
Mouri Kogoro just listened for a moment, then completely ignored it and continued to focus on his newspaper.

As for what Li Mu said, he regarded it as a story.

On the contrary, Conan and Sera Masumi shrank their pupils.

Because that black organization was codenamed after wine, what Li Mu was talking about might be about this black organization.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't wait to ask:"Besides this? What else is there? Is there anything important?"

"This is it……"

Li Mu sat on the sofa, closed his eyes, and pretended to be thinking.

In fact, Li Mu didn't feel too happy, he almost couldn't help but want to laugh.

The only one who can do this serious deception is Li Mu.

As he spoke, Li Mu still held back his inner smile, opened his eyes again, and looked at Conan and the others with a smile.

"I can’t remember the specifics, I just remember a few names at the end, the names of foreigners, I completely forgot."

Name, wine.

" Conan touched his chin.

If his guess was correct, this should be a list, recording the names and code names of people from the black organization.

Suddenly, Conan thought of something else. Since Li Mu How could he not know about the black organization when he was in a high position?

Even if he knew the secrets of the black organization, he should still know about the existence of this organization.

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Li Mu suspiciously.

Li Mu naturally knew that Conan was beginning to suspect , but he was very calm on the surface.

Anyway, it was very simple to fool these two guys.

Conan hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his head and looked at Li Mu

"Brother Li, for a company as big as yours, have you ever encountered any difficulties, such as encountering any special terrorist organizations?"

Sera Masaki understood immediately and looked at Li Mu secretly.

After all, for such a huge organization, he didn't believe that Li Mu had no information at all.

"Did you say this? It's not like nothing. In the past, there were often blackmails from some gangs, but things got much better later.

I do remember that our company did encounter many mysterious people, but most of them were spies, so I didn't pay too much attention to them.

After all, in a company as big as mine, it is normal to encounter spies. How could I have headaches every day? Moreover, although these spies are very capable, they are not as good as me. They are all exposed by me. What qualifications do such wastes have for me? Thinking about it."

Besides, Yuanzi also nodded.

"Yes, my father's company also has a lot of commercial espionage. This kind of thing happens all the time, so there's no need to worry."

Conan looked at Li Mu with a look of disdain and thought of Li Mu's character.

It was probably that Li Mu was too confident and didn't take other people seriously, so he didn't know about these black organizations.

He had also doubted Li Mu, but Thinking about it later, if Li Mu was really from the black organization, he would have known his identity a long time ago, and it would be impossible for him to be like this again.

Thinking of this, Conan no longer doubted Li Mu. At the same time, what he said to Li Mu I'm very interested in that list.

"By the way, Brother Li, do you really have a treasure map? Can you give me the treasure map? I'm going to find the treasure."

At this moment, Conan transformed into a child. He looked cute and a little cute.

The reason why Conan did this was to get the treasure map from Li Mu and then find the list.

If he could find that By making a list, you can find the former members of the organization.

Although it has been a long time, but with a rough investigation, you should be able to find some important clues.

Maybe you can also find some living members of the black organization.

Masumi Sera Naturally, she also knew Conan's purpose. Similarly, she was also very interested in this list.

"Conan, I've been bored lately and want to kill time. Why don't we go find treasures together? It just so happens that Li Mu has a treasure map."

Li Mu also knows the purpose of the two of them.

But this is exactly what Li Mu wants to do, use the treasure map to let Conan leave, and then he can do what he wants to do.

Thinking of this, Li Mu pretended to think for a moment

"It’s not impossible, but it’s been too long and I can’t remember it. Wait a minute. I’ll look for it in a few days."


Li Mu has said so. Naturally, they can't let Li Mu go find it right away.

On the other side, Xiaolan also prepared dinner and placed the deliciously fragrant dinner on the dining table.

"Okay, Brother Li, Dad, and everyone, let’s eat."

Li Mu immediately sat aside. Xiaolan and Yuanzi sat next to Li Mu without saying a word.

As for the others, they lived on the other two sides.

Conan looked at Li Mu sitting next to Xiaolan, his face suddenly darkened, and he felt She became unhappy again.

Why could Li Mu sit with Xiaolan, but she could only sit opposite Xiaolan? She was really unhappy.

Li Mu also saw Conan's dissatisfaction and looked at Conan seriously.

"Conan, I found out that you are born in the year of the dog. You fall out whenever you want. Just now you looked like you were licking a dog, but now you are better, like an angry shepherd dog."

Conan's face turned dark instantly. Li Mu was just scolding him.

But considering that Li Mu still had something he needed, he could only force out a smile.

"Brother Li, no, I didn’t do anything, and I’m not angry. By the way, Brother Li, let’s eat. Sister Xiaolan’s cooking is delicious."

Li Mu didn't say anything and continued to eat his dinner.

At the same time, Li Mu stretched out his feet and approached Xiaolan next to him.

Who made Conan not give him a good look just now? Li Mu vowed to teach Conan a lesson and let Conan know that he It's so powerful.

Thinking of this, Li Mu became even more unscrupulous.

Xiaolan was eating when she suddenly sensed something strange about Li Mu. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she quickly picked up the rice, fearing that she would be accidentally discovered by others.

The Pirate and the Dragon: Fate

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