In the end, Kuroha Chikage still didn't ask about 'magic'.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1346 Bourbon debuts (three more)

  It was raining heavily. During the rainstorm, a car drove in the rainstorm and came to a nearby restaurant.

  Li Mu drove the car, looked at the restaurant in the heavy rain, and said, "Detective Maori, is your classmate's wedding here this time?"

  "No, it's not a wedding, it's just a gathering of classmates and a pre-wedding party."

  Mouri Kogoro shook his head and looked at the restaurant in front of him at the same time.

  "By the way, it's here, okay, we can get off the bus."

  Li Mu stopped the car, then quickly took an umbrella and came to Xiaolan's side.

  "Xiao Lan, get out of the car, I'll take you in."

  Xiao Lan felt a little shy, she quickly opened the car door, came to Li Mu's side, and walked into the restaurant under Li Mu's huddle.

  "By the way, Detective Maori, you also have an umbrella under your car seat. Come over with Conan."

  Li Mu didn't pick up Conan and the two of them. After bringing Xiao Lan in, he directly found a place to sit down.

  Outside, in the car, Mouri Kogoro and Conan were covered in black lines.

  Li Mu actually just threw them in the heavy rain outside.

  Sure enough, Li Mu is also a person who forgets his righteousness.

  Although speechless, the two still squeezed an umbrella and entered the hotel together.

  "Partner, congratulations, you have finally entered the most important step in your life."

  Mouri Kogoro went to greet the others, while Li Mu and Xiaolan Conan lived together.

  "This guest, what would you like to eat?"

  A blond-haired, handsome guest came to Li Mu and looked at Li Mu with a big smile.

  Li Mu looked at this man and frowned slightly.

  Others don't know him, Li Muke knows him, this guy is Bourbon, one of the members of the organization.

  Of course, his other identity is a member of the public security, codenamed Zero.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he said with a smile, "Waiter, give me a bar and a bourbon".

  As soon as the words fell, Bourbon and Conan were shocked at the same time.

  Bourbon glanced at Li Mu and confirmed that Li Mu should not know his identity.

  "Okay, sir, I'll go get you a glass of bourbon right now."

  After speaking, Bourbon turned and left.

  Conan is still thinking at this moment, and he thinks of the person with his mother, Yingri.

  He still believed that the one with his mother was someone from the organization, codenamed Bourbon.

  Li Mu looked at Conan in a daze, the corners of his mouth rose, but he didn't mention it.

  At this moment, Maori Kogoro came over, and behind him, there was a man and a woman.

  After Maori Kogoro came over, he pointed at the person behind him and said, "Li Mu, this is my classmate, the companion, that is his wife Hatsune.

  Companion, this is my woman Xiaolan, this is my daughter's friend Li Mu, and a detective second only to me, as for that..."

  Speaking of Conan, Mouri Kogoro frowned slightly, and didn't want to explain the person who was eating and drinking in his house at all.

  In the end, Conan patted his head and explained to himself: "Uncle, my name is Edogawa Conan, and I am currently living with Uncle Mouri's house."

  "Really? Maori, let me ask, that guy named Li Mu is your daughter's boyfriend, right?"

  The companion looked at Li Mu and joked.

  Xiaolan blushed, covered her cheeks shyly, and said blushing: "Uncle escort, don't talk nonsense, Brother Li and I really have nothing to do, we are just ordinary friends."

  Come on, Xiaolan is eating and wiping clean and not recognizing anyone.

  The companion also smiled. As someone who had come here, he could naturally see that Li Mu and Xiaolan were still related.

  "By the way, Maori, why didn't Fei Yingli come, is she not with you anymore?"

  The companion covered his mouth and laughed.

  Mouri Kogoro was in a hurry and said quickly: "She still wants to play with me, tell you, even if I dump her, it's impossible for her to dump me."

  Beside him, Li Mu snickered after hearing this.

  The poor Maori Kogoro, he probably doesn't know yet, Fei Yingli has already hooked up with Li Mu.

  If it weren't for Xiao Lan, Fei Yingli would have planned to break up with him long ago.

  Even if Li Mu leaves one day, Fei Yingli will definitely be taken away by Li Mu.

  At that time, Maori Kogoro will be stubborn, and he can only live alone.

  The companion also smiled and joked: "Maori, don't lie to me, you just said that, if Yingri really leaves you, you will definitely collapse."

  "Hmph, how is this possible."

  Li Mu looked at the two bragging, and did not bother. He picked up the wine from Bourbon and tasted it carefully.

  "¨'Well, I've heard people say that bourbon is delicious. I think it's too bad. This kind of wine is hard to swallow."

  Beside him, the corner of Bourbon's mouth twitched, and he said this as if he was scolding him.

  But Bourbon still smiled and said, "So, sir, are you still drinking? Or get some other drinks."

  While Bourbon was talking, Mr. Bourbon in the distance peeked at Bourbon, as if he was looking at a rival in love.

  "Okay, I'll stop bourbon and get me an absinthe bar."

  Li Mu thought of absinthe again, that is, Belmode.

  After hearing this, Conan frowned slightly, thinking of Belmod's figure in his mind and thinking again.

  "I see, sir."

  Bourbon smiled and turned to leave.

  "By the way, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

  Suddenly, Miss Hatsune, the wife of Mr. Banba, said.

  Mr. escort frowned slightly (Zhao Qian's), and said with some jealousy: "What's the matter with you in such a heavy rain?"

  "Why, are you men so domineering? Do you like to occupy a woman so much?"

  After listening to Li Mu, he thought, it is true that any man is domineering, but some people in this country are not so domineering.

  For example, they like their women to be with other men, and it is said that they are a little excited.

  "Okay, don't worry, I'll do a manicure, wait here for me, and I'll show you a brand new me later."

  After speaking, Miss Hatsune tapped Chun on the face of Mr. Banba.

  Xiaolan's face instantly turned red when she saw the movements of the two.

  Li Mu put his hand on Xiaolan's big tui and squeezed it lightly. Xiaolan's face changed greatly, her body trembled slightly, and her heart was thumping.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1347 Inside the car in the rain~~ (four more)

  "Okay, I'm leaving, you can wait for me here."

  Xiaolan looked at Miss Hatsune who was leaving, her face flushed slightly, and she quickly stood up.

  "I...I have something to do, go to the bathroom, guys are waiting for me here."

  "I'm going to the bathroom too."

  Conan also hurriedly walked out and followed behind Xiaolan.

  Li Mu's eyes flickered, and he followed Xiao Lan.

  Not far away, Bourbon looked at Li Mu and the others, and then turned his attention to Kogoro Mauri.

  Now he is only suspicious of the relationship between Mouri Kogoro and Shirley, and he has not suspected Conan and Li Mu.

  However, with Conan's personality, it won't take long for him to reveal himself.

  Li Mu followed Xiaolan, and while everyone was not paying attention, he pulled Xiaolan into the back door where no one was looking.

  Xiaolan's face turned slightly red, and she followed Li Mu shyly.

  "Brother Li, what's wrong, what's the matter?"

  Li Mu turned around, wrapped one arm around Xiaolan's waist, and gently held Xiaolan in his hand.

  "Xiaolan, what do you think, I brought you here at this time?"

  Xiaolan blushed, and her little hand grabbed the corner of her clothes and poked it gently.

  "Li... Big Brother Li, it's not a good place here. There are so many people that it's easy to be discovered by others."

  "Yes, what you said is indeed true. There are a lot of people here, and it would be bad if they were discovered." Li Mu nodded.

  Although Li Mu prefers excitement, it is easy to be discovered by so many people.

  He doesn't want and do that kind of thing, to be seen by other people.

  "By the way, Xiaolan, you come with me, let's go to a place."

  Li Mu pulled Xiaolan, made a random excuse, and brought Xiaolan to the parking lot.

  Because the car was parked in the innermost part of the parking lot, and the car nearby belonged to his own, Li Mu didn't have to worry about anyone here.

  "Xiao Lan, come in."

  Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu, and remembered that Yuanzi once said that Li Mu likes stimulation, and his little face was slightly red.

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