It's a pity that flashbangs are useless against thunderclouds at all.

  On the other side of the stairs, a thundercloud blocked Chikage Kuroba.

  "Do you need help?"

  "No, no, I..."

  Kuroba Chikage was suddenly stunned, what was in front of her.


  When will the clouds fly here, and they can actually speak, and they have grown human eyes.

  Maybe I'm too tired lately.

  Kuroba Chikage comforted himself, then bypassed Baiyun and rushed into the distance.

  But the next second, Kuroba Chikage stopped.

  I saw that there were many tables, chairs and benches in front of her.

  But this is not the point. The point is that there are many tables, chairs and benches behind her, and they can talk, and have eyes and mouths.

  "Excuse me, do you need help?"

  "Excuse me, do you need help?"

  These tables, chairs and benches floating in the sky are all saying the same thing.

  Black feather Qianying was stunned, and muttered to herself: "Is it possible, these are fake, is it high-tech? When did high-tech become so powerful?"

  After speaking, Kuroba Chikage stretched out her hand tremblingly and placed it on the table, chair and bench.

  The next second, Heiyu Qianying's face changed, and his mouth trembled: "'s scary, this is actually true, I..."


  Before Heiyu Qianying said anything, he fell directly to the ground and fainted.

  In the dark, Li Mu was a little stunned, and said in surprise: "It's impossible to simply scare her unconscious, wait, she won't die, right?"

  Li Mu hurriedly walked to Heiyu Qianying's side, confirmed that Heiyu Qianying was okay, and hurriedly brought Heiyu Qianying back to his room.

  Then Li Mu dragged off the leather jacket she used for theft, turned and left.


  The next day, Kuroba Qiankage woke up faintly.

  After waking up, Heiyu Qianying moved, struggled slightly, and found that she was fixed.

  Kuroba Chikage glanced around and saw a white bed that looked like a hospital bed.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "What's wrong with me, wait, I remember, I seem to have met a ghost yesterday...ghost"

  "Wait, there are ghosts here, I'll be fine."

  Kuroba Chikage hurriedly looked around, and after confirming that there were no ghosts around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  At this moment, Li Mu walked in and came to the side of Heiyu Qianying.

  Seeing Li Mu approaching, Heiyu Qianying immediately became nervous, and subconsciously grasped the sheet tightly.

  After Li Mu sat down, he took out a police notepad and looked at Kuroba Qianying seriously.

  "Black feather Chikage, right, you have been sent to the police for theft, I will ask you some questions now, I hope you will cooperate with me."

...... 0 ......

  Kuroba Qianying's face changed suddenly.

  The police, which means that her identity as a thief lady has been completely exposed.

  Today, regardless of what Heiyu Qianying was thinking, she said directly: "Then I will ask first, why did you go to Mr. Li's house to steal, and what is the purpose?"

  Silence is gold.

  Kuroba Chikage kept these words in mind, so he didn't say a word.

  Li Mu didn't care, and continued: "Then, is your son the phantom thief Kidd? We found the phantom thief Kidd's equipment and some stolen goods in his house. Do you know this?"

  As soon as the voice fell, Heiyu Qianying's pupils shrank.

  Phantom Thief Kidd is her son, she knew about it, but she didn't expect Li Mu to know about it.

  When I thought that my son's matter was known to the 'police', I panicked and felt a little regretful in my heart, why was I so careless.

  Looking at the panicked Heiyu Qianying, Li Mu couldn't help laughing.

  "Ha ha ha ha……"

  Heiyu Qianying was stunned, looking at Li Mu who was laughing, his heart was full of doubts.

  Li Mu laughed for a moment, then suppressed his smile and said, "Okay, the police game is over, let's talk, there is something good in my house, and the famous phantom thief lady came over."

  "Your home?" Heiyu Qianying was stunned, then reacted, and said quickly: "Your home, then you are not a policeman?"

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world!Death.

Chapter 1334 Bullying Black Feather Qianying (Three Shifts)

  "Yes, I'm not a police officer, this is my home."

  Li Mu did not hide it, but directly admitted it.

  Kuroba Chikage breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a police officer, it meant that she was fine now.

  But after a while, Kuroba Chikage reacted again. Although she is fine now, it does not mean that she will be fine in the future.

  After all, she is still here with Li Mu.

  Heiyu Qianying moved subconsciously and struggled a bit to see if the handcuffs could be undone.

  Li Mu also saw Heiyu Qianying's thoughts, smiled and said, "Don't think about it. The one holding your hand, the keyhole was welded to death by me, let alone the key, even the steel wire can't be opened."

  Kuroba Qianying's face turned black.

  If it was a lock, she could still open it, but Li Mu actually welded it to death, how could it be opened?

  After all, no matter how powerful the phantom thief is, it is impossible to take down a thing that is welded to death and looks like an iron chain.

  "Okay, let's talk, what's your purpose? I have something in my house that you can steal."

  Heiyu Qianying rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "What did you say, I didn't do anything. You were the one who arrested me at 20. Hurry up and let me go, or I'll call the police."

  Call the police.

  Li Mule was so happy, this guy actually called a thief to catch a thief.

  Moreover, Li Mu was not someone who was so easy to scare him, and looked directly at Heiyu Qianying with a smile on his face.

  This smile is not an ordinary smile, but a sly and treacherous smile.

  "You're right. I caught you. My purpose is to take a fancy to you. I decided to imprison you here forever as my woman."

  After speaking, Li Mu pulled off his jacket, pulled down his inch shirt, and walked towards Heiyu Qianying.

  After walking over, Li Mu grabbed Heiyu Qianying, gently pulled off her clothes, and looked at the seductive curves inside.

  "You...what are you doing, just let me go, I...I'm going to yell."

  Heiyu Qianying also became nervous, and reached out and punched Li Mu, hoping to get rid of Li Mu.

  Li Mu got up in one go, directly pressed Heiyu Qianying, and then straddled her, his eyes fixed on Heiyu Qianying.

  "What do you think? I like you very much, and I specially tied you up and brought you back, and it doesn't matter if you call me. Except for the cleaners, the security guards are all outside.

  The most important thing is that there is a back passage in my house, and the sound insulation effect is very good. No matter how much you shout, I can spend a good night with you. "

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu grabbed Heiyu Qianying and pulled it hard, then lowered his head, wanting to force Heiyu Qianying.

  Heiyu Qianying suddenly became anxious, and said quickly: "Wait, don't do it, I said, I will tell you whether it's okay or not."

  She was afraid that if she didn't tell the truth, she would be forced by Li Mu here.

  Li Mu immediately stopped, then tidied up his clothes, and then arranged for Kuroba Chikage.

  "Okay, if you don't tell the truth, I'll fuck you and imprison you here. What do you think?"

  Heiyu Qianying's face turned slightly red, she stuck out her apricot tongue, and said softly, "Rogue."

  Li Mu hurriedly stretched out his hand, placed it on Heiyu Qianying's murderous chamber, and made a pinching gesture.

  Kuroba Chikage reacted and said quickly: "I just saw that you once took out a very good ruby, and planned to borrow it back to play, and then return it to you."

  A phantom thief is a phantom thief, speaking and doing things differently.

  Stealing things became borrowing, and Li Mu remembered that the phantom thief lady would sometimes send it back, and sometimes throw it away.

  Once Li Mu's ruby ​​was 'borrowed', it might not be returned.

  Li Mu sneered and teased: "The dignified lady of the thief, to say such a thing, do you think I'm an idiot?"

  Heiyu Qianying looked at Li Mu without saying a word. With that expression, it seemed to say, aren't you an idiot?

  Ha ha.

  Li Mule was so happy, he put his hand on Heiyu Qianying's body, and then Yingying shook it.

  Of course, Li Mu only held Kuroba Qianying's cheek.

  "Aren't you going to tell me? There's no other way. I can only hand you over to the Metropolitan Police Department. Kaito Kid and Kaitou Lady will send you there together, and the Metropolitan Police Department will definitely vibrate.

  Even if there is no evidence at that time, maybe the police will investigate it properly, and then we will see what you will do. "

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu called the police department in front of Kuroba Qianying.

  Heiyu Qianying looked at Li Mu nervously, not believing that Li Mu would make a phone call.

  Li Mu didn't hang up the phone, and muttered to himself: "You said, have the stolen goods been disposed of in the Kaido Kid's house? Ms. Kuroba Chikage."

  Heiyu Qianying's face changed suddenly, of course she knew about her family's affairs. There were many things in the basement of her home.

  Once it is discovered, it will be indefensible at that time.

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