Hattori Heiji wanted to say something, but he ended up sitting in the passenger seat.

  "Sister Xiaolan, I also want to sit in the back."

  Conan wanted to rely on the child's figure to sit in the back, but let alone Li Mu, even Hattori Heiji would not agree.

  Hattori Heiji even grabbed Conan and pulled it directly into the passenger seat.

  "Okay, don't squeeze in the back, just sit with me, I have enough space here."

  "Damn, Hattori this guy."

  Conan glared at Hattori Heiji dissatisfied with the dead fish eyes.

  Hattori Heiji not only didn't care, but hugged Conan tightly and didn't let him leave.

  Not long after, the car drove away, and along the way, Li Mu relied on Xiaolan and the two of them, and from time to time had a close contact with them.

  In the front, Hattori Heiji and the two saw Li Mu in the rearview mirror, and they were so jealous that they wanted to replace Li Mu.

  Li Mu felt the jealous eyes of the two, and put one hand on Xiaolan's big tui and the other on He Ye.

  Both of them were wearing shorts, so Li Mu came across their clean-white big tui and soft-tender skin.

  For a while, Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan both blushed and bowed their heads in embarrassment.

  Hattori Heiji and the two in front seemed to have noticed the abnormality, and quickly turned their heads to look at Li Mu.

  It's a pity that Li Mu was very responsive and had already taken his hand back, but Hattori and Heiji didn't see anything.

  When the two of them turned around, Li Mu's hand was placed on He Ye and Xiaolan's body again, stroking up and down from time to time.

  He Ye both blushed by Li Mu.

  After a long time, the sun was about to go down, Li Mu sensed the cliff ahead, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

  "Detective Maori, I remember there's a cliff ahead, do you still want to drive there?"

  "What? A cliff?"

  Mouri Kogoro's face was hot, he hurriedly stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped immediately.

  After stopping, the car was just one meter in front of the cliff, and a little later, Kogoro Mouri would drive down.

  Behind, a motorcycle rushed over and looked at Li Mu and the others with joy.

  "Great, you are all fine, I was just about to remind you, but you are too fast."

  Mouri Kogoro was just about to complain, but when he saw that the person who came was a beautiful woman, he immediately forgot about it.

  "It's alright, we have nothing, and it's just thanks to you, if it weren't for you, we'd be doomed."

  On the other hand, Hattori Heiji gave Mouri Kogoro a look of contempt.

  I was still complaining just now, but now that I saw the beautiful woman, I forgot the troubles just now.

  However, Hattori Heiji set his eyes on the cliff to one side again, reached out and touched his chin and thought.

  In the rear driver's seat, Li Mu looked at the two who got out of the car, leaned against the window, put one hand under He Ye's short skirt, and then slowly moved up.

  He Ye's face flushed, and he quickly grabbed Li Mu's hand, and then secretly glanced at Hattori Heiji outside.

  "' 々 Brother Li, don't do this, it's too embarrassing."

  Li Mu ignored He Ye, put his hand inside, and gently buckled and moved it a few times.

  He Ye's body suddenly softened, and he was paralyzed in the back seat.

  Xiaolan on the side looked at Li Mu and Ye, her face flushed, and she was also a little shy inside.

  Brother Li is also true.

  Xiaolan couldn't want it, Li Mu was so courageous.

  It didn't take long for Maori Kogoro to sit in the driver's seat of the car.

(Get Zhao) Li Mu also quickly withdrew his hand, pretending that nothing happened.

  "Okay, this beautiful lady happens to be from the Inufu family, so let's go with her."

  "It doesn't matter, just follow them."

  Li Mu didn't care where he went, anyway, his purpose was to spend the spring night with Xiaolan and Ye.

  As for the Inufu family's curse and the murder, it had nothing to do with him.

  "Alright then, let's go together now, let's go with the lovely Miss Kouki."

  Mouri Kogoro waved his hand happily, then reversed the car and drove away from the cliff with Mouri Kogoro.

  It didn't take long for Maori Kogoro to drive to an ancient castle nearby.

  A modern and very luxurious house.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1330 Carrying Hattori Heiji Chaos (Three More)

  When they arrived at Inufu's house, Li Mu and others entered the room with Miss Kouki.

  As soon as I entered the gate, a dog ran over and barked, which sounded a little annoying.

  "So cute, this dog is so cute."

  "Yeah, it's so cute."

  Xiaolan and Ye looked at the barking puppy with joy in their eyes.

  Li Mu stood beside He Ye and stared at the puppy in front of him with sharp eyes.

  The puppy who was yelling was startled and left in a hurry.

  "Hey, what happened to Xiao Ba, why did he leave in fear?" Miss Xing Ji asked inexplicably.

  "Maybe it's something you're afraid of."

  The door opened, and a woman who looked older came out.

  After the woman came out, she introduced herself: "Everyone, my name is Inufu Kaozi, and I belong to the Inufu family. Are you supposed to be Mr. Criminal Police? What are you doing here? Didn't the previous police come to say it was an accident?"

  "That detective?" Li Mu suddenly thought of the territory here, and said with a dark face, "Are you sure the detective's words are credible?"

  "What's wrong, what's wrong with the detective here?" Hattori Heiji wondered.

  Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji, then turned his head and said, "You only need to know that this is the territory of Gunma County."

  Site in Gunma Prefecture.

  Mouri Kogoro and Conan's faces changed, and they thought of the idiot face of Police Officer Nakamura.

  They understood, no wonder Li Mu said that, it's no wonder that Officer Nakamura can solve the case.

  While talking, everyone entered the room.

  After arriving at Inufu's house, Li Mu met everyone from Inufu's house, including Miss Xing Ji, Miss Kaozi, and others.

  In a living room, Mr. Xing Ji looked at everyone and said, "Several, or I will tell you the history of our Inufu family, maybe you can know something."

  "Okay, since that's the case, let's talk about it." Hattori Heiji said with interest.

  Without saying a word, Li Mu sat behind He Ye, put one hand in He Ye's short skirt, and gently stretched it in.

  He Ye blushed, but pretended to be calm, pretending that nothing happened.

  After a long time, Miss Xing Ji finished telling the story, looked at Li Mu and the others and said, "How about I show you guys, maybe you can find something?"

  "Okay, let's go take a look now."

  Hattori Heiji stood up first, and then entered the car with Kogoro Mouri.

  Li Mu and Xiaolan were also very close behind, and left the Inufu house in the car together.

  Not long after, at the foot of a cliff, Hattori Heiji got off the car and was about to leave, but Li Mu had no plans to leave.

  "Li Mu, aren't you going there?" He Ye asked curiously.

  "No, I don't plan to go there today. After all, there might be a magic dog."

  "Magic dog?" He Ye's face changed and his body stiffened.

  "Xiao Lan, why don't we just stay here if we don't go?"

  "Yeah, I think we'll stay here."

  Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan were taken aback and didn't even dare to get out of the car.

  "Well, whatever you want, since you want to stay, then stay."

  Hattori Heiji glanced at the three of them, and finally left.

  Maybe he didn't believe what Li Mu would do to He Ye at this time.

  After Li Mu watched Hattori Heiji leave, the corners of his mouth rose, and he put one arm around He Ye and the other around Xiao Lan.

  He Ye and Ye were hugged by Lin Fei, their faces turned red, and they bowed their heads shyly.

  "Brother Li, you are really, how can you do this, what if you are found out." He Ye suddenly complained.

  Xiaolan also seemed to be sympathetic to each other, and complained with the same dissatisfaction: "Yes, Big Brother Li is really bad, you know that, and always do things that are easy to be discovered."

  After speaking, the two looked at each other and then looked at Li Mu at the same time.

  Li Mu smiled and tapped both of them' faces at the same time.

  "Okay, what does it matter, you are my woman, and I will naturally spoil you well."

  Looking at Ye Xiaolan and the two of them, Li Mu's heart was also a little smug.

  Thanks to his own charm, otherwise, although he could catch up with Xiaolan or He Ye, it would be impossible to get them both.

  Thanks to these, even if Li Mu chased so many lovely girls at once, he would not be afraid of the Shura Field.

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  And Xiaolan and Ye were dealt with by Li Mu in this way, even if Li Mu would do anything with Ye now, the other was the most shy, but would not be jealous.

  Xiaolan and Ye were extremely shy in their hearts, lying shyly on Li Mu's shoulders.

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