"Li... Big Brother Li, shouldn't it be here?"

  "Okay, Xiaolan, don't talk about it, let's continue, no one else will find out here."

  "Ah, no."

  Xiaolan struggled for a while, and just as she was about to escape, she was pulled by Li Mu and pulled into the car.

  In the end, Xiao Lan still did not break free from Li Mu, but was pulled into the car by Li Mu, and the car kept struggling.

  On the other side, in the restaurant, after Conan came out, he looked around and found no sign of Xiaolan, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

  "Uncle Maori, where are Sister Xiaolan and Brother Li? Where are they now?"

  "Oh, they went out to buy some things, they should be back soon, you don't have to worry."

  Conan looked at Mouri Kogoro who didn't care, and for some reason, he suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

  But Conan didn't think much about it and found a place to rest.

  On the other side, the car was shaking violently. A car drove over and stopped not far from Li Mu's car.

  The one who got off the bus was none other than the bride of Kogoro Mouri's friend, Miss Hatsune.

  After Miss Hatsune got out of the car, she was about to speak when she suddenly saw Li Mu's car.

  Looking at the vibrating arc, Miss Hatsune still didn't know what Li Mu was doing.

  "Young people today are so bold."

  Miss Hatsune didn't even look at it, she turned around and wanted to leave.

  Just as she was about to leave, Miss Hatsune's phone rang suddenly, and Miss Hatsune quickly answered the phone.

  After a while, Miss Hatsune's face changed suddenly, the phone dropped on the ground, her left hand grabbed her body tightly, and her nails were digging into the flesh, but she didn't feel it at all.

  Afterwards, Miss Hatsune burst into tears. I don't know how long she cried, but she cried very sadly.

  Ten minutes later, there was a loud noise, and a huge spark came, and Miss Hatsune's car exploded directly.

  In the car, Li Mu had just finished with Xiaolan, and the sudden explosion frightened Li Mu.

  Xiaolan was also taken aback, her whole body threw herself into Li Mu's arms, and her body was even more nervous.

  "Brother Li, I'm so sorry, I was just scared."

  "Yeah, it was really scary, and I was scared too."

  Li Mu also wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, Li Mu was over just now, otherwise he would be too frightened.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  At that time, Li Mu will definitely get angry and teach the people next to him a good lesson.

  "Brother Li, it's not good, that car exploded, we'd better hurry up, or we'll be found later."

  Xiaolan looked at Miss Hatsune's car and quickly put on her clothes.

  She knew her father's speed, and as soon as the explosion sounded, Kogoro Mouri might come over immediately.

  Without saying a word, Li Mu quickly put on his clothes.

  Fortunately, Li Mu and Xiaolan didn't drag many clothes, and they were quickly dressed.

  In the distance, Maori Kogoro and the others ran over, and Li Mu also reacted. He quickly opened the car door and arrived at the scene of the exploding car.

...... 0

  After Maori Kogoro came over, he looked at Li Mu who had already arrived, and quickly asked, "Li Mu, why are you here, and also, have you seen anyone suspicious?"

  Where did Li Mu pay attention to the outside? Although he knew that Hatsune was there, his attention was only for a moment, and he didn't watch it all the time.

  "Uncle Maori, he was already here before I came, but it's been about seven or eight minutes."

  "Seven or eight minutes?" Conan frowned slightly, puzzled: "Brother Li, how did you know it was seven or eight minutes? Could it be that you are already here."

  "Yes, I did get here for a while, but I didn't find the umbrella, and I wasted some time. Anyway, the car arrived eight minutes ago."

  As Li Mu explained, he looked at Conan.

  This little devil actually doubts Li Mu, he can't forgive him, he will teach him a good lesson in the future.

  On the other hand, Kogoro Mouri was also dissatisfied, and Conan Hittsubashi worked hard.

  "Boy, what do you mean, are you doubting today?"

  "No no no, how is this possible, I'm just asking." Conan quickly explained.

  Li Mu glanced at Conan and continued: "Xiao Lan has already called the police, but it's raining, so I let him hide in the car."

  "Oh, that's good, by the way, did the ambulance call?"

  "Call, it's all right."

  Mouri Kogoro nodded and said nothing.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1348 Conan's Doubt (One More)

  "By the way, sister Xiaolan, I'll go see her."

  Conan thought of Xiaolan and hurriedly walked to the car.

  Li Mu grabbed Conan's collar and pulled him hard.

  "Little devil, do you have any thoughts on this case?"

  At this time, Xiaolan should still be cleaning the traces in the car. If Conan passes by, he will definitely find it.

  After hearing this, Conan touched his chin subconsciously and said, "I don't know yet, after all..."

  Suddenly, Conan stopped, touched his head and smirked: "Brother Li, how could I know, after all, I'm just a child."

  On the other side, Xiao Lan also cleaned up the traces, tidied up her clothes, and got out of the car.

  At the same time, the police have also arrived, made arrangements, sent the body of Miss Hatsune in the car away, and brought everyone to the "[-]" restaurant.

  In the restaurant, Officer Mu Mu asked the question roughly and said, "So, Li Mu, you saw the victim's car, which has been parked there for seven or eight minutes."

  "That's right, it's true, Xiaolan also knows." Li Mu nodded.

  "Yes, Officer Mumu, that's how it is."

  Although Xiaolan didn't know, she thought Li Mu knew, and Li Mu had no chance of committing a crime.

  "Is that so." Officer Mu Mu touched his chin and asked again, "By the way, can I ask why you were in the car for seven or eight minutes."

  "Oh, like this, before we came, there was no other way, so Ms. Hatsune's car stopped for a while, and I stopped, chatted for a while, and looked for an umbrella for about seven or eight minutes."

  Li Mu knew that it was naturally because he sensed the arrival of Miss Hatsune, but there was no scientific basis for this.

  "It turned out to be so, I know."

  Officer Mu Mu didn't doubt Li Mu either, just asked habitually.

  "So, the murderer is uncertain, don't you know who the murderer is?"

  "It's not necessarily. Maybe someone killed Hatsune, such as the waiter."

  While speaking, Mr. Fanba looked at Bourbon who was serving him with a grudge.

  "Oh, who is it? Is it him?" Officer Mumu also looked at Bourbon.

  Bourbon was startled and waved his hand to explain: "No, it's not me, I'm just a detective, investigating whether he has any intentions or something?"

  "Detective... Detective?" Officer Mu Mu was stunned for a moment, then muttered, "It's actually a detective again, there are too many detectives here."

  "There are quite a few, and that uncle should also be a detective, but I am the detective of Miss Hatsune, and he is the detective of Mr. Companion."

  Bourbon glanced at a man next to him.

  Officer Mumu: "..."

  There are too many detectives in this world. There are four, no, four and a half detectives here all of a sudden.

  "Okay, let's not talk about this matter. We will know when the DNA in the deceased's nails is identified."

  Officer Mu Mu interrupted everyone, then stood aside and asked something less important.

  Conan sat aside and looked at Li Mu suspiciously, thinking of what had just happened in his mind.

  Just what did Li Mu and Xiaolan do in the car.

  "Wait, Xiaolan shouldn't be in the car with him..."

  Conan instantly thought of a possibility, his face turned pale, his body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

  Impossible, impossible.

  Conan shook his head quickly, not letting himself think about such a thing.

  Unfortunately, he didn't know that it was what he really wanted.

  Bourbon on the side looked at the weird Conan and smiled: "Little boy, what's wrong with you, do you have a headache?"

  Conan also reacted and said quickly, "I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about something."

  "Oh, by the way, you said you were a detective, so what did you investigate? Is there anything strange, any aspect."

  "Hey kid, do you want to be a detective too?"

  "Well, I also want to be a famous detective like Uncle Maori."

  Conan in this way is still very cute, at least much more cute than he was before.

  Not even as bad as it used to be.

  Bourbon touched Conan's head and said, "Actually, Miss Hatsune asked me to investigate one thing, that is, they used to be in the same hotel and were sent to the orphanage because of a fire, and they didn't investigate clearly. Adopted by someone else."

  Conan didn't think of anything, but Li Mu's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurried out.

  Coming to the side of the explosion, Li Mu looked under every car.

  Li Mu didn't react at first, but as he learned more, Li Mu thought of something about the plot this time.

  This is also Li Mu's advantage. Although many of them have been forgotten, some of them are particularly memorable, such as the sad and tragic story this time.

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