As soon as she came in, Xiao Lan looked at Li Mu shyly, she was extremely shy and lowered her head unconsciously.

  At the same time, Ms. Zhuang Tang and others, including the two who came to defraud, came in together.

  After everyone came in together, Mr. Butler came in with some sushi in his hand.

  Li Mu stepped forward, took the sushi, and said to the crowd, "Everyone, let's have dinner together, by the way, Mr. Butler came together, it's interesting for everyone to eat together."

  Although Ms. Zhuang Tang couldn't see Li Mu, Li Mu's voice was very warm, which made her very relieved.

  Without any hesitation, everyone opened the sushi and tasted it together.

  While eating, Li Mu looked at the crowd.

  After a while, the corners of Li Mu's mouth rose.

  On the other side, while eating alone, he said, "Very good, as expected of natural seafood, it is very delicious."

  "No, it's not natural seafood, it's artificially farmed, you shouldn't be fake, right?"

  "Nonsense, you are the fake, so leave me obediently."

  The two quarreled for a while, then looked at Li Mu.

  "This detective, what about you? What do you think, which of us is the real one."

  Li Mule was happy and looked at the two with a smile on his face.

  "When did you guys leave that scar?"

  "Probably the first grade of elementary school." The two said together.

  "First grade?" Li Mu pointed to the two of them and said, "In first grade, the scar should only be about fifteen centimeters long, and the scar will not grow, which means that you are not that person."

  The expressions of the two changed, obviously they did not expect this, or their knowledge reserve was not high.

  "This... I was very fat at that time, so the wound was so long." One person explained forcefully.

  "Fat? Forgot to tell you, Ms. Zhuang Tang's first love was not so fat when she was a child, how could it be you."

  "This one……"

  The two of them faltered and couldn't say a word.

  In any way, neither of them had anything to do with Madam Zhuangtang's first love.

  Seeing that the two were speechless, Li Mu turned to look at the housekeeper on the side.

  "Mr. Butler, if I guess correctly, that person is actually you, right?"

  The housekeeper trembled slightly, but did not speak.

  "The so-called curry boy actually means that the person likes to eat red ginger, right, the housekeeper who has been eating red ginger.

  By the way, I forgot to tell you, Ms. Zhuang Tang knows everything and has been waiting for you. Are you sure you won't go, or I will tell her. "

  Mr. Butler did not speak, silently pondered.

  After a long time, Mr. Butler nodded and said, "I see. Since that's the case, I'll go and tell them in person."

  "Hahaha, I'm sorry, then I'll leave first."

  The two deceived people smiled awkwardly and were about to leave.

  However, before the two left, they were stopped by Officer Muki and Chief Matsumoto.

  "Everyone, I'm a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department, please don't leave in a hurry."

  "Police?" A person's face changed suddenly, and he said quickly, "Mr. police officer, is this necessary? We have nothing to do, there is no need for this."

  Officer Mumu ignored the speaker and walked towards the other person.

  "Sir, I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder. Come with me."


  After taking the suspect away, Li Mu and others came to the Metropolitan Police Department together.

  Outside a room of the Metropolitan Police Department, a group of police officers were standing outside, listening patiently.

  After a long time, after saying hello, Officer Mu Mu looked at Li Mu and said, "Mr. Li, how is it, do you think he is the murderer?"

  Li Mu looked at the policeman, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but there is one point, we should investigate it, so that's fine."

  "Well, just investigate."


  After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu stood in the underground parking lot, and Miwako and Yumi stood aside.

  "By the way, Li Mu, don't you really know? Don't you know who the murderer is?"

  "I know some, I know the relationship of these victims, but I'm not sure, so I need you to investigate."

  "Got it? Do you really know?" Miwako said excitedly.

  "Of course, but?" Li Mu suddenly stopped and pointed to his cheek.

  Miwako blushed slightly and looked shyly at Yumi.

  "Li Mu, do you really want to do this? Maybe next time, it's inconvenient now."

  Yumi snickered and turned her head to the side.

  "Okay, I don't want to see if you can, you better hurry up, so that you can solve the case earlier."


  Miwako was coy and shy.

  Seeing that Mei and Zi were missing, Li Mu shook his head helplessly.

  "Well, since that's the case, then I'll leave first, bye."

  "Oh, wait."

  Miwako suddenly stopped Li Mu, then walked to Li Mu's side and gave Yumi a shy look.

  Yumi kept looking at Miwako secretly, and when she saw Miwako's gaze turned, she quickly turned to the side.


  Miwako nodded quickly, and then said dissatisfiedly: "Okay, it's alright now, tell me this clue quickly."

  Li Mu touched his cheek and muttered to himself, "This is not bad, there is still a little fragrance."

  "Okay, don't you hurry up and say, when do you want to wait?"

  "Okay, I see."

  Li Mu didn't waste any time, and said directly: "I read the information just now, although they are not related, but they may be a club of a chess and card room or a baseball club, you can investigate their family members.

  It's better to ask if they were out a lot on a day, or what they said during that time, and I can tell which club they belong to. "

  "Okay, I'll go right now."

  Miwako's head flashed, and she turned around and left.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world!Second.

Chapter 1317 Miwako almost found out (two more)

  Li Mu watched Mi Kazuko leave, and hurriedly pulled Yumi on the side and entered his car.

  Yumi blushed, as if thinking of something, her cheeks turned red, and she looked very cute.

  "Li Mu, I still have to go to work now, is that okay? If police officer Mumu finds out, I will be scolded."

  "It doesn't matter, you just say go to investigate with me, no one will say anything, and, based on my relationship with Officer Mumu, he will say something."

  Li Mu reached out and squeezed Yumi's face, with a bright smile on his face.

  Yumi thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be the case. Li Mu and Officer Mumu had a very good relationship. As long as they didn't get caught, it didn't matter.

  Seeing that Yumi did not refuse, Li Mu drove away.

  Thirty minutes later, Li Mu parked the car next to an apartment.

  "Yumi, is this your apartment?"

  Yumi didn't speak, got out of the car silently, then took Li Mu's arm and walked into the apartment.

  "Li Mu, my apartment is too bad. I don't agree with your identity. You are 20, shouldn't you give me another house?"

  "Of course, as long as it is your request, I will agree to you."

  Li Mu went around Yumei with one hand, placed it on Yumei's waist, and held it tightly.

  Yumei's body trembled and leaned against Li Mu gently.

  After arriving at a certain floor, Yumi opened the room and dragged Li Mu into the room.

  As soon as he entered the room, Li Mu hugged Yumi.

  I don't know how long it took, when Li Muzheng and Yumi were happy like gods, the phone rang.

  Yumi picked it up without hesitation and answered the phone.

  "Miwako, what are you calling?"

  "Yu...Yumi?" Mi Kazuko on the other side was stunned and asked in surprise, "Yumi, where's Li Mu? Isn't this Li Mu's cell phone?"

  Yumi was stunned, and quickly looked at the phone.

  This is Li Mu's cell phone, because the notes are all about Miwako, so Yumi subconsciously thought it was her cell phone.

  Li Mu reacted instantly, grabbed the phone quickly, and complained, "Yumi, don't grab my phone."

  Yumi immediately understood, and cooperated: "It doesn't matter, I can answer the phone for you."

  Although Miwako was a little suspicious of Li Mu, she still said: "Li Mu, I have already investigated. These people are all out on Saturdays, and they often say some strange things, such as..."

  Hearing these words, Li Mu subconsciously stopped, and then lay on the side.

  Yumei quickly walked to Li Mu's side and sat down directly.

  After thinking for a while, Li Mu said to himself: "They should be playing mahjong, those words are also mahjong terms, you can go to the mahjong hall and ask, and the words on the deceased should be southeast, northwest. "

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