Of course, before leaving, Sonoko deliberately tidied up the room, for fear of being seen by the maid at home.

  Then Yuanzi and Xiaolan came to Li Mu's room and knocked on the door, but Li Mu didn't open the door.

  Yuanzi frowned slightly and said puzzledly, "Li Mu isn't here, maybe he's gone somewhere, let's go see my mother first, maybe she will know that Li Mu is here."


  Xiaolan did not refuse, and followed behind Sonoko to the outside of Suzuki Tomoko's room.

  Button Button... Button Button...

  "Mom, are you in there?"

  Tomoko Suzuki woke up with a start, and quickly pushed Li Mu to wake up, while quickly tidying up around him.

  "Yuanzi, do you have anything to do with me?"

  Li Mu also woke up and picked up his clothes.

  "Mom, I want to ask you, have you seen Li Mu? Where is he now?"

  Suzuki Sonoko glanced at Li Mu subconsciously, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  Although Li Mu was right next to him, it was naturally impossible for Suzuki Tomoko to say it.

  "Oh 720, I don't know, maybe it's going out for a walk, go and look for it."

  Sonoko didn't doubt either, greeted her mother, and left with Xiaolan.

  Li Mu also hurriedly packed his clothes, and then hurriedly left Tomoko Suzuki's room secretly.

  Suzuki Tomoko also changed her clothes, and then carefully cleaned the nearby traces to make sure that nothing was left.

  After returning to the room, Li Mu first took a bath, then changed into clean clothes, and finally left the room.

  As soon as he left the room, Li Mu met Yuanzi and Xiaolan who came.

  Yuanzi also saw Li Mu, and quickly felt: "Li Mu, why are you here, I just knocked on the door, didn't you hear?"

  "Just now?" Li Mu was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "I see, I must have been taking a shower just now, and you may not have come at the time."

  "What, we've been looking for you for so long, forget it, let's go eat."

  Yuanzi looked at Li Mu's wet hair and had no doubts.

  After all, Li Mu's acting skills are too good, and it is not something that Yuanzi and Xiaolan can see.

  Seeing that the two had no doubts, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1360 The thief Kidd, my mother was... (one more)

  After a meal, Li Mu left Yuanzi's house with Xiaolan and came to Maori Xiaogoro's house.

  As soon as he arrived at the Maori Detective Office, Conan rushed out and came directly to Xiao Lan, looking at Xiao Lan carefully.

  "Sister Xiaolan, why have your clothes changed? Isn't this your clothes from yesterday?"

  For a time, Conan suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart.

  Li Mu glanced at Conan, not at all worried about being discovered.

  Xiaolan's heart is also tight, but she still smiles on the surface: "That's because this is Yuanzi's clothes, and my clothes are in Yuanzi's house."

  While talking, Xiao Lan felt a little fortunate in her heart. Fortunately, Li Mu had already explained it before she came.

  As for Xiaolan's own clothes, they were stained with unclean things last night, so they stayed.

  Conan looked at Xiaolan with an indifferent expression and had no doubts.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, you can go home, I'll leave first."

  "Well, Big Brother Li, slow down and be careful."

  After Li Mu drove away, he took out his mobile phone and opened the email in his mobile phone.

  Come to the place where we last had coffee tonight - Kuroba Chikage.

  Although Li Mu didn't know what purpose Heiyu Qianying was looking for, he still drove there.

  However, before going, Li Mu deliberately changed into a dress to cover his body so that no one else could see it.

  In the afternoon, when he came to the coffee shop again, Li Mu confirmed that Kuroha Kaito was not nearby, so he sat directly in front of Kuroha Chikage.

  Heiyu Qianying looked at Li Mu carefully and confirmed that Li Mu was someone he knew, with a smile on his face.

  "You're here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

  Li Mu didn't say a word, picked up an instrument, and surveyed around Heiyu Qianying.

  Heiyu Qianying smiled, and Mei Mu glanced at her and said, "Don't worry, I have checked, there is no tracking device, and there is no eavesdropping device, and he has been very busy recently."

  "Extremely busy?" Li Mu smiled, drank a cup of coffee and said, "Did you like someone's stuff again, and plan to borrow it for a few days?"

  Heiyu Qianying also knew that he couldn't hide it from Li Mu, and said directly: "Yes, I recently saw the sapphire ring of the heroine of a musical, and I'm going to borrow it for a day."

  Li Mu didn't ask much, anyway, given the personality of the phantom thief Kidd, it is estimated that in a few days, the city will be full of storms, and everything will be known by then.

  "By the way, what are you doing with me? Is there anything?" Li Mu asked suddenly.

  "It's nothing, I'm a little worried about that kid, so I want to ask you to help. After all, that's your territory, and they will definitely find you or Kogoro Mori."

  Kuroba Chikage has already investigated the location of Kaito Kid's activities this time, so I want to ask Li Mu for help.

  Li Mu took a careful look at Heiyu Qianying, nodded and said, "I understand, since it is your request, I will agree to you."

  Heiyu Qianying was overjoyed, if it wasn't for the wrong time, she would definitely reward Li Mu well.

  "Okay, let's go, I'll take you home."

  After Li Mu drank the coffee, he took Heiha Chikage with him, and then drove him home.

  After reaching the outside of Heiyu's house, Li Mu stopped and leaned on Heiyu Qianying next to him.

  Heiyu Qianying's face turned slightly red, and she lowered her head shyly, with a shy look on her face, but she did not reject Li Mu.

  Seeing that Heiyu Qianying didn't respond, Li Mu turned his head, tapped Heiyu Qianying's neck, and then moved up slowly.

  Feeling the fire~heat on her face, Kuroba Chikage sprouted in her heart, clenched her hands subconsciously, and leaned her head on the seat of the car.

  While Li Mu approached Heiyu Qianying intimately, his hands were scattered all over the world.

  Heiyu Qianying trembled, her hands subconsciously grasped Li Mu's clothes, and gently catered to Li Mu.

  The two were so close together.

  In the next second, Li Mu's movements became bigger and bigger, and the car shook slightly.

  Outside, Kuroba Kuito and Nakamori Aoko came back from school and happened to see the car at their gate.

  Looking at this car, Kuroba was stunned for a moment, and then teased: "Qingzi, did you see the car in front? What are your thoughts?"

  Nakamori Aoko looked up.

  Looking at the constantly shaking car, Nakamori Aoko was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, her face flushed instantly.

  "Bah, men don't have a good thing."

  "Hahaha..." Kuroba Kaito couldn't help laughing.

  In the car, Heiyu Qianying heard Kuiyu Kuito's laughter, and immediately reacted, and quickly pushed Li Mu away.

  Then Kuroba Chikage looked through the rear mirror and happened to see Kuroha Chikage walking over, and her face instantly turned red.

  "." Li Mu, you'll leave later, I'll go down first, see you later. "

  After speaking, Kuroba Chikage quickly tidied up her clothes, tidied her hair, and put on her lipstick, and got out of the car after confirming that there was no problem.

  After getting out of the car, Kuroba Kuito saw Kuroba Chikage and was stunned.

  Isn't this person his mother Chikage Kuroba?That being said, the person who was driving with other people just now was her mother.

  In short, his mother was given by a strange man...

  Kuroba Kuito reacted instantly and ran up quickly, hoping to see who was behind his mother through the car window.

  Unfortunately, Li Mu had already left in his car before he could catch up.

  "Damn, why is this guy so fast."

  Kuroba Kuito complained, then walked over to Kuroba Chikage and pointed to the car in the distance.

  "Mom, whose car is this? Who is inside? What did you and he just do in the car?"

  "This...(Wang Qian's).." Kuroba Chikage smiled awkwardly and turned to look at Aoko Nakamori.

  Aoko Nakamori reacted immediately, and hurriedly said: "Kaidou, how can you talk to Auntie, Auntie is only alone for a long time, so she's lonely."

  Black Feather Chikage: "..."

  Kuroba Kaito: "..."

  Please, I asked you to explain for me, not to make fun of me like that.

  Kuroba Chikage only felt that he was in a valley of collapse.

  Aoko Nakamori also reacted and waved quickly to explain: "No... No, it should be said that Auntie should need someone to accompany her. She just didn't do that kind of thing in the car."


  "Anyway, nothing happened, and I'm leaving first."

  After finishing speaking, Nakamori Aoko left in embarrassment.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1361 Xiaolan and 'Xinyi' broke up (two more)

  Outside an opera house, Li Mu drove the crowd and parked the car in the parking lot, and then led the crowd into the opera house.

  And the purpose of coming today is not to watch the opera, but to catch the phantom thief Kidd, so he came here specially.

  When they arrived at the opera house, Li Mu and others went directly to the backstage.

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