Li Mu looked at the shy He Ye, hugged He Ye, and let He Ye lie on the side of the window, while he leaned on her back.

  He Ye was in a hurry and said quickly, "Li... Big brother Li, what are you doing here? Don't hurry up and get out of the way for me. If someone else finds out, then... what will I do in the future?"

  "It doesn't matter, they won't find out, absolutely not."


  Li Mu hugged He Ye, and placed both hands on He Ye's body, moving up and down constantly.

  Of course, Li Mu was only doing things with his hands and feet, and he didn't do much abnormal things.

  The pitiful Hattori Heiji didn't know yet that the woman he liked was being bullied by Li Mu constantly.

  And he was still there to investigate the case of some magic dog.

  Just as Li Mu kept doing whatever he wanted, there was a sudden loud noise.

  He Ye was startled and quickly pushed Li Mu away, then quickly tidied up his clothes, and buttoned the Zhao~Zhao that was untied by Li Mu.

  Then He Ye straightened his messy hair and said with a blushing face: "Brother Li, something seems to have happened there, let's go and see."

  "Okay." Li Mu nodded, then patted Xiaolan, who was shy and dazed next to him, and said softly, "Okay, Xiaolan, let's go, do you stay here or go with me."

  "Ah..." Xiaolan exclaimed, then blushed: "Brother Li, I'd better leave with you and see what happened there."

  After speaking, Xiao Lan quickly patted her blushing face, then opened the car door, took a step ahead of Li Mu, and left quickly.

  Li Mu looked at the shy Xiaolan and couldn't help shaking his head.

  "Okay, He Ye, let's go."

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1331 Bathing with He Ye (four more)

  Under the cliff, next to a grave, Hattori Heiji and the two looked at the person who fell, and under the leadership of Miss Yukihime, they hurried up.

  Only Kogoro Mouri was left watching the falling man.

  Not long after, Li Mu, Xiaolan and others arrived one after another.

  "Detective Maori, what happened? What happened to her?"

  "She fell from above, and she said something like a magic dog."

  "What? Demon dog?"

  Xiaolan and Ye shouted, and then leaned on Li Mu's body, their bodies still trembling slightly.

  Li Mu darkened his face and patted the two of them lightly.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, Heye, don't be afraid, someone must have done it in secret."

  "Yes, I think so too, Xiaolan, don't worry about it." Kogoro Mouri agreed.

  Li Mu and others waited for a long time, and the ambulance came directly to take the injured away, and then Li Mu and others left.

  Returning to the Inufu family again, Hattori Heiji launched an investigation into the matter.

  Li Mu directly ignored this, and here with Ye Xiaolan, how could Li Mu investigate those boring things.

20 After asking for a long time, neither Hattori Heiji nor Conan asked any useful information, let alone anything related to the case.

  In the end, Officer Nakamura also came, which made the case even more tortuous and bizarre.

  In particular, the police officer Nakamura thought that this was a ghost, and it lowered Li Mu's lower limit for the police officer's approval.

  To be so stupid is not something ordinary people can do.

  "Wait, do you mean round beads? We seem to have seen it too, right over the cemetery."

  He Ye suddenly opened his mouth when he heard the crowd discussing round things.

  "Yeah, I saw it too." Xiaolan nodded.

  "What? Did you see it?" Hattori Heiji exclaimed, then dissatisfied: "Since you saw it, why didn't you tell us."

  "However, we all thought it was a tribute, so we didn't say it." He Ye said aggrieved.

  Li Mu looked at the aggrieved He Ye and quickly patted her on the shoulder.

  "Okay, He Ye, not everyone respects the dead like you do."

  "I don't respect the dead?" Hattori Heiji stared at Li Mu dissatisfied with a black line on his head.

  "Okay, Hattori, let's investigate."

  Conan tugged on Hattori Heiji's sleeve and said softly.

  Hattori Heiji hesitated for a moment, then glared at Li Mu, then dragged Conan away.

  "Officer Nakamura, let's go, let's go there and see what we might find."


  Officer Nakamura nodded subconsciously, then reacted and complained dissatisfiedly: "Don't order me, okay, I'm the police officer."

  Unfortunately, Hattori Heiji didn't listen to him at all and left.

  Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji and the others who were leaving, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  After they left, they could be with Ye Xiaolan and themselves, and they didn't have to worry about being discovered.

  Think about being a little excited now.

  After thinking for a while, Li Mu walked to He Ye's side and whispered something in He Ye's ear.

  After speaking, He Ye's face flushed red.

  Although Xiao Lan didn't know what Li Mu said, it must be about something bad, and she was also shy in her heart.

  Li Mu didn't wait for Heye to answer, and dragged Heye to Xiaolan's side.

  "Xiao Lan, let's go with Ye."

  Although Xiao Lan didn't know anything, she still followed behind Li Mu.

  Li Mu dragged Ye and He to the bathroom where the hot water was heated, and then started dragging his clothes off on his own.

  Xiaolan blushed, and she didn't know what Li Mu's idea was, and her body felt a little numb.

  "Li... Brother Li, we won't be together, right? It's not good. There are many people here."

  "Yeah, Brother Li, either we go home and take a bath together. You can do whatever you want then."

  During the conversation, He Ye's cheeks became very cute, and the shy expression on Li Mu's heart was a little itchy.

  Hattori Heiji, and Ye I'm welcome.

  Without saying a word, Li Mu directly picked up He Ye and entered the bathroom.

  Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan were also ready to resist, but the resistance was not strong, and in the end Li Mu failed to resist.

  In the steaming hot water, Li Mu took a bath and lay down in the hot bath, wrapping his arms around He Ye.

  Although He Ye and Ye were shy, they still leaned on Li Mu's vicious chest and touched Li Mu with their small hands.

  After a while like this, Li Mu's hand kept moving, and he placed it on He Ye's body, moving from here to there.

  For a time, He Ye's foreheads were hot, their faces were extremely flushed, and their hands were stiff. They didn't know what to do.

  After a while, He Ye was paralyzed on Li Mu's body and could no longer resist Li Mu.

  Li Mu smiled and hugged He Ye.

  He Ye supported the wall with one hand and said shyly, "Brother Li, hurry up, don't be discovered by others, or I don't know what to say to others."

  On the other hand, Xiao Lan lowered her head shyly, not daring to raise her head, and 320 did not dare to stare at Li Mu.

  The whole person is curled up in the water, only one head is exposed.

  It's a pity that no matter how much she hides herself, it will be Xiaolan's turn after she ends with Ye.

  ... .......

  After an unknown amount of time, Li Mu wiped his head with a towel and slowly left the bathroom with a refreshing expression on his face.

  Inside, Xiao Lan and Ye were lying weakly together, their foreheads were covered in hot sweat, and one hand was on their forehead.

  Not long after Li Mu left, Hattori and Heiji returned.

  As soon as he came back, Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu who had just taken a shower, frowning slightly.

  He and Conan went out to investigate the case hard, and Li Mu was so happy to take a bath.

  "Hey, shouldn't you be taking a bath for so long? Why don't you investigate today's case?"

  "What's there to investigate, anyway, the murderer is that person, and I'm very happy."

  Yes, very happy.

  Hattori Heiji and the two went to investigate the case, Li Muhe and Ye discussed life together, and enjoyed a 'big meal', so they were so happy.

  The more Li Mu was happier, the more unhappy Hattori looked at Heiji, and his resentment increased.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1332 Solving the Case (One More)

  "By the way, where's Kazuya? Where is she? Why didn't I see her?" Hattori asked.

  "Oh, did you say He Ye? She and Xiao Lan were bathing in the bathroom." Li Mu pointed to the bathroom.

  "Oh, take a shower."

  Conan Hattori and Heiji nodded, then turned to leave.

  Suddenly, Hattori and Heiji stopped at the same time and turned their heads mechanically.

  "What did you say? Take a bath with Ye/Xiaolan and the others?"

  They remembered that Li Mu had just come out and was inside with Ye Xiaolan.

  This doesn't mean...

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