After finishing the dinner, Sera Masumi stood up

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Li Mu, everyone, it’s getting late, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first."

"Then be careful yourself, it’s very dangerous at night"

"Yes, sister Serang, please remember to be careful."

"no problem."

Masumi Sera waved his hand, and then left the Maori Detective Agency.

At this time, there were only a few people left in the entire Maori Detective Agency.

Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu, and finally looked at Sonoko next to him

"Yuanzi, why don't you stay here tonight? It's not good to go back so late."

Yuanzi's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Li Mu secretly.

If he stayed, he could be with Li Mu.

"Well, since you said so, Xiaolan, then I will stay today."

Xiaolan rolled her eyes.

Yuanzi definitely wanted to stay, and she even said that she invited her.

However, Xiaolan didn't expose it.

After hearing what the two said, Li Mu's eyes flickered, thinking whether he should stay..

Li Mu just had a quick storm in his mind, and then decided to stay.

After all, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were both there, so what reason did Li Mu have to leave.

However, it was impossible for Li Mu to say that he would stay on his own initiative, otherwise he would easily be suspected by Conan..Click


Xiaolan was just about to say something to keep Li Mu when the door suddenly opened, and then a person walked in from the outside.

The visitor was none other than Xiaolan’s mother, Concubine Yingli.

Seeing Fei Yingli who suddenly came in, Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and felt very happy.

But on the surface, Mouri Kogoro's face was gloomy and he looked very calm.

"It's you, why are you here?"

Fei Yingli glanced at Mouri Kogoro and felt very disgusted.

If Li Mu hadn't been here and she missed Li Mu, she would never have come to this detective agency.

"It’s nothing, I just missed Xiaolan suddenly, and I came here specially because I was on my way today."

As for the real reason, of course Mu is here.

Not only Xiaolan, but also Sonoko knows about it.

Only Mouri Kogoro is still fooled, and he is very proud of himself. He thinks that Fei Yingli misses him, so he came here specially..

But on the surface, Mouri Kogoro still gave Fei Eri face and did not laugh at Fei Eri.

"Oh, is that so? Then Xiaolan, please chat with your mother for a while and serve your mother some food."


Xiaolan nodded, glanced at Fei Yingli, then walked to the kitchen on the side and brought another bowl of rice.

"Mom, eat more. Only when we are full can we have the strength to chat in the evening."

Fei Yingli's cheeks were slightly red and she gave Xiaolan a roll of her eyes.

This girl actually dared to tease her. If others didn't know, how could she not know what Xiaolan meant.

It was just telling her that as long as she was full, she would be ready for dinner in the evening. Only then did she have the strength to work.

Li Mu also took another look at Xiaolan.

Perhaps because of what happened last time, Xiaolan accepted it in her heart, so she let it go and even dared to tease Fei Yingli.

However, Li Mu didn't say anything. , he needs to recuperate his energy, and tonight, he will go on a killing spree.

Xiaolan and the others will be completely defeated and no one will be left alive. Thinking about it, Li Mu is still a little excited, and there is a faint look on his face. smile

"Brother Li, what's wrong with you? Why are you laughing?"

Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and couldn't help but ask.

Li Mu also reacted. Looking at Conan, he always felt that Conan had some conspiracy.

But to Li Mu, this little difficulty was nothing.

"It's nothing, but it's really funny to think that someone actually ate expired snacks and got food poisoning."

Conan's face turned dark instantly.

Isn't that the person Li Mu was talking about, although this was just an excuse he made.

"Okay, Brother Li, you two don’t have to joke around. I’m going to take a shower first. You can do whatever you want."

Xiao Lan interrupted Li Mu and then walked towards her room.

"Then Xiaolan, I'll go to your room and wait for you first. You can go in after taking a shower."

Fei Yingli passed by Li Mu and secretly glanced at Li Mu while there was no one around, and winked at Li Mu.

Li Mu immediately understood that this was Fei Yingli's invitation to her.

"Then I will go back first. You should go to bed early and don't sleep too late at night."

Li Mu also secretly signaled, and then walked out of the Maori Detective Agency.

But just after leaving, Li Mu used the transparent fruit ability to make himself invisible, and came to Xiaolan's room while others were not paying attention.

Xiaolan After going out, Yuanzi and Fei Yingli also entered the room and waited patiently.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Mu opened the window and pretended to have just jumped out of the window, then walked directly to Fei Yingli and grabbed it with both hands. They caught two people.

Perhaps because Li Mu's movements were too careful, no one noticed. It wasn't until Li Mu caught them that they reacted and were startled.

But after seeing Li Mu, Fei Yingli and Yuanzi He breathed a sigh of relief, and then relied on Li Mu.

A Pirate and a Dragon -

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