Suddenly, Li Mu saw a fingernail under the car with a little blood on it.

  "Forensic personnel, here is a victim's fingernail with blood on it. Take her for testing and be careful."


  The forensic staff subconsciously nodded in agreement.

  But after a while, the forensics personnel realized that Li Mu didn't seem to be a policeman.

  However, considering the identities of Li Mu and Officer Mumu, the forensics personnel picked up the nails.

  "By the way, take this to identify the DNA with Mr. Banba's hair, and also pay attention to identifying the chromosomes of the genes."


  After Li Mu ordered, he came to the restaurant again.

  At this moment, what seems to be happening in the restaurant, Mr. Banchang is arguing with the police about something.

  "Officer Mumu, what happened?"

  "Mr. Li, after our identification, the DNA of the 0.0-born child with the field is somewhat similar to the residue in the fingernail, but a more accurate identification is required." Officer Mumu said.

  "Then let's identify it, otherwise it's not true, only evidence determines everything."

  Li Mu looked at Mr. Banchang and persuaded him.

  "Yeah, escort, you go to identify, I believe you."

  The hostess looked at Li Mu and Maori Kogoro, and nodded helplessly: "Okay, let's take it for my innocence."

  Subsequently, Officer Takagi collected some samples and sent them for investigation.

  And Li Mu and others were also sitting in the restaurant waiting.

  Conan on the side was absent-minded, secretly watching Li Mu, the questions in his mind could not be answered.

  Xiaolan car~ Has it shaken?

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1349 Comfort Xiaolan (two more)

  Not long after, Officer Takagi came back again with two lists in his hand.

  "Officer Mumu, the appraisal report has come out. The dander on the deceased's nails is indeed the same height as Mr. Companion."

  "What? How is this possible, how can I kill Hatsune, right, Maori." Mr. Sidebar shouted.

  "This, escort, you ask me that, I don't know very well."

  Mouri Kogoro patted his head embarrassingly. After all, the investigation has reached this stage, and it is impossible to hide it.

  "Maybe you have a grudge because of the relationship between Miss Hatsune and me, and you deliberately killed Miss Hatsune."

  Li Mu looked at the serious nonsense Bourbon and gave him a look of contempt.

  Bourbon, Conan, and Shuichi Akai are all very powerful, how could such a mistake be made.

  In the distance, Officer Takagi looked at the crowd and said embarrassedly: "Officer Megumi, in fact, we have also investigated something, here is the DNA test of the blood in Miss Hatsune's other fingernail, which is the same as Mr. ."

  As soon as the words fell, Conan and Bourbon shrank their pupils and immediately understood.

  Officer Mu Mu was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, "What's going on here, did I ask you to investigate this matter?"

  "Officer Mumu, Mr. Li found it and asked the forensics department to investigate."

  "This guy is messing with my people again."

  Officer Mu Mu complained that every time Li Mu, Kogoro Mouri, and Conan would use the police.

  Suddenly, Officer Mu Mu thought of something, and quickly asked: "Wait, you just said that the two have the same DNA, but different genders? Could it be that it was not made by Mr. escort, but his sister?"

  "No, that's not the case. It should be said that Miss Hatsune should be the twin sister or elder sister of Mr. escort." Bourbon explained.

  At this time, Bourbon also understood that Miss Hatsune might have committed suicide.

  Of course, Bourbon may know this, but he is pretending not to know, in order to test Kogoro Maori.

  "Twin elder sister or younger sister~~." Officer Mu Mu thought about it for a while, and said a little puzzled: "But shouldn't the twins be of the same gender? Why are they here..."

  "No, although the twins are of the same gender, there are exceptions. If I guess correctly, Miss Hatsune must be very short, right?"

  Bourbon looked at Mr. Companion.

  The companion was stunned for a moment, but still said: "Yes, Hatsune is less than [-] meters tall, and he has always regretted it."

  Li Mu took a step forward and said with some regret: "It seems that things are very clear, Miss Hatsune must be unacceptable, the person she likes is actually her brother or brother who can't get married, so she committed suicide.

  And the dandruff and blood on her nails at that time, it is estimated that in desperation, she pinched the traces left by herself, maybe, she was still in pain. "

  "How is this possible, how is this possible, Hatsune..."

  Mr. escort couldn't hold it any longer, and burst into tears, how miserable the sound was.

  The people around were also shedding tears.

  It was obviously the wedding of two lovers, but it turned into a funeral.

  Xiao Lan couldn't help it either, tears streaming down her eyes, looking very pathetic.

  Li Mu took a step forward, pulled Xiaolan into his arms, and patted her head with his little hand.

  "Xiao Lan, take a good rest, don't think too much, all this will be over soon."

  "Brother Li..."

  Xiaolan lay in Li Mu's arms, sobbing softly.


  An hour later, everyone separated. Li Mu sat in the car and looked at Xiao Lan next to him and Conan behind him.

  As for Mouri Kogoro, he left with the other students because he was going to comfort his classmate Mr. Banba.

  In the car, Xiao Lan kept her head down silently without saying a word, her heart was very heavy.

  Li Mu looked at the sad Xiaolan, rubbed her head, and comforted: "Xiaolan, don't be sad, maybe, they will be lovers in the next life, and they will definitely be together then."

  "Well, Mr. Banba and Miss Hatsune will definitely be very happy in their next lives."

  Xiaolan nodded, and then a smile appeared on her little face.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, don't cry anymore, we'll go back now, take a good rest and you'll be fine."

  Li Mu wiped Xiaolan's tears, then drove away.

  Conan in the back gritted his teeth and didn't care about his business at all just now, he was simply mad at him.

  Back at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu got out of the car and opened the door for Xiaolan.

  "Thank you, Brother Li."

  Xiao Lan nodded slightly, then walked out slowly, with the support of Li Mu, she walked to the Maori Detective Office.

  "Conan, go take a bath and then go to bed, Xiaolan, go take a bath and go to bed earlier."

  After speaking, Li Mu left.

  Conan wasn't going to rest, but seeing that Li Mu had already left, he didn't stop and went straight to take a bath.

  On the other side, after Li Mu went downstairs, he parked the car and came to the Maori Detective Office again.

  When he arrived at the office, Li Mu sensed Conan resting in the room, and secretly came to the bathroom on the side.

  At this moment, Xiaolan inside was preparing for the hot water, and she didn't know what to think, but she didn't look very good. Obviously, she did not come out of the pain of Miss Hatsune and Mr.

  In addition, Xiaolan was relatively soft-hearted, and now she is even more sad.

  Li Mu secretly opened the door, glanced at Xiaolan who was in a daze, closed the door, and walked over secretly.

  "¨'Xiao Ran, what are you thinking about, are you still thinking about Mr. escort and Miss Hatsune?"

  Xiaolan felt the hand that suddenly appeared, her face turned red, and she subconsciously prepared to hit someone.

  But when she heard Li Mu's voice, Xiao Lan immediately (taken from Zhao's) stopped and let Li Mu's hand rest on her plump and full vicious chest.

  "Brother Li, why did you come here? Didn't you go back?"

  "No, I didn't say that. I just went to park the car. When I come back and see you in a daze, I'll come to help you."

  Li Mu leaned on Xiaolan and pulled her into his arms.

  Xiaolan's face became even more rosy, and her little hand quickly patted Li Mu, her body also softened and she fell on Li Mu's body.

  "Brother Li, why did Miss Hatsune commit suicide, can't she get along well?"

  "Maybe, this is the so-called love. Since we can't be together in this life, let's do it in the next life."

  Xiaolan was moved inwardly.

  "I wish Miss Hatsune to find happiness in the next life, and so does Mr.

  Li Mu didn't say anything, just hugged Xiaolan tightly.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1350 I really didn't do anything to Xiaolan, I sent four

  The next morning, the sun shone directly on Li Mu and Xiaolan from the window.

  Li Mu rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up slowly, and then picked up his clothes and put them on.

  After getting dressed, Li Mu didn't leave, but leaned on Xiao Lan's body, with Xiao Lan on her back.

  Xiaolan's face turned red, and she shyly patted Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, you'd better leave quickly. If Dad finds out, it's okay."

  "Okay, I'll leave now."

  Li Mu left Xiaolan's room.

  clack clack...

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