Li Mu's eyes lit up, and the two of them flew together, which seemed to be a very good choice.

  Think a little excited.

  "Okay, since that's the case, then I'm welcome, and I'll call Yingri over when I have time."

  "Hmph, I knew you were so bad."

  Yuxizi snorted coldly and turned her head arrogantly.

  Li Mu grabbed Yuxizi, turned her around, hugged her from behind, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


  The next day, Li Mu got up, tidied up his clothes, and then came to the Maori Detective Agency.

  In the office, Kogoro Mouri held a horse betting roll in his hand and watched the TV excitedly.

  "Zhong, you must, God, you have to protect me, this pitiful person."

  But after a while, Maori Kogoro grimaced, apparently not winning the bet.

  Li Mu walked over and said with a smile: "What's the matter, Detective Maori, why are you sighing so much, it's not that you didn't win the bet, it's nothing."

  Anyway, Maori Kogoro often plays this, and he has never hit it, so he doesn't need to care at all.

  Maori Kogoro's face darkened, he sighed and said, "But I'm almost out of food, and if I don't make money, I'm going to drink the northwest wind this month."

  "Dad, it's not because you bet too hard on horses, and this situation will only happen now."

  On one side, Xiao Lan complained dissatisfiedly.

  "Xiao Lan, I'm not doing this for your own good. As long as I can make money, I can buy you delicious food."

  Mouri Kogoro explained, and then set his eyes on Li Mu.

· · 0 flowers 0 · ·

  "Li Mu, you are so rich that you can't spend it in your life, or I'll spend it for you."

  Li Mu had a dark face, although the system provided a large company, but if Maori Kogoro came to spend, he would definitely go bankrupt.

  The only difference is estimated to be a matter of time.

  Xiaolan was also very embarrassed after hearing this, and said shyly: "Dad, what do you mean, how can you say that, Brother Li is his money."

  "It doesn't matter, just sell you to him. You don't mind anyway, and I don't mind either."

  Xiaolan's face turned red with a swipe, she hurriedly ran to Kogoro Mouri, and covered his mouth with her hand.

  "Brother Li, don't listen to him, he's joking."

... 0

  Li Mu didn't speak, just silently pointed at Maori Kogoro.

  "If you don't put him down again, he will die immediately."

  "Ah, sorry."

  Xiaolan reacted and quickly put down the blushing Maori Kogoro.

  If he didn't put it down quickly, maybe Mouri Kogoro would really die at the hands of his daughter.

  After Maori Kogoro calmed down, he said happily, "That's great, I thought I was done, but I didn't expect that I could still be alive."

  ding dong... ding dong...

  Outside, the doorbell rang, then the door of the detective office opened, and a blind woman walked in.

  The woman was in her forties, leaning on a cane in her hand, followed by a bespectacled housekeeper.


  Xiaolan immediately walked over with a smile on her face.

  "Hello, my name is Ms. Zhuangtang. I'm here this time. I want to ask Maori detectives to help me investigate something."

  Mouri Kogoro immediately tidied up, and then sat on the main seat.

  "Ms. Zhuangtang, you can leave it to me, and I will help you solve any problems."

  "That's it, Maori detective, not long ago, I got a lottery ticket of [-] million yen, I wanted to give it to the person who saved my life, but two people appeared, I hope Maori detective can find out who really saved my life My life."

  As soon as the words fell, Mauri Kogoro was stunned.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world!two.

Chapter 1314 Serial Murder Case (Three Updates)

  "One... one hundred million yen?"

  Mouri Kogoro and the others exclaimed.

  Especially Mouri Kogoro, his eyes lit up.

  He has been worrying about living expenses recently, and there is actually [-] million yen here.

  Mouri Kogoro didn't even think about it, he pointed directly at his arm and said, "I also have a scar here, can I get away with it."


  Xiaolan blushed and shouted in dissatisfaction.

  Although she knew that Kogoro Mouri was joking, it was still too embarrassing, and she was embarrassed to stay.

  Ms. Zhuang Tang covered her mouth and smiled, and said indifferently: "Maori detective really likes to joke, by the way, do you accept my commission?"

  "of course."

  Mouri Kogoro agreed without hesitation. After all, he has not had a task for a long time. If he does not accept the commission, he will starve to death.

  An hour later, everyone came to Ms. Zhuang Tang's mansion.

  There are other people in the mansion at the moment, all of them are two self-proclaimed saviors of Ms. Zhuangtang.

  But only one of the two is true, or one of them is not.

  After arriving here, Li Mu said, "Ms. Zhuangtang, when will we see those two people?"

  When Ms. Zhuang Tang heard Li Mu's voice, she was obviously taken aback.

  "This gentleman, who are you?"

  Li Mu: "..."

  After being in love for so long, this Madam Zhuangtang didn't notice herself.

  The housekeeper said quickly, "Miss, this is Mr. Li Mu. He is a detective no less than a Maori detective."

  Miss Zhuangtang also reacted and said quickly, "So that's the case. I didn't expect there are two famous detectives. It seems that I don't need to worry."

  Li Mu clearly noticed that the housekeeper on the side was also a little fortunate.

  But Li Mu didn't care about him, and said directly: "Ms. Zhuangtang, you can tell us about you and your first love later. Mr. Butler can watch over those two people outside."

  "Okay, I see, I'll trouble the two detectives later."

  Ms. Zhuang Tang nodded, then gestured to the housekeeper.

  The housekeeper immediately understood and walked to the gate, watching like a bodyguard.

  "It's like this, that was about thirty years ago, when I..."

  In the next hour, Ms. Zhuang Tang, Li Mu and others talked for a long time, just listening to her tell stories.

  After a long time, Ms. Zhuang Tang came back to her senses, looked at Li Mu and the others and said, "What do you think, two detectives."

  Li Mu nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, I think this is such a perfect love story, I should write it into a book for everyone to admire."

  "That's right, Big Brother Li, it's very touching." Xiaolan also touched the scene and sighed with emotion.


  He just said something, Xiaolan was so emotional.

  However, Ms. Zhuang Tang didn't understand the meaning of the words, she touched her head and said, "Yeah, I still recall that incident. By the way, two detectives, what do you have in mind?"

  "Is this? Can I ask those two people, maybe I'll know the answer by then." Mouri Kogoro said with a face.

  Instead, Li Mu touched his chin, and then looked at Ms. Zhuang Tang meaningfully.

  "Actually, I think as long as I prepare a supper for the two of them, a supper with red ginger, I'll know when the time comes."

  Conan's pupils shrank, the clues in his mind quickly turned around, and he immediately understood.

  Ms. Zhuang Tang was also stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Mu with a smile on her face.

  "I see. Since it was Detective Li's order, I will send someone to prepare it. In that case, I will leave first and leave the rest to the two of you."

  "By the way, Ms. Zhuang Si, let me ask you a question, does your housekeeper have a scar on his body?"

  Li Mu already knew what Ms. Zhuangtang was thinking, and naturally she also knew that Ms. Zhuangtang knew about it.

  And since Ms. Zhuangtang knew who rescued her, she must be someone by her side.

  Then this person can only be one person, that is, the housekeeper who has been with Ms. Zhuang Tang all the time.

  The corners of Ms. Zhuangtang's mouth rose, and she left without looking back.

  "Then, Detective Li, I'll leave it to you."

  Conan looked at the housekeeper not far away, and immediately knew who Ms. Zhuangtang was looking for.

  At the same time, Conan was also very unhappy, why did Li Mu actually take a step ahead of him and know the answer.

  "Li Mu, don't you know who this person is?"

  Maori Kogoro looked at Lin Fei with a serious look, and his expression seemed to be guarding against Li Mu.

  Before Li Mu said anything, Maori Xiaowulang secretly said: "Li Mu, you are already so rich, why don't you want to fight me for business?"

  He was almost unable to open the pot. If Li Mu grabbed his job, he could only go begging.

  "Don't worry, I won't take a job with you."

  Li Mu comforted Maori Kogoro.

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