So I applied to investigate the person who matched the fingerprints, not only the defendant Iwamatsu Shiro, but also all the relatives and servants of the deceased. "

  As soon as the words fell, the deceased's brother-in-law's body softened, and he fell paralyzed on his seat, his eyes lost his expression.

  This action of the murderer also attracted Fei Yingli's attention.

  Fei Yingli raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it seems that you don't need this trouble (for the money), the murderer seems to have come out by himself."

  The judge also looked at the man and asked, "Excuse me, do you have anything to say?"

  The murderer was silent for a moment, and then said ruthlessly: "It's all his fault. If it wasn't for that greedy man who wanted my sister's place to stay, I wouldn't want to kill him. It's all his fault."

  Don't investigate now, it is absolutely certain that this person is the murderer.

  As for the reason, Li Mu and the others did not dare to be interested.

  After he finished explaining the reason, the police took the murderer away.

  Outside the court, Reiko Kujo walked over and said with fighting intent: "Attorney Concubine, Mr. Li, next time I will be very lucky, and I won't continue to lose to you."

  After finishing speaking, Jiujo Reiko glanced at Li Mu with sharp eyes, turned and left.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1327 Going to Xiaolan in front of Concubine Ying Li (fourth more)

  Fei Yingli looked at Reiko Kujo who was leaving, and looked at Li Mu in confusion.

  "Li... Mr. Li, have you provoked the nine prosecutors?"

  Concubine Yingli almost called Li Mu just now, but fortunately she reacted, and Xiaolan was still here.

  "Oh, nothing, I just didn't tell her about the case, so she got angry." Li Mu said casually.

  She couldn't tell Fei Yingri that he took advantage of his drinking and went straight to Reiko Kujo.

  Fei Yingli didn't think too much, nodded and said, "I see, then let's go back, go to my house, I happen to have vegetables in my house?"

  "Mom, go to your house?" Xiaolan looked bitter and hesitated: "Mom, shouldn't you cook by yourself?"

  Conan's face was also dark, Fei Yingli's dish, it was just poison, how could it be possible to speak.

  Not to mention Li Mu, his nose is more sensitive than anyone else's.

  Feiyingli looked at Xiaolan's expression and said dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter, can't you come to my house? Isn't the food I cook delicious?"

  "No no no, how is this possible, we'll go tonight."

  Xiaolan smiled quickly, but this smile looked a bit bitter.

  "Don't worry, isn't it the concubine's lawyer's dinner? It must be delicious." Li Muyi said righteously.

  Fei Yingli glanced at Li Mu, and was still very moved. Last time, Li Mu ate her food, even if it was unpalatable.

  Fortunately, Fei Yingli also knew that her cooking was terrible, and immediately said: "Okay, let's leave dinner to Xiaolan tonight, you and Li Mu can cook it together."

  "Okay, I'll go and call Dad with me."

  Xiaolan had a flash of inspiration, thinking of matching the two in her heart.

  Feiyingli also understood what she was thinking, but it was not easy to refuse, so she nodded and agreed.

  Li Mu frowned when he heard that Maori Kogoro was coming over, but thinking about it again, it seemed that he could get Maori Kogoro drunk.

  And Li Mu can also get the concubine Yingri in front of Maori Kogoro, which is still very exciting.


  After a while, Li Mu and the others came to Fei Yingli's house.

  "Xiao Lan, let's cook together, I'll treat you to something delicious."

  Xiaolan nodded, followed behind Li Mu, and entered the kitchen.

  "Brother Li, come and cook, and I'll cut the vegetables for you."

  Xiaolan also knew that Li Mu's craftsmanship was very good, so she wanted to give Li Mu the chance to take charge.

  "Okay, leave it to me."

  Li Mu brought the spoon over, then put his hand on Xiao Lan's fart and squeezed it hard.

  Xiaolan blushed, Mei Mu glanced at Li Mu, and bowed her head shyly.

  Beside the kitchen, Fei Yingli noticed Li Mu's movements, looked at Li Mu one more time, and waved at Li Mu.

  Li Mu walked over, looked at Conan who was watching TV, and hugged Fei Yingri hard.

  "Eri, what's wrong, are you jealous?"

  Fei Yingli gently pushed Li Mu away and said shyly, "Let go of me, Conan Xiaolan is here, don't let them find out."

  "okay, I get it."

  Li Mu ordered Fei Yingli and walked into the kitchen on the side.

  Not long after, Mouri Kogoro also came and appeared in front of Fei Yingri in full costume.

  It's a pity that Concubine Yingri already has a heart, and it's impossible to take a fancy to Kogoro Mori.


  Mouri Kogoro saw that Concubine Yingri didn't even look at him, snorted coldly, and sat on the sofa beside him in dissatisfaction.

  Seeing that Kogoro Mouri was unhappy, Conan quickly distanced himself so as not to become a punching bag.

  More than ten minutes later, at the dining table, Li Mu took out a bottle of wine and placed it in front of Maori Kogoro.

  "Detective Maori, do you want to drink?"

  "Okay, let's have a bar together."

  As soon as Maori Kogoro saw the wine, his eyes straightened, and he quickly picked up the wine glass to drink.

  As soon as he drank, Maori Kogoro couldn't restrain himself, and drank his wine in big gulps.

  Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro who started drinking, the corners of his mouth rose, and a smile appeared on his face.

  It won't be long before Maori Kogoro is expected to be drunk, and he won't know what Li Mu does by then.

  The only thing that is a drag is Conan.

  Li Mu looked at Conan, who was eating, and hurriedly walked to the kitchen and took the added drink.

  "Conan, have a drink."

  Although Conan didn't like Li Mu a little, he didn't doubt Li Mu, he took the drink and took a sip.

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  After drinking it, Conan touched his forehead in a daze.

  "Sister Xiaolan, let me rest."

  After finishing speaking, Conan left, and Mouri Kogoro was also drunk and fell on the sofa beside him.

  "Okay, let's go and rest."

  While Li Mu was clearing the plates on the table, Xiao Lan and the two did not hesitate and walked into the room on the side.

  In the middle of the night, Mouri Kogoro and Conan fell asleep, while Xiaolan and Feiyingri slept together in the room.

  Li Mu sneaked into the room and came to Xiaolan's side.

  Looking at Xiaolan and Feiyingli in front of him, Li Mu hesitated for a while, but approached Xiaolan anyway.


  Anyway, Feiyingli has already accepted Li Mu and Xiaolan, so it doesn't matter even if she goes to Xiaolan in front of Feiyingli now.

  I was afraid that Xiaolan would find out when she was on the concubine Yingli, and then it would be over.

  After Li Mu approached Xiaolan, he gently pulled Xiaolan's quilt, pressed it on Xiaolan's body, and then pulled Xiaolan's pajamas.

  Xiaolan was suddenly startled and reached out to hit Li Mu, but was caught by Li Mu.

  Li Mu quickly grabbed Xiaolan and said softly, "Xiaolan, it's me, don't be afraid."

  "Li... Big brother Li, it's you, why are you here, go out quickly, it's not good to be seen by my mother."

  "It's okay, don't worry about it, the concubine's lawyer can't be found."

  Li Mu smiled, grabbed Xiaolan's clothes, and pulled it gently, revealing the snow-white inside Xiaolan's body.

  On one side, Fei Yingli had already woken up, looking at Li Mu who was on the side, she couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

  Actually, in the middle of the night, next to her, she had sex with her daughter.

  Concubine Yingli could not wait to teach Li Mu a lesson immediately, to see if Li Mu would dare to do such a thing in front of him in the future.

  Li Mu ignored Xiaolan's struggle and pulled Xiaolan hard.

  And Xiaolan was also afraid of being discovered, so she didn't dare to struggle too hard.

  In this way, Xiaolan finally did not resist Li Mu, and Li Mu quickly removed all the clothes from her body.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world![-] million.

Chapter 1328 Concubine Yingli in the presence of Maori (one more)

  In one room, Fei Yingli hid under a quilt and listened with her ears pricked up.

  Next to Fei Yingli, Li Mu hugged Xiaolan without caring about Fei Yingli.

  And Xiaolan's body kept swaying, and her hands kept covering her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound.

  I don't know how long it took, Li Mu grabbed Xiaolan, and then clinged to Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan leaned on Li Mu, her eyes were tightly closed, and her breathing was a little heavy.

  "Xiao Lan, how are you, are you still tired now?"

  Li Mu looked at Xiaolan with concern and helped her up.

  Xiaolan lay in Li Mu's arms, and patted Li Mu with her right hand, feeling a little dissatisfied.

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