"By the way, I remember that the agency seems to be the photo of the black feather robber. You can go down with one click, isn't it, lady phantom thief?"

  This sentence immediately calmed Kuroba Chikage.

  Heiyu Qianying knew that Li Mu knew so much, and he must have enough confidence that their family would definitely end.

  Thinking of this, Heiyu Qianying hurriedly stretched out her hand, grabbed 093 to hold Li Mu's arm, and shook her head at Li Mu.

  Li Mu smiled and said to the connected phone, "Hey, I'm looking for Officer Mumu from the Metropolitan Police Department, yes, it's Officer Mumu."

  Afterwards, Li Mu and Officer Mu Mu apologized, saying that they had made a mistake, and then hung up the phone.

  After hanging up the phone, before Li Mu spoke, Heiyu Qianying said first, "How did you know, how did you know about our family's affairs."

  "Oh, there's no way, that phantom thief Kidd was too careless, and was found out by a man named Qingshan Gangchang, and then told me."

  Qingshan Gangchang.

  Black feather Qianying flashed in his mind, thinking who was so lucky to know this.

  At the same time, she cursed in her heart, that this fellow Hei Yu Kuidou was so careless and discovered by others.

  "By the way, who is that Qingshan Gangchang? Does anyone else know?"

  Li Mu looked at Heiyu Qianying who was worried, pinched her face, and winked at her.

  "That guy is no longer in this world and has nothing left, so you can rest assured."

  For some reason, Heiyu Qianying looked at Li Mu, a blush on her cheeks.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1335 Black Feather Qianying wants to date (four more)

  Li Mu looked at the black feather Qianying with a blush on his cheeks, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Why, what are you doing so shy, don't you like me?"

  Heiyu Qianying blushed again, and arrogantly turned her little head away.

  "Hmph, I'm not shy, and who would like you, you big badass."

  The current Kuroba Chikage is like a little girl, acting like a spoiled child to her boyfriend.

  And even Kuroba Chikage herself didn't notice, she was a little shy.

  Li Mu looked at the shy and cute Heiyu Qianying, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the chain on one side, pulling it hard.


  The chain was pulled directly, and then dropped on the ground on one side,

  "Okay, I've disturbed you today, you can go back, and don't come to me to play the phantom thief game in the future."

  Kuroba Chikage was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and hurriedly jumped to the side, quickly tidying up her clothes.

  Then Kuroba Chikage walked directly to the door of the room without saying a word.

  But at the door of the room, Chikage Kuroba stopped.

  "Are you really going to let me go? Aren't you going to give me to the police?" 120 Li Mu smiled, reached out and took out a huge ruby ​​from his pocket and threw it gently.

  "This gem is given to you. Don't steal anything in the future. After all, Qingben Jiaren is a thief."

  Chikage Kuroba took the ruby ​​and looked at it carefully.

  As a well-known phantom thief, Chikage Kuroha can confirm that this is a real ruby.

  And such a good quality, such a big ruby, is rare in this world.

  Heiyu Qianying was full of doubts, and said puzzled: "You gave her to me, why, this is very valuable?"

  "Such a beautiful ruby ​​can only be owned by a lovely lady. I gave it to you."

  Chikage Kuroba hesitated for a while, then put the ruby ​​in her pocket.

  "Since you gave it to me, then I'm welcome. By the way, my name is Kuroba Chikage. I will give you more advice in the future."

  After speaking, Kuroba Chikage wanted to leave.

  "Wait." Li Mu suddenly stopped Heiyu Qianying, stepped forward, reached out and grabbed her small white hand.

  "Then Qianying, my name is Li Mu, please give me more advice in the future."

  After speaking, Li Mu bent down slightly and kissed Heiyu Qianying on the back of his hand.

  Heiyu Qianying looked at Li Mu's face, her face flushed, and her heart thumped like a deer.

  Somehow, Heiyu Qianying did not reject Li Mu.

  "I... I'm leaving, goodbye."

  Kuroba Qianying blushed and left in a hurry.

  Li Mu looked at Heiyu Qianying's back, the corners of his mouth raised, and his body leaned against the wall.

  Wife is still very good, but not every wife Li Mu likes it.

  Kuroba Chikage, Fei Yingri, and Yukiko Li Mu all took their fancy.

  Phantom Thief Kid's mother, interesting.

  After Kuroba Chikage left, he went straight home.

  As soon as I got home, I met Kuroba Kaito.

  After seeing Heiha Qianying, Heiyu Kuito breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Why did you come back now, I thought you were caught by the police and were all about to run away."

  Heiyu Qianying did not get angry, but said proudly: "I made another big vote today, look, this is my trophy."

  After speaking, Heiyu Qianying took out the ruby ​​that Li Mu gave her.

  Of course, this was given to her by Li Mu, but would she say that stupidly?

  "Ruby, what a big one." Kuroba Kuito quickly took the ruby, his eyes lit up.

  "Is this still a real one?"

  Kuroba Kuito thought that such a big one was fake, but he didn't expect it to be real.

  "Yes, it's true."

  Heiyu Qianying sat at the table on the side, resting on her chin with both hands, leaning on the quilt, the corners of her mouth raised, thinking of Li Mu's figure in her mind.

  Beside him, Kuroba Kuito looked at the smiling Kuroba Chikage in a daze, and hurriedly came to her side.

  "Hey, what are you looking at? Maybe you're in love with someone. Are you thinking of him now?"

  "You... what nonsense are you talking about, I don't have it, hurry up and return the ruby ​​to me."

  Chikage Kuroba was in a hurry and grabbed the ruby ​​directly, then ignored Kuroba Kuito and left.

  Looking at Kuroba Chikage who was anxious to leave, Kuroba Kuito was a little stunned.

  "Is it possible that she really has someone she likes?"

  Thinking that his mother actually had someone he liked, Kuroba Kuito's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly followed.

  "Hey, mom, wait, let's talk."


  With a loud bang, Heiyu Qianying closed the door, and then lay down on his bed, thinking of Li Mu's figure in his mind.

  Although they only spent one day together, for some reason, she always had Li Mu in her heart.

  Li Mu's smile and voice echoed in her ears from time to time.

  In his heart, Heiyu Qianying thought of his own Li Mu from time to time, and even recalled the scene of Li Mu sitting on top of her in his mind, and couldn't help laughing.

  After lying there for a long time, Kuroba Chikage reacted, picked up the phone quickly, and took out a business card.

  She got this business card from Li Mu, Li Mu also knew it, but it wasn't important, so he didn't say anything.

  Heiyu Qianying picked up the phone and called Li Mu directly.

  "Hello, Li Mu? It's me. I have something to tell you. We will meet near Jiang Gutian's cafe tomorrow. I will wait for you."

  Hanging up the phone, Kuroba Qianying hugged the phone, and a hint of anticipation suddenly surged in her heart.

  Outside the room, although Kuroba Kaito, who had been eavesdropping, didn't hear clearly, he still had a rough idea.

  Hearing that Kuroba Qianying invited others, Kuroba quickly crossed his eyes and rubbed his chin to think.

  "Otherwise, I'll go take a look tomorrow too."

  Kuroba Kaito muttered to himself, with a firm look in his eyes, and returned to his room to prepare.

  On the other side, Li Mu hung up the phone, thinking of Chikage Heiyu in his mind.

  Although Heiyu Qianying did not report her name, Li Mu could hear Heiyu Qianying's voice.

  "There's another appointment tomorrow. If that's the case, let's get ready."

  Li Mu walked into the bathroom, cleaned it carefully, then dressed up and chose a dress that looked good.

  That night, Li Mu slept beautifully, and then after getting up the next day, Li Mu drove away from the house and came to Jiang Gutian.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1336 The panic of Koizumi Hongzi (one more)

  Near Jianggutian, in a coffee shop.

  Kuroba Chikage was wearing a black T-shirt on the upper body and shorts on the lower body, looking very young.

  A light powder was smeared on her cheeks, and she visibly dressed up.

  Not far from Kuroba Chikage, Kuroba Kuito hid in the dark, secretly looking at Kuroha Chikage, full of doubts in his heart.

  Just as Kuroba Chikage was watching, not far away, two people came, two very young and beautiful girls.

  After the two came in, they happened to see Kuroba Kaito.

  "Kaidou, why are you here, what's the matter?"

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