Youxizi looked at the number on the phone, frowning slightly, then looked at Li Mu behind him, and the call was still connected.

  "Xiaoxin, what's the matter? I'm halfway there now, and I'll be there soon."

  This time, Yukiko's voice was not hurried, and there was nothing unusual about it.

  However, Conan was still suspicious. Looking at the door in front of him, he didn't see anyone leaving here.

  "Damn, who the hell is that guy?"

  Conan touched his chin and thought for a while, his face changed suddenly, and his eyes turned to the door in front of him.

  "She must be in here."

  Conan was a little confused at first, but Conan reacted immediately.

  There was no sound of the car on the phone just now, but it was very quiet, not like it was driving.

  In addition, he didn't see Yuxizi going out from here, so he didn't know Yuxizi deceived him.

  At the same time, Conan also knew that he might have been discovered.

  "Wait, I can do this."

  Conan's eyes lit up and he immediately came to the service desk on the first floor.

  "Big sister, my family is in room 1601. I just came out, the door was accidentally closed, and my family couldn't hear it. Could you open the door for me?"

  "Oh, let me see."

  The waiter glanced at Conan, then at the computer, then shook his head.

  "Little brother, you can't joke, it's not good for children to joke."

  "Are... just kidding?" Conan asked in confusion: "What's wrong, big sister, I'm not kidding, I am indeed..."

  "Little brother." The waiter suddenly shouted, dissatisfied: "1601 has just called and said that there is a kid who is making trouble, he told us not to disturb him for two hours, unless there is a major accident"" ."

  "Yes... sorry."

  Seeing that the waiter was angry, Conan ran away quickly.

  After leaving, Conan leaned against the wall dissatisfied.

  He didn't expect Kiko to do things so seriously, and even here has been arranged.

  "It seems that my mother knew about it. Since that's the case, then I'll go outside to monitor."

  In the end, Conan could only use the old method, hiding in a corner to monitor.

  As long as Yuxizi comes out, he will definitely be caught by him, and then he will know who is with Yuxizi.

  An hour later, Li Mu indulged Yuxizi for a while, then hugged her tightly.

  "Youxizi, your son must be peeping outside, do you want to leave?"

  "Of course." Youxizi nodded, but looked at Li Mu worriedly.

  "But what do you do, or leave first, and I'll help you hold him back."

  Youxizi didn't want Li Mu to be discovered either.

  Otherwise, Li Mu's relationship with many girls will definitely be discovered.

  Although she was dissatisfied with Li Mu's flowery heart, she didn't want to have any influence on Li Mu's future.

  "No, you go out first, I can handle this myself."

  As long as Xizi leaves, Li Mu can leave. Anyway, Li Mu can be invisible, so naturally he doesn't need to be afraid.

  "Okay then, I'll go now."

  Yukiko put on her clothes, and left the room openly.

  Conan noticed Yukiko's figure, and instead of following Yukiko, he set his eyes on the door of the room.

  In the room, Li Mu changed into a pure black pair, a black top hat, glasses, and a scarf that wrapped his body.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, I played Conan once during the day, this time, I will play him well too."

  Li Mu turned around in front of the mirror, then turned to open the door and left.

  Outside, Conan waited until the door was opened and Li Mu came out, pretending to follow Li Mu secretly.

  Li Mu directly ignored Conan, picked up the phone, and tapped a mailbox lightly.

  The seven crows, yes, the mailbox that you press is the mailbox of the seven crows, which is the mailbox of the black organization.

  Of course, Li Mu didn't send it out stupidly.

  Conan's face changed suddenly, his body trembled and subconsciously stopped.

  He couldn't forget this email address, it was the email address of the black-clothed organization that made him smaller.

  Shocked for a moment, Conan reacted and quickly followed behind Li Mu and took out a bug.

  "This uncle, your back seems dirty, let me wipe it for you."

  Without saying a word, Li Mu glanced at Conan with sharp eyes.

  A faint murderous aura poured out, and Conan's heart froze, as if his heart was going to stagnate.

  Li Mu frightened Conan, and when the elevator stopped, Li Mu left.

  Conan also relaxed, picked up a bug and started eavesdropping.

  "¨'Gin, it's me, Bourbon."

  Li Mu directly framed Bourbon. Anyway, he has nothing to do with him, so he can be good to him.

  Li Mu casually said a few words, then put the phone away, and said with a gloomy face: "Kudou Shinichi, it's really interesting, since that's the case, then I'll take a look at him."

  As soon as the words fell, Conan's body trembled, and his eyes were full of endless fear.

  Li Mu hurriedly installed the bugging device on other cars, and while no one was there, he quickly disguised himself, and then walked not far from Conan.

  Looking at the fearful Conan in the middle of the road, Li Mu suddenly became interested.

  It is very late now, Xiaolan and the others are probably resting, and they are not sleepy, so they have to pass the time well.

  And people from Conan and fbi (good Li Hao) are the best people to pass the time.

  In the middle of the road, Conan came back to his senses after a long time, resisting the fear in his heart, for fear that he would be too panicked and exaggerated.

  "Damn, why is my mother with those people, and he seems to know my identity, so is he close to my mother on purpose?"

  Conan made up his mind for a moment, thinking that the 'Bourbon' played by Li Mu was close to Yukiko, and the purpose was for him.

  The thought of 'Bourbon' bullying and deceiving her mother so much made him very angry, and he wanted to solve 'Bourbon' immediately.

  But thinking that his identity was exposed, Conan hurriedly called and notified Teacher Judy.

  "Mr. Judy, that's it, I have to ask you again this time."

  Hanging up the phone, Conan stayed where he was and waited.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1313 Dissatisfied Youxizi (two more)

  In a certain room, Conan and Mr. Judy are sitting together, and opposite is also FBI's Akai Shuichi and James.

  The atmosphere in the room was very heavy.

  Even though Conan discovered 'Bourbon', several people did not follow him for fear that the events of the day would repeat themselves.

  Teacher Judy looked at the worried Conan and said quickly, "Don't worry, we have sent someone to watch it, and nothing will happen."

  "Well, I see."

  Conan nodded and meditated silently, feeling very restless in his heart.

  Now Conan's mind is full of Xiaolan's figure, and he can't wave it away.

  Especially when I just learned about Bourbon's information from here, my heart is even heavier.

  He knew that Bourbon was a character not inferior to gin, so he was naturally more worried.

  Before the terrifying Bourbon appeared, he was already feared by Conan and others.

  On Li Mu's side, after secretly leaving, he picked up Youxizi in a car and sent it back to her home.

  In the room, Youxizi and Li Mu embraced each other, leaning on Li Mu intimately.

  "Li Mu, you got rid of Xiaoxin, will he come over, what if he comes to monitor here?"

  She knows her son well, and once she finds out, she will definitely investigate it clearly.

  Now Conan might be watching him from outside the villa.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he gently pinched Yukiko's face.

  "Don't worry, he won't come. I've sent him away, pretending to be a member of the organization in black, and led Conan away."

  Having been with Yukiko for so long, Li Mu knew about Conan, and she didn't care.

  But after a while, Yuxizi's expression changed slightly, and he sat on Li Mu's body, hitting Li Mu's arm with his little hand.

  "Li Mu, you really are, that organization is so dangerous, why did you let Xiaoxin go there?"

  Yuxizi always hoped that Conan would be stable and let Li Mu's men help with the investigation.

  It turned out that it was good, Li Mu actually sent Conan to investigate the black organization.

  "Don't worry, I'm just posing as someone from that organization. He's going to investigate an ordinary person with FBI now, don't worry."

  As Li Mu explained, he put one hand on Yuxizi's body and gently kneaded it.

  A certain part of Yukiko was immediately deformed, and her face became crimson, looking extremely shy.

  "Okay, I'm blaming you, don't be angry."

  Li Mu hugged Youxizi, pulled Youxizi into his arms, and at the same time held Youxizi.

  "I'm not angry, but shouldn't you console me, my young mind."

  Yuxizi's face turned slightly red, her head rested on Li Mu's body, and she said affectionately, "Then, I will be with Fei Yingli tomorrow, what do you think?"

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