In the backstage, the heroine of the opera, Makiri, has been waiting for a long time.

  "Detective Maori, you are here, I will trouble you today." Mu Shuli said politely.

  "Where, as long as I have Kogoro Mori, I will definitely catch Kidd the phantom thief today."

  Mouri Kogoro shouted proudly, with that expression, as if the phantom thief Kidd was about to be arrested.

  Li Mu and Conan gave Mouri Kogoro a look of contempt. If it was about Xiaolan's case, his abilities would definitely increase.

  But if it was Kaito Kidd or someone else, Mouri Kogoro's detective ability would definitely be junk.

  Outside, Officer Nakamori walked in, with a large number of police officers behind him.

  "Damn, why is there such a troublesome guy."

  Officer Nakamori looked at Kogoro Mouri and was very upset.

  "Everyone, this time, we will be responsible for the police department, so don't meddle in your own business."

  Mouri Kogoro was suddenly displeased and glanced at Officer Nakamori.

  "There's no need for the police at all. I have Kogoro Mori here. It's just solid, and there's nothing wrong."

  "Really? It's just you?"

  "That's right, it's just me."

  Officer Nakamori and Kogoro Mouri came together, head to head, with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

  Li Mu looked at the two who were arguing again, shook his head helplessly, and glanced outside at the same time.

  Under his induction, there was another person standing outside, ready to appear at any time.

  The next second, a person walked in outside. This person was none other than the phantom thief Kidd.

  Of course, he appeared at the moment with the face of Kudo Shinichi.

  After 'Kudou Shinichi' came in, he touched the back of his head and said with a smile, "I'm so sorry, in order to deal with the phantom thief Kidd, I asked Officer Mumu to transfer me over."

  Officer Nakamori also reacted, walked over to 'Kudou Shinichi' and gave him a dissatisfied look.

  "As you can see, this was highly recommended by Mu Mu. I had no choice but to bring him here."

  "Strange... Phantom Thief Kidd." Conan suddenly shouted, looking panicked: "He is Phantom Thief Kidd."

  As soon as the words fell, everyone turned their attention to 'Kudou Shinichi'.

  'Kudou Shinichi' was not surprised, but showed a panicked expression: "Don't be like this, I'm Kudo Shinichi, how could it be the phantom thief Kidd."

  "Why is it impossible, because I..."

  Conan stopped suddenly and did not speak.

  After all, he can't always say that he is Kudo Shinichi, this is not exposing his identity.

  "It's not impossible, we still have to check."

  Officer Nakamori came to the side of 'Kudou Shinichi', stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, and pulled it hard a few times.

  "Okay, this is not Kaito Kidd."

  'Kudou Shinichi' touched his flushed cheeks and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then I'll investigate first, goodbye."

  Li Mu looked at the fake Kudo Shinichi who had left, his eyes lit up, and he quickly pushed Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan has always wanted to make it clear with Kudo Shinichi face to face.

  Now I can take advantage of this time to make it clear, and since Kudo Shinichi is not the real Kudo Shinichi, it must not be a big fight.

  Xiaolan reacted and quickly followed.

  "Xinyi, wait for me, I have something to tell you."

  "Ah..." Conan reacted and said quickly, "I'm going too, I'm going too."

  He didn't want Xiaolan to just get rid of Li Mu and walk to Kidd's side again.

  Li Mu grabbed Conan, blocked his mouth, and 'accidentally' turned his watch, and an anesthesia needle shot out.

  Conan, who shot hundreds of anesthesia needles, finally tried his own anesthesia needle.

  After Conan was injected with the anesthesia needle, his face changed suddenly, and he fainted before he could speak.

  Li Mu looked at the fainted Conan and pretended to be puzzled: "What the hell is going on here, why did he faint?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

  Next to him, Dr. A Li and Haibara Ai had black lines all over their heads. They didn't expect Conan to actually get his own anesthesia injection.

  "Ah, it's nothing, Conan probably passed out, it's nothing serious, I'll take him away."

  Dr. A Li was in a hurry and quickly took Conan away.

  Seeing that the person who was in the way had left, Li Mu naturally couldn't keep him, but happily sent him away.

  On the other side, after Xiaolan and 'Kudou Shinichi' left together, they came to an observation deck above the opera house.

  Standing next to the glass, Kudo Shinichi turned his head and said, "Xiao Lan, do you have anything to say? Tell me."

  Xiaolan hesitated after hearing this, but finally summoned up her courage and looked at 'Kudou Shinichi'.

.... .. 0

  "Xinichi, although it's a bit inappropriate to say that, I still want to make it clear to you that I already have someone I like, and I'm not suitable for you.

  Likewise, I don't know how you feel about me, but since I'm a childhood sweetheart, I'll make it clear so that you won't misunderstand me.

  But even if we can't be together, we can still be friends, can't we?New one! "

  After speaking, Xiao Lan stared at the fake Kudo Shinichi in front of her.

  At this moment, the monster thief Kidd was also stunned.

  He just pretended to be Kudo Shinichi to investigate this matter, how did he encounter such a thing.

  Breaking up and confessing, this tells him how to answer.

  For a while, Kaito Kid didn't know what to say.

  After a moment of silence, the phantom thief Kidd reacted and said quickly: "Ah, Xiaolan, this kind of thing... I... I think it's okay, we will always be good friends in the future."

  In the end, Kaitou Kidd decided to obfuscate.

  It is definitely impossible to promise, and it is also impossible to refuse. In this case, it can only be vaguely dealt with.

  "Well, I won't disturb you to catch Kidd the thief, I'll go first." Xiaolan left happily.

  Kaito Kid looked at the back of Xiaolan's departure, and touched the back of his head in distress.

  "Forget it, don't care, I don't know about this matter, that's all."

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!seven.

Chapter 1362 Encountering Concubine Yingli on the Plane (Three Shifts)

  Li Mu didn't know what Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi said, only that Xiaolan seemed to be relieved.

  As for Kaitou Kidd, he was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to face Xiaolan.

  After passing the time with everyone, Li Mu came to the auditorium, waiting for the opera performance to start.

  Although Li Mu didn't like it very much.

  The opera performance was all normal, and the phantom thief Kid did not appear, just came to inspect it in advance.

  On the other hand, Kogoro Mouri and Officer Nakamori misunderstood the actor who played Napoleon as the phantom thief Kidd.

  After leaving the opera house, Li Mu sent Yuanzi back first, and then sent Maori Kogoro and others home.

  Along the way, Maori Kogoro's face was gloomy.

  After all, he made a mistake with Kaito Kid today and made a fool of himself in front of so many people.

  Fortunately, Maori Kogoro was thick-skinned and recovered quickly.

  Back at the Maori Detective Agency, Conan was the first to be sent back at 18.

  As soon as he saw Li Mu and the others, Conan hurried over.

  "Sister Xiaolan, did you and Brother Xinyi say anything?"

  "It's nothing, just talk about what happened to him during this period of time and say hello."

  Xiaolan touched Conan's head, with a smile on her face, nothing abnormal at all.

  Although Conan is very observant, it seems that he is not good in this regard, and he does not see anything abnormal.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, I'll leave first, bye."

  Li Mu said hello with a smile, and then drove away.


  On Sunday, in thunderstorm weather, Li Mu and others came to Dongdu Airport, ready to take a plane.

  The purpose of this time is naturally to protect Miss Mushuli's sapphire, so Li Mu and his party have to go.

  At the airport, Li Mu looked at the weather outside and muttered to himself, "The weather is not very good today, and I don't know if anything will happen."

  "Don't worry, nothing will happen today. After all, the plane is flying above the clouds, and the thunder won't hit it."

  Mitsuhiko was like a little adult, but he actually beat Li Mu with his sword.

  Based on the principle of not arguing with the little ghosts, Li Mu directly ignored them.

  "Okay, let's get on the plane? The plane should take off soon."

  Li Mu took the ticket and boarded the plane with everyone.

  On the plane, the little devils were excited.

  "Fantastic, this is first class, didn't expect us to be in first class."

  "Yeah, the first class cabin is really big, as expected of a rich person."

  Li Mu glanced at the little devils, and they paid all the money for the plane by themselves.

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