More than two hours later, in the sports room

"Okay, you are tired too, how about I cook a sumptuous lunch."

Li Mu looked at everyone with a smile.

As soon as they heard about lunch, all their eyes lit up, and a force emerged from their bodies, making them sit up immediately.

"Okay, Li Mu, you go make lunch now"

"That's right, we're already hungry, hurry up"

"Be more prepared. There are so many of us and we don’t cook enough to eat."

When it comes to lunch, everyone has endless aftertaste. Li Mu's cooking makes them feel very excited, and they wish they could eat it every day.

"Well, I will ask someone to deliver the ingredients. When the ingredients are delivered, I will personally cook you a sumptuous lunch."

Li Mu picked up the phone and made the call.

Until today, Li Mu firmly believed in one thing. If you want to capture a woman's heart, you must capture her stomach.

Unfortunately, Li Mu captured their stomach..

Xiaolan and others also became energetic. They sat next to Li Mu and started talking.

Because the customer level was higher, all the ingredients were delivered from the nearby supermarket in less than half an hour.

In the kitchen , six beauties stood next to Li Mu, looking at the ingredients in front of Li Mu with excitement on their faces.

"Li Mu, you bought so many ingredients, are you planning to cook a lot today? Yuanzi asked excitedly.

Others were also very happy.

There are all kinds of meats, as well as a lot of seafood and vegetables.

If all these things are made into lunch, there will be enough to eat at noon today.

Li Mu's head is full The black line flicked Sonoko's forehead lightly.

"Yuanzi, I will make all these ingredients into food, at least until tonight. Do you have the time to wait until then?"

He bought a lot of ingredients, which can at least make more than a hundred dishes. He cooked them all today, which will make him exhausted.

Yuanzi also vomited out his tongue.

It is indeed a bit unrealistic to cook them all with so many ingredients.

"Okay, it's time for me to start preparing lunch."

Li Mu picked up the kitchen knife on one side and began to prepare today's lunch.

"Brother Li, let me help you"

"I'm here to help, too."

Xiaolan and Lingzi came over together and helped Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't refuse. After all, it was almost noon. Someone helped to make it faster.

About an hour later, lunch was ready.

Li Mu just put the lunch on the table. After everyone sat down at the dining table, the others quickly ran over and found a seat.

After everyone sat down, they immediately picked up their chopsticks and sat next to the dining table waiting.

Because Li Mu hadn't come yet, they didn't take the lead.

"Okay, lunch is ready, let’s get started!"

After Li Mu sat down, he picked up the chopsticks, and then began to taste the lunch he made.

The others were not slow to respond. They also picked up the chopsticks, then quickly picked up the dishes and stuffed them into their mouths.

Everyone They ate so fast that it was hard to imagine that these people were usually ladies.

I guess this was the charm of Li Mu's lunch, which most people couldn't resist.

Soon, all the lunch made by Li Mu was eaten, and there was only a little left in the entire rice bowl. Soup.

Everyone looked at the soup in the bowl. Although they wanted to eat it in one go, considering their own face, they still did not do so.

After all, they are also cute girls, so naturally they cannot make such rough food.! Lu's actions.

Not to mention Li Mu, he can eat the dishes he made at any time, although he doesn't need to be so eager.

After lunch, everyone rested for a while, and then sat in the living room and spent the afternoon.

Until At night, after dinner, it was time for everyone's nightlife.

In the room, Li Mu sat alone, and from the luxurious bathroom next to him, the voices of several women laughing and joking could be heard from time to time.

Pirates and Dragons: Fate

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