After a while, Li Mu suddenly thought of something and said quickly, "Xiao Lan, come with me, I have a solution."

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1357 Comfort Xiaolan Yuanzi (two more)

  Li Mu came to a wine cellar, picked up the axe on the side, and smashed the wine barrels in the wine cellar.

  In the barrel, bright red wine flowed out of the barrel.

  The others also reacted and hurriedly stood among the wine barrels.

  "It didn't take long for the wine cellar to be filled with a lot of wine."

  "Everyone, we used water to reduce the impact, and we were hiding in the water later, be careful."


  Everyone nodded, then stood nervously in the red wine.

  Time passed, and soon, the train was about to hit the train station.

  When Li Mu was waiting for the last time, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhu Xing on the side.

  "Hey, do you think this will hurt a lot, is it like being hit by a car and falling apart at any time?"

  Zhu Xing smiled awkwardly.

  "I'm sorry, I don't know, but this is a game, so it shouldn't hurt that much."

  After hearing this, Li Mu didn't ask any more questions, as long as it didn't feel that painful.

  Injuries, for Li Mu, have been gone for a long time, let alone playing games.


  The train hit the train station directly, Li Mu hugged Xiaolan with one hand and Hui Yuanai with the other, letting himself hit the train.

  In the end, a little light appeared on Li Mu's body.

  Looking at the light on his body, Li Mu scolded secretly, and he actually died.

  Fortunately, the train has stopped, and the others have nothing to do. The game is over.

  "Hey, Zhuxing classmates, you said that this game should not be open, right, I was eliminated, it's true or false."

  Zhu Xing touched the back of his head, very embarrassed.

  This matter really has nothing to do with him.

  It was Li Mu who was protecting Xiaolan himself. After being hit many times, his health would naturally be cleared, and of course he was eliminated.

  Li Mu didn't wait for Zhu Xing to speak, and disappeared directly into the game.

  Outside, Yuanzi saw that Li Mu had been eliminated, and staggered, almost unable to stand still.

  Fortunately, it didn't take long for the game to end, and everyone was released.

  After Li Mu came out, he tidied up his clothes and complained: "Damn, this is definitely Noah's Ark. It's cheating, I want to report it'".

  In the back, Conan showed dead fish eyes.

  Noah's Ark was about to commit suicide, and Li Mu had no choice even if he wanted to report it.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it's getting late, I'll take you home."


  Conan wanted to follow Li Mu, but he still had to know who the murderer of the designer was, so he didn't leave.

  Seeing that Conan had no plans to leave, Li Mu left with Xiaolan, for fear of being entangled by Conan in the end.

  First came to Yuanzi's house. After Li Mu stopped the car, his eyes flickered and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I'm tired too, why don't you two live together today at Xiaolan's house?"

  "Okay, Xiaolan, just stay at my house, I miss you too." Yuanzi said quickly.

  "This... well, I promise."

  Xiaolan hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

  Li Mu was overjoyed, parked directly in Yuanzi's underground parking lot, and left with Yuanzi.

  After arriving upstairs, Li Mu happened to meet Tomoko Suzuki, and his eyes lit up.

  "Auntie, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful."

  "Where is it, it's okay."

  Tomoko Suzuki touched her cheek with a look of joy.

  "Mom, I'll take Xiaolan to my room, let's go out later."

  Yuanzi didn't stay to say anything, took Xiaolan and left together.

  Li Mu watched the two leave, turned his head to look at Tomoko Suzuki, but did not speak.

  Suzuki Tomoko covered her blushing cheeks and said softly, "Li Mu, why did you come here today, are you still leaving?"

  "Of course I'll go."

  Tomoko Suzuki felt a little sad in her heart.

  "But, at least I have to feed a few people before I leave."

  Li Mu suddenly interrupted, then looked at Tomoko Suzuki's body, and looked at Tomoko Suzuki's fierceness.

  It's very rich here!It is full, and there is no cover, there is a sense of evil and evil.

  Suzuki Tomoko also noticed Li Mu's gaze, and proudly stood up to her fierceness.

  "Then, if you want to come over tonight, I'll wait for you."

  After speaking, Tomoko Suzuki gave Li Mu a wink, then turned around, twisted her waist, and played with her fat and greasy dolphin, seducing Li Mu.

  After Li Mu watched Tomoko Suzuki leave, he hurriedly walked to the side and came to the outside of Sonoko's room.

  In the room, Li Mu didn't see Xiaolan and Yuanzi, but heard the sound of running water in the bathroom of the room.

  "¨'Take a shower? Then I'll wait."

  Li Mu sat on the sofa and waited.

  Not long after, Xiaolan and Yuanzi both came out wrapped in a white bath towel.

  Just after they came out, Xiaolan and the two saw Li Mu, their faces suddenly flushed, and they subconsciously tightened, watching Li Mu vigilantly.

  "Brother Li, you...why are you here."

  "I, I'm here tonight, wait a minute, I'll be right back."

  Li Mu picked up a towel and walked to the bathroom on the side.

  Not long after, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

  Outside, Sonoko looked at the bathroom door and whispered something in Xiaolan's ear.

  Xiaolan blushed instantly, and hesitantly said: "Yuan... Yuanzi, this is not good. What if your mother finds out, and how will you explain this to your mother?"

  "What's there to explain? When the time comes, if you listen to me, she will find out, so don't worry."

  Sonoko waved his hand, his face full of indifference, and there was even a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

  If I can be with Li Mu Xiaolan, I will be very happy.

  Xiaolan listened to Sonoko's words, and although she was shy in her heart, she still agreed with Sonoko's words.

  In the bathroom, Li Mu finished taking a shower, wiped his hair and left the bathroom.

  As soon as he came out, Li Mu saw Yuanzi, who was looking forward to him, and Xiaolan, who was very shy. He was a little curious.

  "Xiao Lan, what's wrong with you? Did Yuanzi say something, you are so shy?"

  Yuanzi walked over to Li Mu and said something in Li Mu's ear.

  Li Mu's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he turned to look at Xiaolan.

  Xiao Lan also noticed Li Mu's gaze, became shy again, and lowered her head shyly.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1358 Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Sanfei (three more)

  Sanfei, this seems to be a very good idea.

  Although Li Mu had flown three times, he was with Fei Yingri and Yukiko, or last time Xiaolan was with Ye.

  But I have never been with Xiaolan Yuanzi. If I can do it tonight, I can definitely have a good time.

  Thinking of this, Li Mu felt a little excited.

  Li Mu walked slowly to Xiaolan's side and put an arm on Xiaolan's shoulder.

  Xiaolan thought of what Sonoko said, and became even more shy, grabbing her clothes with both hands, with a shy expression.

  "Xiao Lan, do you want to be with us tonight?"

  Xiaolan lowered her head and said nothing.

  Seeing that Xiaolan didn't speak, Li Mu hugged her gently, picked Xiaolan up, and walked aside.

  Yuanzi's eyes lit up, he reached out to cover his small mouth, and followed Li Mu in small steps.

  Xiaolan's heart was thumping, she grabbed Li Mu's clothes with both hands, and stuffed her head into Li Mu's arms.

  Holding Xiaolan tightly, Li Mu came to Yuanzi's bed, put Xiaolan down, and leaned on her head.

  "Xiao Lan, stay with us tonight, and I'll tell you a story."

  After telling the story, Li Mu increased his tone.

  Xiaolan immediately understood, her little face was even cuter, and Li Mu's heart turned red when she saw it.

  Such a lovely little Lan is about to throw herself into her arms today.

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