Half an hour later, Li Mu continued to drive in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Conan also noticed this, and quickly asked: "Brother Li, why don't we stop here, we can go back by ourselves."

  "Don't you want me to take you to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

  "No, no need, we will go by ourselves." Conan shook his head quickly.

  Even if they go to the Metropolitan Police Department, at least they have to wait until they dispose of the gun, and then the two of them go to the Metropolitan Police Department together.

  "Okay then, get out of the car."

  Conan and the others got out of the car quickly and walked to the side of the road.

  Li Mu drove away.

  Akai Hideichi watched Li Mu leave, and said with a serious expression, "That guy seems to be very powerful, it's not easy."

  Conan's head is full of black lines, and Li Mu's punch can maim people, and he can still be regarded as an ordinary person.

  I am afraid that Li Mu is the strongest man in the world among the people he knows.

  On the other side, after Li Mu left, he looked at Conan with his car mirror until he could no longer see the two of them.

  After driving like this for a while, I happened to meet Yukiko's villa and stopped quickly.

  Looking at the villa in front of him, Li Mu touched his chin and said, "I was frightened by the fbi today, and I need someone to suppress the fright."

  That's right, Conan frightened himself, and Li Mu used Youxizi to suppress the fright.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world!Door.

Chapter 1311 Bullying Yuxizi (four more)

  After entering the underground garage, Li Mu stopped the car and went directly upstairs.

  As soon as he entered the villa, Li Mu heard the sound of the TV from upstairs.

  Secretly came to the second floor, Li Mu opened the door, and a looming delicate body appeared in front of his eyes.

  In the living room on the second floor, on a sofa, Yukiko was lying on the sofa with her back to herself, watching the TV.

  I saw Yukiko's fart~ The fart was facing him, and the little hand was holding something to eat, twisting from time to time.

  Li Mu sneaked over, put his right hand on Yuxizi's body, and shuffled the cards forcefully.


  Yukiko exclaimed, then jumped up quickly, looking at the back vigilantly.

  After seeing Li Mu, Yuxizi reacted and pushed Li Mu in dissatisfaction.

  "Li Mu, you really are, you almost scared me just now."

  After speaking, Yuxizi turned her head proudly, looking like I was not happy, I was very angry.

  "Okay, don't be angry anymore, come, let's hug."

  20 Li Mu walked over, called Yuxizi, and pulled her onto the sofa.

  Yuxizi's face was a little red, and she leaned on Li Mu's side affectionately. The little bird was very cute.

  After hugging each other for a long time, Yuxizi raised her head and said with a blushing face, "Li Mu, will you accompany me to the mall?"

  "Okay, of course."

  Li Mu walked to the side room and found some scarves and sunglasses.

  After all, in this Tokyo, neither too big nor too small, if you don’t dress up, you might be discovered.

  Not long after, Li Mu changed his makeup and drove away with Yukiko.

  After arriving at the Tokyo Metropolitan Commercial Street again, Yukiko excitedly dragged Li Mu from here to there.

  Although Li Mu felt that he had the 'combat ability' of Xizi, but considering the sexual happiness at night, Li Mu did not refuse.

  After walking around like this all day, Li Mu took Yukiko to the outside of a high-end hotel.

  Just after Li Mu entered the hotel, a person saw Yukiko, and his face changed suddenly.

  This person is none other than Conan.

  Conan had just left the police station with Shuichi Akai and the others, only to meet Yukiko and the others.

  Thinking of his mother with other men, he was very dissatisfied.

  Even if he already knew that Yukiko had separated from Yusaku Kudo.

  "Mr. Judy, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, goodbye."

  Teacher Judy has also investigated Conan, and naturally understands Conan's family situation, and also knows Yukiko.

  "Looks like our little detective is in trouble too."

  Akai Shuichi didn't say anything, and drove away silently.

  On Li Mu's side, after entering the room on the side with Yukiko, Conan ran over.

  In the room, Li Mu felt Conan's voice, and quickly pulled Yukiko into the room.

  In a high-end hotel, the sound insulation is naturally very powerful, Conan couldn't hear anything outside, let alone that he knew that it was Li Mu inside.

  "Yukiko, let's get started."

  Li Mu hugged Youxizi tightly, pulled Youxizi into his arms, and then the two became entangled.

  "Damn, I have to think of a way, it can't go on like this."

  Conan listened for a long time, but didn't hear anything, looked a little unhappy, and quickly picked up the phone.

  Although I can't come in, as long as I make a phone call, it will definitely interrupt Yukiko.

  In the room, Li Mu was holding Yuxizi in his arms.

  Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

  Suddenly, the phone rang for a while, and Youxizi was startled, and quickly picked up the phone.

  After confirming that the phone was his own, Yukiko saw that Conan was calling, and hurriedly connected.

  "Is it Xiaoxin? Do you have anything to do?"

  While speaking, Yukiko's voice was a little hurried.

  Outside, Conan listened to Yukiko's breathing, not knowing what Yukiko was doing.

  The thought of his lovely mother, having fun with others, made Conan very unhappy.

  "Mom, I'm in danger, you must come and help me."

  Inside the room, Yuxizi's expression changed slightly, and he said quickly, "I see, where are you, I'll be right here, you wait."

  "I'm in Mikamacho, Sanchome..."

  Yukiko hurriedly hung up the phone.

  "Li Mu, Xiaoxin has an accident, you and me leave."

  Li Mu's head was full of black lines, and he didn't know Conan's purpose.

  And Li Mu also knew that Conan was here.

  "You Xizi, don't worry about him, your son is peeking outside. I just saw it with my own eyes, and if you go out, I will be seen." Li Mu said directly.

  Youxizi's expression changed, and she puffed up her face and said, "Li Mu, you bastard, you know that Xiaoxin is outside, and you dare to do this, hum.

  Also, Xiaoxin is also true, he actually dared to lie to me and was going to disturb me, I will not let him go. "

  Outside, Conan sneezed, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

  But Conan didn't say much, and looked carefully at the door of the room.

  He also wanted to see who had kidnapped their beautiful mother.

  In the room, Li Mu continued to hug Yukiko tightly, and then leaned on her back.

  "Okay, leave him alone with 373, let's continue, or if you don't believe it, we can go to the gate, you can call and try."

  "Alright then, I'll go outside and have a look."

  Yukiko hurriedly walked out.

  "Wait, don't go like this, I'll take you there."

  Li Mu hugged Youxizi, pulled Youxizi into his arms, and then carried Youxizi to the door of the room.

  Yuxizi blushed slightly, lowered her head shyly, and patted Li Mu lightly.

  "Li... Li Mu, you don't want to go like this, that's not good."

  Li Mu didn't pay attention to this, and continued at the door.

  Seeing that Li Mu didn't speak, Youxizi could only hold back her inner shyness and picked up the phone to dial.

  Outside, Conan's cell phone rang.

  Yukiko heard this voice for the first time, her brows were slightly wrinkled, her little face bulged, and she was a little dissatisfied.

  "Damn, this guy Xiaoxin dares to deceive me, I will definitely teach him a good lesson."

  Outside, Conan shuddered, but when he saw the phone, he still answered the phone.

  After the call was connected, Yuxizi thought of something and said quickly, "Xiaoxin, wait a minute, I'll go right there."

  Conan did not doubt either and hung up directly.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1312 Conan is going to catch the rape again (one more)

  However, after a few minutes, Conan still did not see Yukiko leave the room.

  Conan thought for a while, but picked up the phone and called out again.

  In the room, Yukiko's cell phone rang again.

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