Curious Conan, it is estimated that he is still solving the case at the City Hall of Rice Flower City, and then he will make a record.

  This idiot deserves his girlfriend.

  Yuanzi glanced at Xiaolan, and while Xiaolan closed her eyes, she put her right hand on Xiaolan's body, picked up the scissors on the side, and cut off the clothes.

  Not long after, Xiao Lan's coat was cut off, revealing the black underwear inside.

  A pair of snow-white jade!The rabbit was about to come out directly.

  Xiao Lan thought it was Li Mu, but her heart beat faster.

  Li Mu looked at Xiaolan and slowly lowered his head, resting his head on Xiaolan's neck.

  Not long after, Li Mu and Xiaolan Yuanzi were entangled together, and the sound of three people's breathing could be heard in the room.

  On the other side, after waiting in the room for a while, Tomoko Suzuki took out a tablet from her room and opened a screen.

  As soon as the screen was opened, three figures popped out. Looking closely, these three figures were facing Li Mu and Xiaolan.

  In order to prevent himself from being discovered by peeking, Tomoko Suzuki secretly placed a monitoring device in Sonoko's room.

  After all, sometimes Tomoko Suzuki would comfort herself that if she were at the door, she might be discovered one day.

  So there is this arrangement.

  Little Sonoko didn't know yet that her mother had installed this thing to spy on her daughter.

  After turning on the computer screen, Tomoko Suzuki was stunned.

  If she hadn't been able to see the faces of Li Mu and Yuanzi, she would have thought she had opened the wrong picture.

  This picture, if she is not mistaken, it seems that her daughter is with Li Mu.

  The most important thing is that it seems that Li Mu is still with Xiaolan, and now it happens that Li Mu is attacking Xiaolan.

  Yuanzi was by the side, helping Xiaolan bear Li Mu together.

  But after a while, Tomoko Suzuki reacted and smiled: "I didn't expect Sonoko to have such a preference, it's really not easy."

  She didn't care, after all, she was at fault herself. Since Sonoko didn't care anymore, she naturally wouldn't disturb Sonoko's fun.

  Moreover, Tomoko Suzuki is also having fun now, she put her right hand on the lower face, gently rubbed herself, and kept screaming loudly.

  After a long time, Tomoko Suzuki fell down paralyzed, then sat up slowly and cleaned the traces nearby.

  After everything was done, Tomoko Suzuki looked at the screen on the computer and said with emotion: "It's amazing, as expected of the man Sonoko likes, Sonoko shouldn't be able to bear it, I'm doing this for Sonoko's good too."

  Having found an excuse for herself, Tomoko Suzuki felt relieved.

  At the same time, Tomoko Suzuki hesitated for a while, and finally deleted all the pictures on the computer.

  Although it is possible to stay, it is difficult to guarantee that they will be discovered in the future, which will be a disaster for their Suzuki family.

  In the room, after Li Mu got Xiaolan, he pulled the garden on one side, next to Xiaolan.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Yuanzi turned her back to Li Mu, half-kneeled, her head resting on Xiaolan's body, her hair was loose and kept shaking.

  Xiaolan was exhausted and her breathing was heavy, so she ignored Sonoko and just grabbed onto Sonoko's head.

  After a long time, Li Mu let go of the tired garden and placed her beside Xiao Lan, while he lay between them.

  Reaching out and hugging Xiaolan on the side, Li Mu's head rested on Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan blushed, reached out and gently pushed Li Mu's hand, and said shyly, "Okay, Big Brother Li, I'm already very tired and can't continue."

  "Understood, no, just take a good rest, darling, go to sleep when you're tired."


...... ......

  Xiaolan nodded, then leaned on Li Mu, closed her eyes and fell asleep

  Li Mu stared at Xiaolan for a moment, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

  At this time, Li Mu can take a warm rest with Xiaolan, and Conan may only be able to take notes alone at the police station with Kogoro Mouri.

  Ah cut.

  In the police station, Conan sneezed, reached out and touched his nose, feeling a very bad feeling in his heart.

  Then Conan thought of something, his face changed suddenly, and he said quickly: "Uncle Maori, where is Sister Xiaolan? Where is she now?"

  Mouri Kogoro was taking notes, and when he heard Conan's words, he turned his head impatiently.

  "Little devil, you're too noisy, don't you know I'm still taking notes?"

  Conan grimaced and didn't ask any more questions, just picked up the phone and prepared to call.

  A hand stretched out and took the phone away.

  "Okay, little ghost, do you still want to disturb Xiaolan's rest at night? As for Xiaolan, I have already asked, at the house of that rich eldest lady."

  Garden home?

  Conan froze for a moment, then touched his chin.

  "With Yuanzi, it's impossible to do anything with Li Mu."

  The pitiful Conan did not know that Yuanzi not only did not refuse, but instead encouraged Xiaolan and Li Mu to go together.

  Alas, in short, Conan has a green hat on his head.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1359 Tomoko Suzuki's Desire (four more)

  Li Mu hugged Xiaolan, did not fall asleep, just closed his eyes, closed his eyes and rested.

  I don't know how long it took, Li Mu waited until Xiaolan and the two fell asleep, then secretly pulled Xiaolan's hand away and left.

  Leaving the room, Li Mu walked in the corridor, confirmed that there was no one else in the house, and came outside Tomoko Suzuki's room.

  Button button ...

  Li Mu lightly knocked on the door. Inside, Tomoko Suzuki heard the sound of the door and was overjoyed. He didn't care about getting dressed, he stepped on the ground with his bare feet, came to the door of the room, and opened the door.

  As soon as the door was opened, Tomoko Suzuki saw Li Mu standing in front of him, still wearing pajamas.

  Suzuki Tomoko did not show excitement, but asked calmly: "What's the matter, what are you doing here?"

  "It's nothing, I just wanted to talk to you about the garden. Are you free now?"

  While speaking, Li Mu glanced at the room and seemed to ask if there was anyone in the room.

  "Oh, I'm free now, come in and talk."

  Suzuki Tomoko turned 25 and turned around, shrugging her waist and limbs, and went in step by step.

  Li Mu hurriedly followed, relying on Tomoko Suzuki and pulling her into his arms.

  "What's the matter, uncle doesn't seem to be at home today."

  Suzuki Tomoko blushed, grabbed Li Mu's hand, turned around, gently tiptoed, and wrapped one arm around Li Mu's neck.

  "Don't worry, that guy has a job, so how could he care about me, and he has already died and rarely comes back."

  Li Mu naturally knew this, so he didn't ask any more questions, picked up Tomoko Suzuki and threw it aside.

  Tomoko Suzuki blocked Li Mu and said with a blushing face, "Li Mu, let me ask you a question, what is your relationship with Xiaolan Yuanzi?"

  Obviously, Tomoko Suzuki asked knowingly.

  Li Mu also saw the abnormality of Suzuki Tomoko, and immediately understood her thoughts, and reached out and squeezed Suzuki Tomoko.

  "My relationship with them is the same as my relationship with you. You are all people I like, and you are all my women."

  Tomoko Suzuki glanced at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes, and said in a sullen voice, "You are so good, but how did you get them to accept you?"

  This is probably what Tomoko Suzuki wants to know the most.

  After all, she knows the personalities of her daughter and Xiaolan very well. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for two daughters to serve as a husband.

  Now the impossible has happened.

  Li Mu smiled, and wrapped one arm around Tomoko Suzuki tightly, his hands kept moving, making Tomoko Suzuki's face flushed.

  "It's very simple, I'm too good, they can't take it, and they both love me very much, so they all agree to be together, a few people, together for a lifetime."

  Suzuki Tomoko's beautiful eyes rolled her eyes.

  Although she didn't believe Li Mu's words, the fact that Li Mu was very powerful was indeed true, and she couldn't bear it herself.

  Thinking of this, Tomoko Suzuki felt a little dry~re, and at the same time felt a long-lost feeling.

  Looking at Li Mu's handsome face, Tomoko Suzuki couldn't help but stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Mu.

  "Li Mu, come, want me."

  Li Mu was naturally not a eunuch, and it was impossible for Tomoko Suzuki to be so provocative without feeling it at all.

  He grabbed Tomoko Suzuki, then fell down gently, and he and Tomoko Suzuki hugged each other and kept lingering.

  For a time, the room was full of spring light.


  The next day, Li Mu hugged ~ hugged Tomoko Suzuki, and the two were close together.

  At the same time, on the other side, after Xiaolan and Yuanzi woke up, they didn't see Li Mu.

  "Yuanzi, where's Li Mu? Why isn't he here?"

  Yuanzi glanced around, although he didn't see Li Mu, he didn't particularly care.

  "It should be back to his room, it doesn't matter, after all, he can't stay, or it would be bad if he was discovered."

  Xiaolan thought about it too. After all, this is not Li Mu's home. Staying here is likely to be discovered.

  The two of them didn't know that Li Mu was with Tomoko Suzuki right now, and he was playing for a whole night last night.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, let's find Li Mu."

  Yuanzi got dressed, took Xiaolan and left.

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