In Yuanzi's mansion, after Li Mu arrived, he was led directly to the exercise room by his servants.

As soon as he arrived at the exercise room, Li Mu saw the three Tomokos exercising.

Li Mu glanced at the three of them and his eyes lit up.

Because of the exercise, we are all wearing sports clothes now, which are very tight! body, fully revealing the beautiful figures of the three of them.

Tomoko, in particular, seems to be popping up.

Li Mu couldn't help but take another look.

Tomoko also noticed Li Mu's gaze, her cheeks were slightly red, but she didn't refuse and was still doing exercises.

Yuanzi on the other side was a little jealous. He walked up to Li Mu dissatisfied and stretched out his hand to pinch Li Mu.

"Li Mu, you are serious, can’t you look at me?"

Li Mu stretched out his hand, grabbed Yuanzi, and tapped her on the cheek.

"Okay, don't be jealous, who is it between me and you? No, I came here specifically to find you today."

Although he knew that what Li Mu said was a lie, Yuanzi was still very happy, and his heart was filled with happiness.

At this moment, the door of the exercise room opened, and several people walked in from the outside.

These two people were not others. The people were Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

In addition, there was a servant.

After seeing the servant, Tomoko frowned slightly, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

The servant came in without knocking, and Fortunately, Li Mu is hugging Yuonzi now. If he was hugging her, wouldn't it be exposed?

Tomoko has decided to find an opportunity to fire this servant so as not to accidentally disturb her in the future.

"Okay, you leave first and don’t disturb us later. Also, when you come in next time, be sure to knock on the door."

"Yes, ma'am."

The servant lowered his head, then turned and left.

After Fei Yingli watched the servant leave, she immediately closed the door and locked it. After confirming that no one came in, Fei Yingli walked to Li Mu and took a look at Li Mu and Yuanzi.

"You two, you started this before we even came. This is so inappropriate."

Li Mu smiled.

Ever since Li Mu got together with Fei Yingli and others, Fei Yingli was no longer so shy, and sometimes even so proactive.

Xiaolan understood it more, as if she took it for granted.

"By the way, now that everyone is here, what do you think we will do today? Is it exercise? Or play games? Or exercise?"

The first exercise is naturally yoga and other exercises.

Xiaolan and the others turned red after hearing what Li Mu said.

"Okay, Li Mu, it's only broad daylight now. If you exercise too much, what should we do at night, so we still play games."

Yukiko rolled her eyes and refused directly.

Li Mu thought about it, too. After all, it is broad daylight now, and he is free all day today, so he can put his exercise time into the evening.

But you can still exercise in broad daylight, so that's okay Keep in good shape

"Well, there are a lot of fitness equipment here. How about we run together, do flexibility exercises, and do yoga. What do you think?"

"That's okay, I also plan to do yoga so that I can stay in shape."

Fei Yingli nodded, looking very serious.

Every woman hopes to maintain her figure, and Fei Yingli and the others are no exception.

Not only Fei Yingli, but also Xiaolan and the others, you often do exercise, yoga

"Great, let's do yoga together and I'll help you."

Li Mu raised his lips slightly.

Although Li Mu didn't know how to do yoga, Li Mu did some things to help them do yoga together and took advantage of it.

Xiaolan and the others didn't know what Li Mu was thinking. Although they were very shy, they didn't Refuse.

Just like that, some people walked to the room on the side and changed into the sportswear of Tomoko and the other three.

"Okay, you do yoga and I'll help you."

Xiaolan listened to Li Mu's words, immediately walked to the side, and then started.

The others did not hesitate, stood in a row, and started each other.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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