"It's you?" Conan also recognized Shuichi Akai, who he had met many times.

  Akai Shuichi ignored Conan, looked at the car seriously, and drove in the direction of Li Mu.

  In the back seat, Teacher Judy pointed at Conan and smiled.

  "Xiuyi, he's the smart kid I told you about, what do you think?"

  "It's really smart, but isn't that what it should be?"

  Akai Shuichi looked at Conan with a strange light in his eyes.

  Naturally, he had already investigated Conan, and was very surprised that a middle school student turned into a child.

  Conan also knew that these people knew his identity, but he didn't reveal it, as if others didn't know.

  An hour later.

  Outside the suburbs, Conan looked at his glasses with doubts in his heart.

  "Where is that guy going? Why hasn't it stopped."

  "I don't know, but it might be their secret base. I'm so excited."

  Akai Shuichi was a little excited, maybe he could take this opportunity to find the secret base of the Black Organization, and take revenge for Miyano Akemi by the way.

  Deep down in his heart, he thought that Miyano Akemi was organized and dumped somewhere, this is what he thought.

  He didn't know that Miyano Akemi did not die, but instead fell into Li Mu's arms.

  Conan looked at the excited Akai Shuichi, smiled bitterly, and pointed to his glasses.

  "I don't care about that, I just think that if it's not faster, the battery in my glasses will run out."

  "¨'What? Are you running out of electricity? What do you usually do, don't charge your glasses, or bring spare glasses." Teacher Judy said dissatisfied.

  Conan's head is full of black lines, who would wear a pair of glasses, and they are spare glasses.

  "Okay, don't worry, I'll be there soon."

  Akai Xiuichi still had a smile on his face, he stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the car rushed past as if flying.

  On the other hand, Li Mu put the bug and tracking device on his car on another car, and stopped the car.

  The car is parked in a very good position, just at a corner, you can't see his car if you don't turn the corner.

  And near the corner, the view is wide, and one side is against the sea. The sea is very high. Once Li Mu attacks, Conan must have nowhere to escape.

  After Li Mu stopped the car, he ran to a hidden place in the distance, holding a sniper rifle facing the road.

  In the back, Conan stared at Zi (Nuo's Zhao)ji's glasses, pointed to the front and said, "Turn left in front and follow quickly."

  As soon as Akai Hidey turned the steering wheel, he turned a corner and saw Li Mu's car parked on the road.

  "No, I was fooled."

  Not only Akai Shuichi, but Conan also reacted, he may have been tricked, and now there is an ambush nearby.

  Without saying a word, Akai Hidey quickly stepped on the brakes, and then quickly reversed, trying to retreat.

  "Run, did you run?"

  Li Mu sneered, pulled the trigger gently, and a bullet rushed out, hitting the front tire of the car in the blink of an eye.

  The car slipped and nearly fell off a cliff.

  Akai Xiuyi's expression changed suddenly, and he stepped on the accelerator quickly, trying to rush over from the front.

  Unfortunately, with a loud bang, the Porsche exploded.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1310 The last Youxizi pressed and shocked (three more)

  "Shuichi? What should I do?"

  Teacher Judy was nervous, and it was impossible to step back now.

  If you move forward, the car in front will explode and may be affected.

  Akai Shuichi didn't say a word, just looked ahead silently, stepped on the accelerator hard, ready to rush over.

  Bang bang bang!

  Li Mu pulled the trigger again.

  Because of his arrogance, Li Mu didn't need to aim at all, and after several shots, all of them hit the tires.

  The car slipped and hit a mountain on one side.

  "Quick, get out of the car."

  Akai Hidey shouted, and quickly got out of the car with Conan and Teacher Judy, and hid in a blind spot.

  Of course, it was only relative, if Li Mu really wanted to kill him, he could definitely kill him.

  But Li Mu just wanted to play.

  In the dead end of the mountain, Conan said nervously: "There is no bunker nearby, we can't go out. If such a big thing happens here, the police will definitely come."

  After speaking, Conan also deliberately used the telephoto function of his glasses to keep an eye on the front.

  "Forget it, I won't scare you."

  Li Mu fired a few more shots, frightening the two of them, then jumped into the distance and took out another car.

  It is convenient to have a space ring, and it can put a lot of deck cars or real cars in it.

  After getting out of the car, Li Mu drove to the place where the accident happened and stopped.

  When Conan and the others heard the footsteps in their ears, their expressions suddenly changed.

  "Be careful, someone is coming."

  Akai Shuichi gave a warning, and at the same time took out a gun from his pocket.

  Teacher Zhu Di also took out the gun and looked vigilantly in the direction Li Mu was coming from.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he walked over directly.

  Just as they came over, Akai Shuichi and Teacher Zhu Di pointed guns at Li Mu directly.


  Li Mu's expression changed abruptly after seeing the two pointing at him, he hurriedly ran to the side, and hid behind the car.

  "Wait!" Conan suddenly interrupted Akai Shuichi, uncertain: "Mr. Zhu Di, that one just now, should be Big Brother Li."

  Teacher Zhu Di also saw Li Mu and was also a little unsure.

  "Like, it seems like it's really him?"

  Conan hid in the corner secretly after hearing this, and slowly stuck out his head.

  While paying attention to the mountains in the distance, he also paid attention to where Li Mu was.

  After seeing Li Mu's car, Conan recognized it immediately and said earnestly, "Mr. Zhu Di, that is indeed Big Brother Li, not someone else."

  Teacher Judy breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and quickly hid the gun.

  Although Akai Shuichi didn't speak, he still hid the gun.

  Conan secretly came to Li Mu's side and said softly, "Brother Li, it's me, you don't have to worry."

  Li Mu glanced at Conan next to him and said softly, "Conan, have you been kidnapped? Are those two terrorists? Are they too arrogant?"

  Conan's head was full of black lines, and he didn't say anything, just cautiously said: "Brother Li, someone here is going to attack me, you should be careful yourself."

  Li Mu pretended to glance at the nearby bullet holes, hurriedly walked to his car, and drove away.

  The car parked next to Conan, Li Mu knocked on the door and said, "By the way, my car is a bulletproof car, do you want to leave together?"

  "Then please."

  Conan didn't know what being polite was, and sat directly in the car.

  Needless to say, Akai Shuichi and two also sat in the rear driver's seat.

  While driving in the car, Conan glanced at Li Mu with suspicion in his eyes.

  "Brother Li, why don't you ask me what happened?"

  He also wondered why Li Mu happened to be here, and even thought that Li Mu was a bad person.

  Naturally, Li Mu did this, but Li Mu couldn't admit it.

  "Do you still need to ask? It must be your curiosity, you die outside every day, or the fbi behind you."


  What Conan was going to say, Li Mu took the lead and said: "By the way, Mr. Judy, I remember you didn't get the consent of the police here, right? Your gun, and your companion's gun, shouldn't be smuggled over?

  You said that I handed them over to Officer Mumu, isn't that a very interesting thing. "

  As soon as the words fell, Conan's face changed suddenly, and he quickly smiled flatteringly.

  "Brother Li, Teacher Judy and the others have permission, and that... it's a fake gun, used to scare people."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  "Yes, yes, this is a fake gun, used to scare people." Teacher Judy also explained in a hurry.

  If the police find out, plus what happened last time, they will definitely be sent back to China.

  Li Mu's eyes were fixed on Conan, this sentence is to deceive the children.

  Conan also seemed to know that he couldn't hide Li Mu, and he couldn't say anything, so he could only scratch his head and smirk.

  "Conan, since the gun is fake, how about hitting your head with it, it will be fun."

  Li Mu's smile gave Conan a headache. As for hitting his head with a gun, that's an idiot.

  Conan smirked helplessly and didn't speak.

...... 0

  Naturally, Li Mu couldn't be boring to talk to Conan, and looked ahead seriously.

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