"That's right, it should be like this. I'm going to inform the police officer Mumu and investigate the mahjong hall here by the way."

  Miwako directly believed Li Mu.

  "Wait, Miwako." Li Mu interrupted Miwako and said quickly, "Miwako, investigate the mahjong parlor near the victim, the mahjong parlor for the past [-] years."

  "okay, I get it."

  After Li Mu hung up the phone, he threw the phone aside and hugged Yumi tightly.

  A few minutes later, Li Muxiang hugged Yumi and lay down on the sofa to rest.

  Until the next day, when the sky was bright, Yumei turned on the phone and looked at the information on the phone, her face changed suddenly.

  "Oops, I actually slept until the next day. I didn't ask for leave with Officer Mumu yesterday. I'm finished today."

  Li Mu was awakened by Yumi and pulled her shoulders.

  "Okay, then I will say that you and I will investigate the case together, and Officer Mumu will give me a face."

  "Okay, I'll listen to you."

  Yumi leaned on Li Mu's vicious body, and after a long time, she got dressed and left the apartment.

  After Yumi left, Li Mu also secretly left.


  After coming to the Metropolitan Police Department again, as soon as Miwako saw Li Mu, she quickly walked to Li Mu's side and smelled Li Mu's body.

  Li Mu looked at Miwako's expression, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  He took a bath after 'stealing the sun', how could he leave any smell.

  Sure enough, what happened to Miwako for a long time, she didn't smell anything, so she didn't care about it.

  "Okay, Li Mu, come with me, Officer Mu Mu has been waiting for you for a long time."

  Although Miwako didn't smell anything, she still didn't give Li Mu a good look.

  He just used the back of his head to face Li Mu.

  Li Mu didn't care, he secretly stretched out a hand, put it on Miwako's face, and pressed it lightly.

  Miwako's body trembled, and she quickly patted Li Mu's hand away.

  "Li Mu, don't be here, this is the Metropolitan Police Department, you will be seen."

  "It doesn't matter, there are no other people here anyway, and there is no monitoring equipment, don't worry."

  Not only did Li Mu not stop, but he passed through Miwako's short skirt.

  Two seconds later, Li Mu withdrew his hand and sighed.

  "Hey, Miwako, why don't you wear safety pants? It's too tasteless."

  It's hard to imagine that such a cute Miwako actually wears safety pants, the worst invention in the human world.

  Meihezi blushed and said angrily, "Li Mu, you are true, what 283 clothes I wear, it's none of your business."

  "Okay, we're leaving."

  Li Mu directly pulled Miwako, who was angry and embarrassed, and hurriedly pulled her away.

  Miwako was not angry either, so she had to follow Miwako.

  After coming to a conference room, Li Mu saw Officer Mumu and others sitting here.

  In the crowd, Maori Kogoro also sat in the middle.

  No wonder Li Mu saw Conan outside.

  As soon as Li Mu arrived, Officer Mu Mu said quickly, "Mr. Li, thank you for coming. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to find these clues."

  "It's okay, I'm a good friend of the Metropolitan Police Department."

  Li Mu patted the murderous chamber, turned serious, and then sat down on the stool beside him.

  After sitting down, Officer Mumu told the important clues of these cases.

  Just as the police officer was talking, the door outside suddenly opened, and a policeman ran in.

  "Officer Mumu, Mr. Pingdong, who played mahjong with the victim, was killed by the same person."

  "What? We're leaving now."

  Officer Mu Mu's expression changed, and he ignored the conference room and left with the police.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1318 Simple case solving, Miwako's reward (three more)

  Ryoji Hirado, a well-known criminal psychologist, was killed in his home.

  Before that, Ryoji Hirado used to provoke others on the Internet because he was a serial killer and didn't trust others.

  Now that he was slaughtered by others, it was considered arrogant, and he was finally killed by others.

  This incident tells us that it is better not to be too arrogant, or we will not know how we died in the future.

  When the police arrived, an investigation began.

  In the room, Kogoro Mouri looked at Ryoji Hirato's body and said first, "Officer Mumu, I already understand that he was also killed by a serial killer."

  "Well, that should be the case. After all, our police did not announce that there was any text on the victim's body." Officer Mumu nodded.

  Li Mu looked at the corpse, frowned slightly, stepped forward, pulled the corpse of Hei Dong Ryoji away, and looked at it carefully.

  Officer Mu Mu also noticed Lin Fei's abnormality and quickly asked, "Mr. Li, how is it, is there anything abnormal about this corpse?"

  "Of course, it's very abnormal." Li Mu pointed at the body of the deceased and said, "Officer Mumu, on the computer, what do these two keyboards 533 mean?"

  "What do you mean? Well, I don't know much about computers."

  Li Mu: "..."

  Also, the time period in this world is still very early, and there are still very few people who understand computers.

  Miwako took a step forward, looked at it, nodded and said, "This is the meaning of copying in the computer."

  "That's right, it's copying." Li Mu nodded, and then said, "This is the meaning of copying, that is, copying the meaning of killing someone else, and the deceased has obvious scars, which are covered by this new scar. already."

  "Really? Let me see?"

  Officer Mu Mu hurriedly took a step forward and looked at it carefully.

  Although the deceased was covered in blood, there was indeed a scar left behind.

  "Yes, but what does that mean?"

  Li Mu covered his head speechlessly. Officer Mumu sometimes had a stiff head, which he didn't understand.

  Helpless, Li Mu had to explain: "This scar, if I guessed correctly, was left by Chief Matsumoto, so he left a secret code, this person is a copy murder, which means (cabh), a serial murder case. The killer is dead."

  This time, Officer Mumu understood.

  "I see, what you mean is that Ryoji Heidong was the serial killer, and that it was another person who killed Ryoji Heidong."

  "That's right, and this person should have known or heard Ryoji Hirado's voice, and was a family member of the deceased. After all, only the family members of the deceased know the situation of the deceased."

  Li Mu said again.

  "I see." Officer Mumu came to his senses and turned to look at the other officers.

  "Okay, everyone, then investigate, who is the last murderer."

  In the end, Officer Mumu found the murderer from previous clues and arrested him.

  And Li Mu, of course, followed the police car to the Metropolitan Police Department.


  In the underground parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu leaned against a red car and waited patiently.

  I don't know how long it took, the sound of a series of high heels came.

  Turning his head to look, he saw Miwako coming happily.

  Seeing that there was no one around, Li Mu quickly hid behind the wall on one side, waiting for Miwako to arrive.

  After Miwako came over, Li Mu suddenly dodged, hugged Miwako from behind, and grabbed the place where Miwako was about to come out.

  "Damn, who is it?"

  Miwako bent down slightly, grabbed Li Mu, and was about to throw Li Mu over the shoulder and throw Li Mu away.

  Li Mu quickly dodged Miwako's attack, turned her around, and pressed her against the underground stone pillar.

  "Miwako, it's me, don't worry."

  Meihezi breathed a sigh of relief, and then shyly said: "Li Mu, you really are, how can you do this, what should you do if someone else sees it?"

  "Okay, stop talking, let's go."

  Li Mu pulled Miwako into her car.

  Miwako did not refuse, drove the car, and left the Metropolitan Police Department together.

  After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Miwako asked, "Li Mu, where should we go now?"

  "Where, of course it's the hot spring. Didn't you say you want to go to the hot spring? In that case, let's go together."

  While speaking, Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but glance at Miwako.

  Miwako was looked at by Li Mu like this, as if she had been seen, and she was extremely shy.

  "Li... Li Mu, when did I say I want to go to the hot spring with you, don't talk nonsense."

  "Really? Are you sure?" Li Mu put a hand on Miwako's body and squeezed gently.

  "If you don't go, I can only get back what belongs to me here."

  Miwako's face flushed, and she thought about Li Mu and her in the car, her cheeks were extremely tender and flushed.

  "Well, isn't it the hot spring? I'll take you there."


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