· · 0 flowers 0 0

  Later, Conan despised Li Mu and kept complaining in his heart.

  The others couldn't help but snicker.

  Even Professor Moriarty smiled, and then said, "So, what do you want to ask? If I know, I don't mind telling you."

  "So, can you tell me about Jack the Ripper? I happen to be trying to get him."

  Li Mu looked at Professor Moriarty with a smile on his face, without being euphemistic, he asked directly.

  "Oh, do you want to catch him? Then I can help you, though he's my best killer."

  Professor Moriarty was surprisingly easy to talk and did not reject Li Mu.


  "I'll give Jack the Ripper a task tomorrow. You just need to pay attention to tomorrow's newspaper. As for whether you can catch him, that's your business. Goodbye."

  After speaking, Professor Moriarty turned around and left.

  Li Mu watched Professor Moriarty without saying a word until he couldn't see anyone else, and Li Mu left directly.

  Xiaolan walked to Li Mu's side, reached out and patted Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, how is it, what should we do now?"

  "What should I do? Of course, I'm going to eat and sleep. By the way, do you have any change on your body?"

  Li Mu took out a sum of money from his pocket. Although it was Japanese yen, it could still be used in this game.

  Others took it out, but they didn't find any money in their pockets. Even those rich people had no money, only bank cards.

  The point is, can bank cards be used to swipe cards in this world?

  Li Mu looked at the people who had no money, covered his mouth and snickered: "It seems that you all have no money, so I'm sorry, you can only go to the road."

  "Press... pressure on the road?"

  "Yes, it means sleeping on the street, hahaha..."

  Everyone: "..."

  "Brother Li, don't bully them." Xiaolan said shyly.

  "Good good."

  In the end, Li Mu still paid for a room for others.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!zero.

Chapter 1356 There is also a feeling in the game (one more)

  Outside a hotel, Li Mu looked at the few tickets in his hand and handed them to the people around him.

  "Okay, you little devils are divided into two groups. Xiaolan and I are in one group. Let's go and allocate rooms."

  Fortunately, some people have been eliminated, otherwise the change Li Mu carried would not be enough for these people.

  Zhu Xing looked at the door key in his hand, and then looked at the money in Li Mu's hand.

  "Hey, since you still have money, there's nothing more to open a few rooms."

  "Please, although the time is only a moment, we will still feel hungry, won't you eat tomorrow?" Li Mu glanced at Zhu Xing.

  Zhu Xing thought about it too, so he didn't say much, and left with his own.

  Li Mu looked at Conan and Haiyuan Ai, and pulled Haiyuan Ai into his arms.

 "[-]" "You'd better stay with me, in case Conan does something beastly to you."

  Conan: "..."

  What does it mean to be a beast, is he such a person?

  Hui Yuan's face was slightly red, and he complained in his heart.

  Rather than saying that Conan is a beast, it is better that Li Mu is a beast and often does some beast-like things to her.

  Li Mu hugged Hui Yuanai and said while walking, "Yes, Conan is such a person, otherwise how could he eavesdrop."

  Everyone: "..."

  After coming to the room, Li Mu let Hui Yuanai lie in his arms, then pulled the quilt and closed his eyes to rest.

  During sleep, Hai Yuanai's body kept rubbing against Li Mu. Although it was only a conscious body, it was still very felt.

  It feels great.

  Hai Yuanai also felt the abnormality of Li Mu's body, her face instantly turned red, and she curled up shyly.

  The time outside passed quickly, but in the game, Li Mu was equivalent to a night, and he slept very well.

  Until the second day in the game, after Li Mu got up, Conan waited outside the room with a newspaper.

  As soon as Li Mu and the others came out, Conan said quickly, "I have already investigated, and she is the one Jack the Ripper wants to kill."

  Although Li Mu didn't read the newspaper, he vaguely knew that what Jack the Ripper wanted to kill was the person Holmes liked.

  "I see, that woman, let's go, let's go save her now."

  Li Mu and others bought a bunch of roses in the game, and then gave them to Conan, who walked over and gave them to Ms. Irene.

  In the theater, Conan originally planned to ask Ms. Irene to cancel the performance, but instead it inspired Ms. Irene's idea.

  Helpless, Li Mu and others could only wait outside the theater.

  Behind the stage of the theater, Li Mu leaned against a wall and held Hui Yuanai in his hands.

  "Xiao Ai, you will be in my arms later, I will protect you well, and Xiao Lan, too."


  Both of them warmed their hearts at the same time, and bowed their heads shyly.

  Others gave Li Mu a look of contempt, it was all at this time, and they didn't forget to pick up girls when they were shy. Li Mu was also an oddball.

  While Li Mu was waiting, the performance continued.

  Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and the theater began to slowly collapse.

  Li Mu's expression changed, and he said quickly, "Xiao Lan, take Xiao Ai out first, and I'll go out soon."

  After speaking, Li Mu rushed out, dragged Ms. Irene in the theater, and ran directly outside.

  Fortunately, although many of Li Mu's abilities could not be used in the game, Li Mu's speed was still very fast.

  In the blink of an eye, Li Mu left with Ms. Irene.

  After the others saw Li Mu retreat, they retreated equally quickly.

  Not long after, the entire theater collapsed directly.

  Shortly after the theater collapsed, Conan noticed a man running out of the theater.

  "Stop, don't run."

  Conan left without thinking.

  "Xiao Ai, Xiao Lan, go out together."

  Li Mu also followed behind Conan. This was the last scene. Li Mu wanted to end this matter earlier.

  The crowd followed Jack the Ripper closely, and after a while, they entered a train.

  As soon as he stepped on the train, Li Mu hurriedly instructed: "Conan, please let the captain all go to one carriage, and I'll check the locomotive to prevent the train's brakes from being damaged."

  "Okay, Big Brother Li, I'll leave it to you."

  Conan took the others to look for the train captain, while Li Mu came to the front of the car and waited patiently.. 0

  It is better to leave this kind of case-solving to Conan, as long as he is a quiet salted fish until the end.

  After an unknown amount of time, Li Mu suddenly heard a running sound, and quickly picked up the shovel on the side.

  The next moment, a man in black tights appeared in front of Li Mu.

  Li Mu picked up the shovel and said coldly, "Okay, come on, Jack the Ripper, let you see how good I am."

  Jack the Ripper hesitated for a moment, but finally ran away without any hesitation.

  Li Mu hurriedly followed, came to the top of the train, and rushed towards Jack the Ripper.

  "Let me kill you first."

  Jack the Ripper suddenly turned around and stabbed Li Mu with the knife in his hand.

  Li Mu turned around, picked up the shovel and fought Jack the Ripper.

  After nearly a few minutes of fighting, Li Mu just hit Jack with a shovel, slapped Jack under the train, and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

  "Huh, what a crisis."

  Li Mu took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  Fortunately, my physique is relatively strong, even if this is a game, it is much stronger than Jack the Ripper.

  If this wasn't a game, Li Mu would have already solved Jack the Ripper.

  "Conan, pull the train brakes off and stop the train."

  "Yes." 0.4

  Conan nodded and left immediately.

  It's a pity, even if Li Mu made preparations in advance, the game world is still controlled by Noah's Ark.

  "No, Li Mu, the train brakes are broken, and the train can't stop."

  Li Mu's head was full of black lines, and he didn't know that this was made by Noah's Ark, so he couldn't help but glared at Zhuxing.

  Zhuxing is not a real Zhuxing, but a trumpet opened by Noah's Ark, just to experience the joy of the game.

  Zhu Xing also understood that Li Mu found out about his anomaly, but he didn't say it. Instead, he pretended that he didn't know anything.

  Li Mu was helpless and could only think of a way.

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