji snorted coldly, then walked aside and picked up the phone.

Of course, don't get me wrong, Hattori Heiji just called Kazuye, hoping that Kazuye would take him in.

As for Li Mu, he no longer believed that Li Mu would help him..

It was already good that Li Mu could not ignore him.

Upstairs, in a large box, everyone began to taste the French meal.

Some female classmates even picked up their mobile phones, took photos, and posted them on their blog.

Li Mu suddenly felt I felt a little sorry for them.

He seemed to have aroused the love of wealth among these girls. Is there any chance that he could find one or two to support him?

Ahem, he thought too much.

After Li Mu came to his senses, he and Xiaolan next to him, He Ye and others were chatting very happily.


Suddenly, He Ye's cell phone rang.

Just as He Ye was about to answer the call, Li Mu took the phone over.

Although Li Mu didn't see who was calling. Yes, but I have roughly guessed it.

Nine times out of ten, it is that guy.

"Kazuya, it seems to be that guy Hattori Heiji, so don’t answer his phone, who made him not give me a good look just now.

I don’t know, I thought I owed him tens of billions and haven’t paid him back."


He Ye suddenly laughed

"Brother Li, you are really good at joking. How can you owe Heiji tens of billions? I know that Heiji is jealous of you.

Usually when I am at his house, I often hear her mother praising you, so he must be very unhappy."

That's it.

Li Mu understood that it must be Chihao Jinghua who often misses him, so he often praises him and belittles Hattori Heiji. In addition, Li Muhe has a close relationship with Ye, and Hattori Heiji is jealous, so he is even more unhappy with him..

Sure enough, people who are too good are always likely to cause disputes.

"So that’s it, I understand, it seems that I am too good and can’t cover up my excellence, so he is jealous of me.

But in this case, I can't invite him to dinner, otherwise he will think that I am easy to bully and will always look down on me."

"That's right, Brother Li, you are so kind, and people always think you are easy to bully. You should not give in to them normally. Let him realize his mistake this time."

He Ye heard Li Mu's words and immediately stood on Li Mu's side.

Li Mu often gave her a good impression, so as long as it was not too excessive, he thought Li Mu was right.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other Youdao is a fan of the authorities, and bystanders know clearly.

The two of them can be sure that Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu because he was jealous.

But Kazuye didn't know about it.

However, Xiaolan and Sonoko didn't tell it, after all, they were Li Mu's people naturally want to help Li Mu."

After getting He Ye's consent, Li Mu immediately hung up the phone.

Pirates and dragons

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