Li Mu dodged the attack lightly, and then lightly patted Shiliang Zhenchun with both hands.

  It's also because Li Mu's strength is very light, but Shiliang Zhenchun only took a few steps back, and there is no big problem.

  "Shiliang, I think that's it for today. You are too young to be so serious."

  "Alright then, let's go here."

  Shiliang Zhenchun did not refuse. Although it was only a few short tricks, he could see the gap between himself and Li Mu, so he did not insist.

  "Okay, let's go."

  Li Mu picked up his clothes and walked to Maori Kogoro who was on the side.

  "Detective Maori, Xiao Lan, let's go back."


  Xiaolan hurriedly took a step forward, and then came to Shiliang Zhenchun's side, comforting Shiliang Zhenchun who lost.

  Li Mu chatted with Maori Kogoro.

  At the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu had a dinner here, and then left the Maori Detective Agency in the dark.

  When leaving, in the corner, Shi Liang Zhenchun stared at Li Mu.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1339 Sorry, I went to the wrong place (four more)

  The next day, Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency again.

  However, when he arrived this time, it was already night, but who asked Xiaolan to go to school during the day, Li Mu went to find someone else.

  At night, when there is a chance, Li Mu naturally finds time to come here.

  As soon as the door was opened, Li Mu was a little stunned.

  There are many people in the Maori detective agency, Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan Shiliang are pure and innocent.

  There were also three women and a man he didn't know, of course, that's not the point, the point was that the man had a gun in his hand and a bomb strapped to him.

  Soon, Li Mu reacted, touched his head and smiled, "I'm sorry, I went wrong, I didn't expect a movie to be filmed here.

  Alas, it is true to make a movie now, to be so serious, a robbery movie with real guns and real "nine-five-zero" explosives, it's too hard.

  By the way, I won't disturb you filming, that's all, bye. "

  After speaking, Li Mu was about to leave.

  It's a pity, the man's response was not slow, he immediately stopped Li Mu, and said coldly, "Stop for me, come in, or I'll shoot."

  Li Mu immediately stopped, then walked in with a smile, and looked at this man with a smile on his face.

  "I really didn't expect that I would become an actor one day, thank you."

  "Thank you, thank you, stand by me." The man shouted sharply, then looked at Kogoro Mouri.

  "How about it, Detective Maori, I have given you the information, so have you found the murderer of my sister?"

  Although Li Mu still didn't know what happened, he knew something bad had happened by looking at Kogoro Mauri's face and the gun in that man's hand.

  Mouri Kogoro was also nervous, so he couldn't help looking at Li Mu, and said quickly, "Wait, that person is also a famous detective, why don't we go together."

  "He's also a detective?" The man looked at Li Mu suspiciously, a little disbelieving in his heart.

  "Yes, he is a great detective, and he is also a famous mystery novelist, very famous."

  Maori Kogoro couldn't care less, and praised Li Mu like nothing else.

  And he also believed that Li Mu could solve this very troublesome case.

  After hearing this, the man hurriedly looked at Li Mu, and said, "Okay, let's go with you too, I'll say it again now, my sister committed suicide in a hotel last month, and the one who killed her was the one with the code name Rat.

  "So I hope you can find that mouse. My target is that mouse. In the end, I will just kill him, then commit suicide, and you will be fine."

  Li Mu understood, he was here to entrust the mission, but the entrustment fee was a bit expensive.

  It was pistols and bombs.

  For a while, Li Mu also became interested, and said with interest: "Then leave this matter to me, I can definitely solve the case, but you can give me the detailed information of these three people."

  "Okay, it's right there, go and have a look."

  Li Mu walked to the side, picked up the document and looked at it carefully for a while.

  It's really hard to see anything from this information alone, even if it's a famous detective.

  "By the way, Mr. Zeli, you can tell me all the information about these three people and what the family does."

  "it is good."

  Mr. Zeli did not refuse, and told Li Mu the information he had investigated.

  After listening, Li Mu thought for a while. Although he was not sure, he still said: "I know, I already know who the mouse is, and I also know who the murderer is."

  "Really? Do you really know?" Mr. Zeli was overjoyed, pointed at the three women and shouted, "So who did they kill my sister? Tell me quickly."

  Being pointed at by three people, the three girls were filled with fear.

  On the other hand, Xiaolan was a little nervous. Once Li Mu told Mr. Zeli who was a mouse, two people would definitely die.

  "Then, what should you do?"

  Shiliang Zhenchun looked at Li Mu's back, his eyes twinkling.

  Li Mu didn't hide it, and said to Mr. Zeli, "If my guess is correct, your sister likes to use the color of animals to name, then the code names of these people must be related to their work."

  "Work?" Mr. Zeli thought for a while, then looked at the fat lady Kwang-soo and said, "Then it's you, the one who killed my sister is you.. 0"

  After speaking, Mr. Zeli pointed the pistol at Ms. Kwang-soo, ready to shoot at any time.

  Li Mu suddenly rushed forward, slashed the bomb line with a knife, and directly reimbursed the bomb.

  Mr. Zeli was stunned, picked up the pistol, pointed at Li Mu, and wanted to shoot


  Li Mu stepped forward again, shot the pistol, and then grabbed Mr. Zeli's two hands.

  "Hey, come quickly and tie him up for me."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro reacted, and hurriedly walked to Li Mu's side and tied up Mr. Zeli.

  "Damn, let me go, I must avenge my sister, I must kill her."

  "No... I didn't kill people, I didn't kill people at all, I really didn't kill people." Ms. Kwang Soo quickly explained.

  "That's right, she didn't kill it." Li Mu crouched down and smiled, "You should have seen what your sister left behind. She said that the fox was very annoying and made some unreasonable demands.

  Then came the mouse, and your sister didn't mention the annoying fox leaving, which shows that the fox stayed in her room.

  Therefore, your sister didn't lend her bathroom to the mice that came later, not because of playing with the mice, but because there was a fox hiding in the bathroom 1.6. "

  Mr. Zeli also understood, and looked to the side of the thinner Yudi woman.

  "So, you were the one who killed my sister. Did you sneak away when I broke in?"

  Li Mu didn't wait for Ms. Tang Di's explanation, and picked up the signed book in Ms. Tang Di's hand.

  "Your book is a little wrinkled here. It should be bloodstained, the blood of Ms. Zeli Weihong."

  After speaking, Li Mu opened the cover of the signed book, and there was still a little blood inside.

  "Look, there are bloodstains here, it seems that you can't even explain it."

  Ms. Tang Di was silent and did not defend herself. She nodded and admitted: "Yes, I did kill people, because I can't bear her anymore."

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1340 Li Mu's Phantom Thief Career (One More)

  "Li Mu, did you know? My uncle received another provocation from a strange thief. Do you want to go take a look?"

  Maori Detective Agency, Sonoko said excitedly.

  The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched after hearing this, isn't the person who Sonoko said to be himself?

  Picking up the newspaper on the side, Li Mu picked it up and glanced at it, and it was about Jiroji Suzuki.

  Maybe it's because of the phantom thief lady, or maybe it's because of the tribute to Yasen Luoping, the media is particularly popular.

  Of course, it is also possible that there is no big news recently, and many people take this as big news.

  On the other hand, Conan was also watching, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

  The phantom thief Kidd has not been done yet, and now there is a new phantom thief.

  Xiaolan also looked at it, and then said: "Isn't this Kaitou Kidd? In that case, why did Jiroji Suzuki take so much trouble."

  "Oh, that's the guy who said that if Uncle wasn't serious, he would stew and eat Uncle's dog."

  It turned out to be the case.

  Conan immediately understood why Suzuki Jiroji was so angry, it was simply provocation.

  Li Mu listened, 20 didn't speak, just watched the two patiently beside them.

  After a few people chatted, Yuanzi patted Li Mu and said a little excitedly: "How about it, Li Mu, why don't we go together, just to see what phantom thief, is it as handsome as phantom thief Kidd."

  Li Mu smiled and pointed to himself.

  "If that phantom thief is as handsome as me, is there any phantom thief as handsome as Kidd?"

  Yuanzi blushed and patted Li Mu lightly, "Li Mu, what you said, how could Kaito Kidd be as handsome as you."

  "Hahaha, of course." Li Mu laughed.

  After all, he is also Xiaolan and Sonoko's man, how can he be inferior to a phantom thief Kidd.

  Conan's dead fish eye once again despised Li Mu.

  "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's go and see what that phantom thief looks like."

  Yuanzi waved his hand and pulled Li Mu away.

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