Kuroba Kaito was taken aback, and after seeing Nakamori Aoko and Koizumi Koizumi clearly, Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief.

  "It scared me to death, I thought who it was, it turned out to be you, how about you? What are you doing here?"

  Before Nakamori Aoko spoke, Koizumi Koizumi looked at Kuroba Chikage-.

  "What's the matter, Kuroba-san, are you monitoring that person?"

  "What? Surveillance?" Nakamori Aoko hurriedly looked to the side, and after seeing Kuroba Chikage, Nakamori Aoko was stunned.

  "Kaidou, isn't that your mother? What are you doing watching him?"

  "Shh, don't talk, just look here, don't talk."

  Although Aoko Nakamori was puzzled, she still stood beside Kuroba Kaito and secretly looked at Kuroha Chikage.

  Outside, Li Mu came to Jiang Gutian, found the cafe, and entered directly.

  When they got to the coffee shop, Li Mu looked inside for a while, then came to sit in front of Kuroha Chikage.

  "What's the matter, don't you know me anymore? Could it be that I changed my dress and you don't know me anymore?"

  Seeing Heiyu Qianying in a daze, Li Mu couldn't help but teased.

  Heiyu Qianying also reacted and smiled: "I do know you, but I didn't expect you to dress up, but you still look handsome."

  "Really? You are also very beautiful, even more beautiful than those big stars." Li Mu opened his mouth and praised.

  Kuroba Chikage blushed slightly, and shyly stroked her cheek, very shy.

  In the distance, Heiyu Kuaidou gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: "Damn, is that this guy? He dared to deceive my mother, I must investigate him properly."

  Aoko Nakamori was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "He cheated on your mother, what's going on? Could it be that your mother was cheated?"

  "Of course it's cheating for money and sex." Hei Yu Kuaidou said indignantly.

  Beside him, Nakamori Qingzi was stunned after hearing this, and looked at Li Mu in astonishment.

  Deceiving money and sex, is this what Li Mu is talking about?

  She didn't doubt Kuroba Kuito, and said quickly, "Heiha, why don't I go tell my father and arrest him."

  Kuroba Kuito's face darkened, he said that angry words, even if he called Nakamori Aoko's father, it was of no use.

  On the contrary, it will make his mother very embarrassed.

  "Okay, don't talk, just watch here, don't let him do anything to my mother by himself."

  On the other hand, Koizumi Hongzi stared at Li Mu, her eyes full of horror.

  As one of the few people on earth with magic power, she can naturally sense the huge magic power on Li Mu.

  This huge magic power is even bigger than her, and the two of them are like Yinghuo and Haoyue compared to each other.

  Koizumi Hongzi shuddered and said in horror, "Student Kuroba, I can give you an advice. This guy is not something you can provoke. If you offend him, you will be finished."


  Although Kuroba Kaito didn't believe in Koizumi Koizumi, he also knew how terrifying Koizumi Koizumi was, and his heart became a little more solemn.

  On Li Mu's side, he had already sensed the abnormality on the side, especially the magic power like fireflies in the dark night. Li Mu couldn't help but turn his head to look.

  Seeing Li Mu's look, Kuroba quickly pulled Aoko Nakamori to the side.

  Koizumi Hongzi also quickly dodged.

  Although the speed of the two was extremely fast, Li Mu still saw the figures of the two.

  "Kui Yu, Koizumi Hongzi." Li Mule was happy.

  Heiyu Qianying noticed Li Mu's abnormality and said quickly, "What's the matter, is there anything abnormal there?"

  "Yes, Kuroba Kuito and two people are watching us, should we leave here?"

  "He? Spying on us?" Kuroba Chikage was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed.

  "Alright then, let's go eat somewhere else."

· · 0 flowers 0 · ·

  After Heiyu Qianying paid the bill, he quickly pulled Li Mu and left.

  "It's not good, we are exposed, so hurry up and follow."

  Heiyu Kuaidou reacted and quickly followed behind Li Mu.

  After leaving the coffee shop, Li Mu suddenly hugged Chikage Kuroba and walked quickly through the streets.

  Heiyu Qianying blushed instantly, leaning on Li Mu's shoulder shyly, and leaning on Li Mu's head.

  It didn't take long for Li Mu to dodge Kuroba Kaito's stalking in the blink of an eye, and brought Kuroha Chikage to a hotel.

  Kuroba Kuito followed for a while, then came to the front of a car, looking at the transmitter above, full of black lines.

  He understood, his actions were seen through by Li Mu, and Li Mu returned the first army to him.

... 0th

  On Li Mu's side, after escaping from tracking, he came to a nearby high-end hotel, found a private box, and ordered a table of dishes.

  In the private box, Heiyu Qianying looked at the surrounding decorations and joked: "Li Mu, you are really rich, and you can live in such a luxurious private room."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he said with a smile, "Yes, I am indeed rich, but aren't you rich too? Little rich lady."

  "You are the little rich woman, I will ignore you."

  Kuroba Chikage turned her head arrogantly, then picked up her chopsticks and poured herself a glass of wine.

  "Come on, Li Mu, you have a drink too, we'll drink together."

  "Okay, let's drink together."

  Li Mu poured himself a cup and toasted Heiyu Qianying.

  The two of you take one sip, and I drink one sip.

  After drinking for a while, Heiyu Qianying leaned on Li Mu drunk.

  "Li Mu, I'm tired, you can open a room, I want to rest, you can also come together."

  "it is good."

  Li Mu opened a room, then helped Heiyu Qianying over, put it on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

  "Li Mu, I..."

  Kuroba Chikage was drunk, and it seemed that it added a third of beauty.

  Li Mu looked at the drunk and awe-inspiring Heiyu Qianying, lowered his head, and kissed her cheek.

  After the kiss, Li Mu turned around and left.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world!six.

Chapter 1337 Black Feather Qianying's Request (two more)

  After Li Mu left, Heiyu Qianying recovered and looked at Li Mu's back.

  She wasn't actually drunk, she just pretended to be drunk on purpose, just to see Li Mu's character.

  In the end, Li Mu just kissed her, and then recognized Li Mu in his heart.

  Kuroba Chikage touched her cheek, thinking in a trance.

  On the other side, Li Mu lay on the box of the luxurious suite, closed his eyes and rested.

  If Kuroba Qianying was really drunk, how could Li Mu sleep here.

  But since Kuroba Qianying wasn't drunk, Li Mu could only lie on the sofa in the living room.

  After midnight, Heiyu Qianying woke up, came to the living room, and walked beside Li Mu.

  Looking carefully at Li Mu who was sleeping, Heiyu Qianying lowered her head and touched Li Mu's face as well.

  After kissing, Heiyu Qianying put a hand on Li Mu's face and nodded lightly.

  Li Mu suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Heiyu Qianying's hand, and then pulled it to his own murderous chamber. 20 "What's the matter, Qianying, is there something wrong?"

  Heiyu Qianying's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head shyly, and struggled slightly with her little hand.

  "You...you let me go, I...I have something to do."

  "Okay, let go of you."

  Li Mu didn't do it again, let go of Heiyu Qianying, then sat down and leaned on the sofa.

  "Qianying, it seems to be dark, are you sure you won't go home?"

  "Yes, I'm not going back, I'll be with you, okay?"

  Heiyu Qianying leaned on Li Mu and blinked at Li Mu, very seductive.

  Li Mu slowly stretched out his hand and pulled Heiyu Qianying into his embrace.

  "Are you sure? I'm very good. At least, I can keep you in bed for three days and three nights."

  Heiyu Qianying blushed instantly, pushed Li Mu shyly, and then ran to the side.

  "I... I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, you... Be careful when you go back."

  "and many more."

  Li Mu stopped Heiyu Qianying, picked up a ring, and put it on Heiyu Qianying's ring finger.

  Kuroba Qianying blushed, but instead of rejecting it, she glanced at her diamond ring.

  "I... I'm leaving, bye."

  After Li Mu watched Heiyu Qianying leave, he turned around and wanted to leave.

  "Wait." Heiyu Qianying stopped Li Mu and hesitated, "Li Mu, can you do me a favor, I have something to help you with."

  "Okay, you can say it."

  "Is such that……"

  Heiyu Qianying told Li Mu about the matter, and Li Mu did not hesitate after hearing it.

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