This is not the smell of perfume, but the fresh air, coupled with the unique fragrance of prosecutors in Kujo.

  That's body fragrance.

  Li Mu sniffed lightly, then sat on the sofa beside him.

  Prosecutor Jiutiao walked into the kitchen, took out a glass of wine from the wine rack, and walked to Li Mu's side.

  "Mr. Li, this is the wine I brought from abroad last time. Would you like to try it?"

  "Okay, okay, I just want to taste foreign wines too."

  Li Mu looked at Prosecutor Jiutiao and thought of what Yumei said last time.

  But the last time Yumi failed, and the price was that she accidentally put herself in.

  I just don't know if the nine prosecutors will accidentally put themselves in this time.

  Thinking about it, Li Mu was still a little excited.

  Seeing Li Mu drinking, the nine prosecutors began to hand Li Mu cup after cup.

  Li Mu was open to anyone who came, and he also handed a drink to the nine prosecutors.

  However, Li Mu drank a lot, and Prosecutor Jiutiao didn't pay much attention to this, thinking that he could drink Li Mu down.

  As a result, twenty minutes later, Prosecutor Jiutiao leaned beside Li Mu drunk, and put his small hand on Li Mu's body.

  "Li Mu, can you tell me, your relationship with Feiyingli, I always thought you were abnormal, how could she ask you for help?"

  Sure enough, a woman's intuition is always very powerful. He and Fei Yingli hide so deeply that they can be discovered.

  You know, Mouri Kogoro knew that Fei Yingri had a problem, but he never guessed who that person was.

  If he had guessed, it is estimated that Maori Kogoro would have come over and threw Li Mu ten or eight over the shoulder, although it was Mauri Kogoro who was beaten down in the end.

  Although Li Mu sighed in his heart, he still explained on the surface: "No, there is nothing between us. It's just that Xiaolan asked me to help, so I will help.. 0"

  While speaking, Li Mu lowered his head and looked at the nine prosecutors in his arms.

  That touch of snow white appeared in his eyes.

  Li Mu wiped his nose, then looked straight into the distance.

  Prosecutor Jiutiao also noticed this, and suddenly got up, sat on Li Mu's body, and hugged Li Mu with both hands.

  "Li Mu, tell me, I won't tell Fei Yingli, absolutely not."

  If Li Mu believed her, he would be an idiot, and how could such a thing be said, let alone let everyone else know.

  "Prosecutor Jiutiao, don't talk about it, you are drunk, I'll take you to rest."

  Li Mu hugged Prosecutor Jiutiao, sent her to her room, and took off her shoes for her.

  After doing all this, Li Mu turned around and wanted to leave.

  Prosecutor Jiutiao looked at Li Mu who was about to leave, drunkenness flooded into his mind, he sat up subconsciously, stretched out his hand, and pulled Li Mu forcefully.

  Although this force was not big to Li Mu, Li Mu fell down and fell on Prosecutor Jiutiao.


  This was Li Mu's first impression of Prosecutor Jiujiao. It was hard to imagine that Prosecutor Jiujiao could actually be comparable to Concubine Yingri.

  Not only in the workplace, both of them are very powerful characters, and even the 3.9 figure is the same.

  huh huh...

  Prosecutor Kujo was also numb, and then his entire brain was covered with alcohol.

  "It's so hot, why is it so hot."

  Li Mu looked at Prosecutor Jiujo, who was already a little drunk, and leaned on her gently.

  Prosecutor Jiutiao looked at Li Mu with red eyes, and stretched out a hand around Li Mu's neck.

  Li Mu naturally couldn't be so reserved when there were beautiful women in his arms, he was not the Liuxia Hui who was sitting in his arms.

  Li Mu even hugged the nine prosecutors without hesitation, then pulled up the quilt to cover himself and her.

  For a time, the two were entangled together, and several clothes were kicked out of the quilt.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1326 The dazed nine Reiko (three more)

  The next day, when the sun rose, Li Mu had already woken up, but he still hugged Jiujio Lingzi's tender body.

  Not long after, Reiko Jiujo also woke up, looking at Li Mu who was holding her beside her, she was stunned.

  Reiko Kujo quickly pushed Li Mu away and picked up the quilt to cover her Naruo!The looming delicate ~ body.

  "You...what have you done to me, how are we doing this, I...I have to sue you for being a strong girl, and you can go to jail."

  Li Mu picked up the clothes next to him and said while wearing it, "If you want to sue, you can sue, but don't forget, yesterday I drank several times as much as you did, and it was you who gave me alcohol, even if you want to sue, I'm also telling you."

  Reiko Jiujo was also stunned, yes, he was the one who got Li Mu drunk yesterday, even if it was a strong girl, it was her strong girl Li Mu.

  Thinking of this, Reiko Kujo felt very regretful. What kind of ecstasy did she take yesterday to invite Li Mu.

  Although she was speechless, Reiko Kujo couldn't do anything about it. Whoever made this happen was her fault.

  If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

  "You go, don't stay, I don't want to see you again."

  Li Mu didn't say anything, put on his clothes, and left a business card.

  "If you have any trouble in the future, remember to find me, and I will definitely help you."

  After speaking, Li Mu left.

  Reiko Kujo clenched Li Mu's business card and wanted to throw it away, but for some reason, she ended up staying.

  After Li Mu left Reiko Kujo's apartment, he found his car and drove away.


  Concubine Law Firm, after Li Mu drove, he came to Concubine Law Firm.

  When Li Mu arrived, Xiaolan and Conan had been waiting here for a long time.

  "Lawyer Concubine, Xiao Lan, why don't you go to the court, it seems that the court will be held soon~¨."

  "What's wrong? Li Mu, don't you know? The court sent a message today that Prosecutor Jiutiao is ill and postponed until tomorrow." Fei Yingli asked with some doubts.

  "Sick?" Li Mu remembered. Although Reiko Jiujo was a little old, she was well maintained.

  Most importantly, it seemed that it was the first time that Reiko Jiujo had been tormented by Li Mu all night, and naturally she didn't have the strength to appear in court.

  "Li Mu, don't worry, Conan found fingerprints in that vase yesterday, I think that's the fingerprints of the real murderer.

  And I have already investigated, this fingerprint is not of Iwamatsu Shiro, that is to say, Iwamatsu Shiro is not the real murderer. "

  Concubine Yingli thought Li Mu was worried, and told Li Mu the good news she got.

  "Oh, I see. Since there is no court session, let's go to dinner."


  On the other side, Reiko Kujo sat on the bed, ignoring the plum blossom mark on one side, and hugged her knees with both hands.

  Just like that, Reiko Kujo was silent for a long time without saying a word, looking like a dead person.

  After a long time, Reiko Kujo put on clothes and cleaned up her room.


  The next day, after Li Mu and Fei Yingri arrived at the courthouse, they happened to meet Reiko Kujo.

  Thinking about the high-spirited Reiko Kujo yesterday, today's Reiko has lost a lot of weight, but the light in her eyes is even sharper.

  Reiko Jiujo also saw Li Mu, and without saying hello, entered the court on her own.

  Although Feiyingli was curious, she didn't disturb her when she saw that Reiko Kujo seemed to be in a bad mood.

  In the court, the judges had been waiting for a long time, and those jurors also sat in their seats.

  Both Fei Yingri and Kujo Reiko returned to their positions, waiting for the trial.

  "Everyone, this case is open for trial."

  With the judge's order, the battle between Reiko Kujo and Fei Yingri began.

  Fortunately, Reiko Kujo didn't seem to be hit by yesterday's incident, but was very sharp.

  It seems that all the unpleasantness of giving Li Mu to her must be vented to Fei Yingli.

  Fortunately, Concubine Yingri is also very powerful. Not only is she not afraid, but she argues with Reiko Kujo in a lively way.

  After arguing for a long time, Feiyingri looked at the judge and said, "Your Majesty, I have another piece of evidence here to prove that the murderer is not Shiro Iwamatsu."


  Reiko Kujo thought of something and turned to look at Li Mu who was on the side.

  Li Mu noticed Reiko Kujo's gaze and nodded to her.


  Jiujo Lingzi snorted coldly, without giving Li Mu any face, she turned her head arrogantly, without even looking at Li Mu.

  "Prosecutor, what do you mean?"

  "Your Majesty, I also want to see the new evidence from the concubine's lawyer."

  Seeing that Reiko Kujo didn't refuse, the judge looked at Fei Yingri.

  "¨'Lawyer Concubine, your evidence can be presented."

  As soon as he finished speaking, a man walked in with a vase in his arms.

  Looking at this vase, the deceased's brother-in-law suddenly felt a little nervous.

  Fei Yingli pointed at the vase and said, "Your Majesty, this is the vase of the deceased's house. It was once used by the deceased to hide weapons and gloves, and was temporarily brought home by the nanny.

  Of course, this is not the main evidence. The main evidence is that the murderer actually left his own fingerprints in this vase.

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