"I see, I agree to your request."

  "Okay, I'll leave first."

  Heiyu Qianying tapped Li Mu's cheek and left.


  At night, when Kuroha Chikage came home, he happened to meet Kuroha Kaito.

  Kuroba Kaito was about to speak when he suddenly saw Kuroba Chikage's hand, and the whole person was stunned.

  What is that, a giant wedding ring.

  The huge diamond ring sparkled his eyes.

  "Mom, what's up with this ring? When did you have a ring?"

  "Okay, it's none of your business. If I have something to do, I'll rest first. Also, I don't need you for your business."

  Kuroba Kuito's face darkened, what does this mean? Could it be that he has a man and forgot his son?

  "No, I must go see it."

  Kuroba Kuito decided that since Kuroba Qianying wouldn't let him pass, he could pass in secret.

  After he figured it out, Kuroba Kaito didn't ask any more questions, and went back to his room to start preparing.

  After Li Mu left the hotel, taking advantage of the dark night, he prepared a black cardboard.

  After writing on the black piece of cardboard, Li Mu gave the black piece of paper to Jiro Yoshi Suzuki of the Suzuki Foundation.

  Although they are relatives in the future, since Chikage Kuroha agreed, they are enemies on the 'battlefield'.

  At night, Jiroji Suzuki was reading a book when suddenly a card fell on his desk.

  "This is... Kaito Kid?"

  Suzuki Jiroji subconsciously thought that this was a challenge letter from Kaitou Kidd, and hurriedly picked it up.

  But just after reading it, Suzuki Jiroji lost interest.

  But even though he wasn't interested, Suzuki Jiroji took a look.

  "As entrusted by the phantom thief lady, I came here to return something, and it will be returned to the Suzuki Museum in seven days.

  However, in order to prevent the employment of Jiro Suzuki from being ignored, I will deliberately arrange a preliminaries in three days.

  Three days later, I will steal Suzuki Jiroji's dog Lupin III at [-]:[-] sharp, please pay attention to it, otherwise I will have a dog meat hot pot.

  Tribute to the phantom thief Yasen Luoping. "

  As soon as the words fell, Suzuki Jiroji was angry and shouted angrily: "Damn, you actually want to eat my dog ​​meat hot pot, I must see, what are you doing to steal my dog ​​and eat dog meat hot pot? ."

  After going mad for a long time, Suzuki Jiroji yelled at his subordinates.

  "Someone, hurry up and notify the media to expose this arrogant thief to me, who is going to stew my dog. I'm really tired of living." 390 "Yes."

  Everyone shouted and ran away.

  Suzuki Jiroji looked at the crowd with a little pride in his heart, and muttered to himself, "Kid the thief isn't here, since that's the case, then I'll catch you and pass the time."

  Outside, Li Mu looked at Jiro Yoshi Suzuki who was interested, turned and left.

  Although he had already agreed to Kuroba Chikage, he was an ordinary person who was not taken seriously at all.

  Since it was the first time to be a phantom thief, he had to work hard, at least his pomp was similar to that of phantom thief Kidd.

  Can't blame so many people for Kidd's support, but Li Mu has only a few people to support it, that's too humiliating.

  Now it is possible to have an overtime before the official game, which is very good.

  After leaving Jiroji Suzuki's house, Li Mu found a place and made a phone call.

  "Hey, Qianying, three days later, I arranged a performance for you, just treat it as the performance before that incident, you should watch my performance."

  "Okay, I'll definitely watch it."

  Kuroba Chikage hung up the phone, then looked at the phone and stared at it for a moment.

  "A special performance? It looks very interesting, I will definitely watch it."

  After speaking, Kuroba Chikage turned off the lights and took a rest.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1338 Shiliang is pure (three more)

  The next day, Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency as always.

  As soon as he got here, Lin Fei found a very familiar person. Of course, he just watched it on TV.

  This person is none other than Conan, Akai Shuichi's younger sister, Shiliang Zhenchun.

  After Li Mu came in, Shiliang Zhenchun also noticed Li Mu, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, but the surface was very normal.

  "Xiao Lan, is this girl your classmate?"

  "Female...girl, can you tell that I'm a girl?" Shiliang said happily.

  Although he didn't understand what Shiliang was really happy about, he nodded and said, "Yes, I'm not blind, you don't have an Adam's apple, and you can vaguely see that it's a girl between your brows."

  "It's great, your observation skills are really sharp, you can actually look so seriously."

  Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but praise her.

  "It's nothing, as a detective, observation is a must, right, Maori detective."

  "Ah, um, that's right." Mouri Kogoro immediately returned to normal and said in a serious tone: "As a detective, this is a must. In fact, I already saw that she was a girl at 170."

  Conan: "..."

  He was very upset to hear this.

  He also didn't see Shiliang's pure gender, didn't Li Mu's words mean that he wasn't a good detective?

  Conan looked at Li Mu with contempt, if he hadn't been a child now, he would have taught Li Mu a lesson.

  Li Mu also ignored Conan, looked at Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, what is your classmate's name, did you come to play today?"

  "My name is Shiliang Zhenchun, don't look at me being flat here, but my mother's place is quite spectacular, so my future is also very spectacular."

  Shiliang Zhenchun took the lead in explaining herself, and pulled off her clothes to reveal her figure.

  Li Mu glanced at it, at this scale, Li Mu felt that there would be no development in this life.

  Shiliang Zhenchun must be a genetic mutation. It has become flat and flat, and it is estimated that it will not be comparable to a finger in the future.

  But Li Mu didn't say anything. Instead, he comforted: "Actually, you can find a boyfriend and ask him to help you. With his hands, you can make your scale magnificent."

  Xiao Lan's face instantly turned red.

  Although I wasn't talking about her, she always thought of Li Mu's hands, massaging her, and it was always there.

  Xiao Lan lowered her head subconsciously, and looked at her growing size, she couldn't help but think of Li Mu.

  Is it really Li Mu's credit?

  Shiliang Zhenchun was not shy, but proudly stood up to his fierceness.

  "Okay, if you like it? I can let you touch it, and you should be able to make it even more magnificent."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he asked himself to do it.

  It's a pity that Li Mu is not interested in the tomboy Shiliang Zhenchun.

  And Mouri Kogoro and Conan Xiaolan are all looking at him, it's okay to flirt with his mouth, but it's not enough to flirt with his hands.

  "This... Otherwise, Shiliang, you can try it yourself, you should be able to do it."

  Shiliang Zhenchun's face darkened, and he did it himself, how could this have a feeling of 'self-defense'.

  Speechless in his heart, Shiliang Zhenchun didn't say anything, instead he opened the topic.

  Li Mu didn't struggle with this issue either, and continued to talk.

  After talking for a long time, Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly said: "Li Mu, I heard Xiaolan say that your fighting is very good, do you want us to have a test."

  On the other hand, Conan looked at Shiliang Zhenchun with pity.

  In his opinion, Shiliang's pure challenge to Li Mu is tantamount to seeking death.

  Li Mu's terrifying destructive power, powerful strength, and Li Mu's abolition of several prisoners in a row, Shiliang Zhenchun's small arm (cabe) probably couldn't bear it.

  "Well, since that's the case, then I'll have a good discussion with you, but it's not suitable here."

  Li Mu thought about it, but did not refuse, and directly agreed to Shiliang's pure request.

  "Okay, let's go to the nearby Taekwondo gym now and have a good competition."

  Because of Kogoro Mouri's fame, the people nearby gave him a lot of respect.

  For example, the curator of the Taekwondo Hall, upon hearing that Kogoro Mouri wanted to borrow this venue, agreed without hesitation.

  In the venue, Shiliang Zhenchun posed in a Jeet Kune Do posture, ready to attack at any time.

  "Come on, Li Mu, don't be merciless, let me see how good you are."

  Li Mu looked at Shiliang Zhenchun with a weird expression. If he did his best, Shiliang Zhenchun would be beaten into scum.

  "Then I'm going to start, you have to be careful yourself, don't be beaten down by me."

  Li Mu slowly bent down and looked at Shiliang Zhenchun seriously.

  To deal with Shiliang Zhenchun, it is not difficult to defeat him. The biggest difficulty is how to defeat Shiliang Zhenchun without breaking her.

  "I'm going to attack."

  Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly rushed towards Li Mu, and swung his right hand down at Li Mu.

  Li Mu's body flashed lightly, dodging Shiliang Zhenchun's hand, then grabbed her and gave a slight shock.

  Shiliang Zhenchun was flew out by Li Muzhen, his feet moved a few steps quickly, and then he stabilized his body.

  "Li Mu, you are indeed very powerful, but it is impossible for me to admit defeat."

  After speaking, Shiliang Zhenchun approached Li Mu again, raised one foot, and kicked Li Mu hard.

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