"Brother Li, you are really here. What if you are seen by my mother?"

  On the other hand, Fei Yingli couldn't help but glanced at "[-]" Xiaolan.

  I'm afraid this silly girl still doesn't know that she and Li Mu have already seen them doing this kind of thing.

  Xiaolan also didn't know this, and she was so happy that she was lying in Li Mu's arms.

  Li Mu took a peek at Fei Yingli next to him, and pulled Xiaolan into his arms with all his strength.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, are you tired? I'll get you something to drink. Don't be tired."

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu secretly left, then took a cup of hot water, added ingredients to it, and placed it in front of Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan didn't doubt Li Mu either, she picked up the water and drank it.

  After three seconds, Xiao Lan fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

  Li Mu walked to Fei Yingli's side, hugged Fei Yingli directly, and pressed her on top of her.

  Feiyingli was in a hurry and said quickly: "Li Mu, what are you doing, Xiaolan is still here, what should I do if I see it."

  "It's okay, don't worry, Xiaolan won't find out. I'll give her some sleeping pills, she won't be able to wake up temporarily."

  "That's good, it scared me to death."

  Fei Yingli patted the murderous chamber and breathed a sigh of relief.

  But after a while, Fei Yingli reacted and pinched Li Mu in dissatisfaction.

  "You give Xiaolan medicine, you are not allowed to do this in the future."

  "Okay, but you still follow me now, I miss you very much."

  Li Mu suddenly picked up Fei Yingri, came to the sofa, and sat opposite Mouri Kogoro, reaching out and doing whatever he wanted on Fei Yingri.

  Concubine Yingri blushed and turned to look at Kogoro Mouri next to him.

  "Li Mu, are you crazy? Here, aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

  Concubine Yingli never imagined that Li Mu was so crazy and wanted to do this kind of thing in front of her husband.

  "It doesn't matter, he has already been drunk by me. It is impossible to wake up today, so don't worry."

  Li Mu turned around Feiyingli, made Feiyingli turn his back to him, and pressed him from behind.

  Concubine Yingli was only wearing pajamas, so Li Mu was very convenient.

  "Li... Li Mu, you..."

  Although Feiyingli struggled, she was held down by Lin Fei, and she was attacked by Lin Fei from time to time.


  After a long time, Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and stared at Li Mu dissatisfied with her beautiful eyes.

  "Li Mu, you really are, why did you do this just now, and what if you are discovered."

  "Well, if there's nothing wrong, he certainly won't be able to find out."

  Li Mu comforted Concubine Yingli.

  He had been paying attention to Maori Kogoro just now, for fear that Maori Kogoro would be discovered.

  After all, he didn't intend to let Mouri Kogoro find out about his relationship with Concubine Eri.

  Otherwise, when Xiaolan finds out, there will be a touch of sadness in the future.

  Fei Yingli just complained about Li Mu, and didn't care too much about it.

  "Okay, Li Mu, I'm going back. It will be bad if Xiaogoro finds out."

  "Okay, then you can go."

  Li Mu slapped Fei Yingli hard, Fei Yingli's face flushed, Mei Mu glared at Li Mu, and then left.

  Watching Concubine Yingri leave, Li Mu looked at Kogoro Mouri, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Maori detective, I will take care of your wife, and I will take care of your daughter, so don't worry about it."

  Fortunately, Kogoro Maori is still drunk, otherwise he would have gone wild with anger.

  Li Mu didn't stay for a long time, he sorted out the place, and then lay down on the sofa beside him.


  The next morning, Xiao Lan woke up and wiped her eyes... 0

  Beside her, Feiyingli was also wearing clothes calmly.

  Xiaolan glanced at Fei Yingli, then looked around her, full of worry.

  "Mom, what did you hear yesterday? Or did you find something unusual?"

  "What happened yesterday? Why didn't I know."

  Feiyingli pretended not to know, of course, she actually knew everything, but she just pretended not to know.

  "Oh, nothing."

  Xiao Lan quickly shook her head, but she breathed a sigh of relief.

  She was really afraid that Fei Yingli would see this kind of thing, and it would be hard to say at that time.

  In fact, she didn't know, but Fei Yingli saw this with her own eyes.

  "Okay, let's go out, I'll trouble you for breakfast today."

  Concubine Yingli left the room and happened to meet Li Mu at the door of the room.

  Taking advantage of no one around, Li Mu pulled Fei Yingli into his arms and kissed it hard.

  After the kiss, Li Mu immediately let go of Fei Yingli, for fear of being discovered by Xiaolan.

  "Damn, you really are."

  Feiyingli let out a coquettish sound, then walked coyly to the bathroom on the side.

  Not long after, Xiao Lan walked out of the room.

  As soon as he came out, Li Mu hugged Xiaolan and gently picked her up.

  "How is it, Xiaolan, does lawyer Fei know what happened to me and you last night?"

  Xiao Lan's face instantly turned red, and her small hand 4.5 slapped Li Mu's ferocity in dissatisfaction, and turned her head arrogantly.

  "Hmph, Big Brother Li, you're so bad, I'm ignoring you."

  "Really, am I bad? Then don't blame me for bullying people."

  Li Mu put his hands on Xiaolan's waist and scratched lightly.

  Xiaolan laughed, her hands kept struggling, and her body kept twisting and moving.

  After teasing for a while, Li Mu let go of the young lady and pinched Xiaolan's face.

  "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to dinner, I'll treat you to something good."

  Li Mu walked to the kitchen on the side, picked up the kitchen knife, turned on the stove, and cooked a rich and delicious breakfast for everyone.

  After eating, everyone separated.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1329 Vibration in the car ~ movement (two more)

  On this day, Li Mu had just arrived at the Maori Detective Agency when he saw an unexpected person.

  Hattori Heiji.

  Hattori Heiji also saw Li Mu's unexpected expression and said dissatisfiedly, "Why, can't I be here?"

  Li Mu didn't even look at Hattori Heiji, and entered the office directly.

  "Damn, this guy dares to ignore me." Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth.

  On the other hand, Conan smiled awkwardly.

  "It's useless, Hattori, the more you get angry with him, the more angry you will be."

  Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu, reached out and picked up Conan's clothes.

  "Hey, Kudo, how's it going, how many cases have you solved this month, how about him?"

  "Me? I've solved five cases. As for him..." Conan looked at Li Mu and said with a bitter face, "Although he is less than me, he solves cases much faster, and he doesn't like solving cases."

  Although Conan disliked Li Mu very much, he still had to admit that Li Mu was much better than him.

  Hattori Heiji also had a bitter face, very unhappy.

  Being compared by anyone is better than being compared by Li Mu.

  In the office, after Li Mu entered, He Ye found Li Mu and hurried over.

  "Brother Li, we're going to Canfu's house to solve the case today, do you want to go with us?"

  Li Mu looked at Xiaolan, who had expectations in his eyes, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together, it just so happens that I plan to travel too."

  On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro said with a bitter face, "Let's go together, that doesn't mean I'm going too."

  "Dad, what's wrong, we can go play together."

  "Okay, okay, I promise." Maori Kogoro reluctantly agreed.


  In the morning, I didn't know what Conan and Hattori Heiji were doing, so I had to leave in the afternoon.

  In the afternoon, outside the Maori Detective Office, Maori Kogoro got into Li Mu's car first and occupied the driver's seat.

  "Okay, let me drive the car today ¨ˇ."

  Li Mu didn't say anything, just sat up.

  Xiaolan and Ye also sat in the rear driver's seat, next to Li Mu.

  The remaining Conan and Hattori Heiji's expressions changed slightly, and looked at Li Mu jealously.

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