Hui Yuanai on the side noticed Li Mu, and said with a blank face: "It's just first class. For some people, this money is just a trifle."

  Hai Yuanai's arrogant expression, if she doesn't teach her a good lesson, how will she look at her harem in the future.

  Li Mu stared at Hui Yuanai, reached out and grabbed her collar, pulling her into his arms.

  "Xiao Ai, just come with me, but I will take good care of you."

  Huiyuan's sad face instantly turned red, and the whole person froze in Lin Fei's arms, his head was hot and blank.

  Xiaolan looked at the amiable two people, but didn't know the relationship between the two.

  "Brother Li and Xiao Ai seem to have a good relationship, but they can actually hold Xiao Ai."

  "That's right, you don't even look at who I am. I usually treat her so well, love her so much, and have such a close relationship, of course."

  There was something in Li Mu's words, but unfortunately, apart from Huiyuan Ai, no one else could hear the meaning of those words.

  Haiyuan felt very shy after hearing this, and reached out to squeeze Li Mu's hand.

  Conan next to him didn't hear anything unusual either, just glanced at Li Mu.

  "Cut, he is the only one who can have a good relationship with this witch."

  In Conan's eyes, Haibara Ai was a witch, a witch who made him smaller and did not let him recover.

  Li Mu hugged Hui Yuanai, found his place, and sat down.

  "I... I'd better go to my place."

  Hai Yuanai blushed and ran away shyly.

  Li Mu didn't continue to do anything. After all, there were so many people, he didn't want to be labeled as scum and lolicon.

  After everyone sat down, Li Mu took a seat, Xiaolan Yuanzi sat together, and the rest of the juvenile detective team were also there.

  Suddenly, Li Mu felt a familiar aura, and he turned his head to look, just in time to see Concubine Yingli approaching.

  Fei Yingli also saw Li Mu, and was stunned for a moment, then reacted with an already understood expression.

  Xiaolan also noticed Fei Yingli at this time, and quickly stood up, her hands together.

  "I didn't expect my mother to be here too. It's really good. This is the so-called fate."

  Feiyingli had such an expression as expected, and at the same time directly questioned: "Xiaolan, is this what you did again? He said that he was not free, so he had to come, but you came anyway."

  "Yeah, Xiaolan, you did such a boring thing, didn't you?" Maori Kogoro also complained.

  Of course, Mouri Kogoro was still very excited in his heart, but on the surface he confirmed an indifferent expression.

  Lin Fei glanced at the two, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  He was also curious at the time, why Xiaolan asked himself for a first-class ticket on 513, which turned out to be for Fei Yingli.

  Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be not bad. There are Fei Yingli, Xiaolan, and Yuanzi along the way, and they are not lonely.

  "Hmph, Xiaolan, don't plan to let me sit with her, I won't agree." Maori Xiaogoro snorted coldly.

  Concubine Yingri looked at Mouri Kogoro's unconcerned expression, and felt very unhappy in her heart.

  She doesn't care about Maori Kogoro anymore, she already has someone she likes, and doesn't care about him at all.

  "Okay, I'm not going to sit with you either, I'm going to sit somewhere else."

  Fei Yingli pretended to look around, most of the others were already sitting together, only Li Mu was sitting alone.

  And only Li Mu was known to her.

  "I'll sit with you, Mr. Li."

  Concubine Yingli suppressed the joy in her heart and sat beside Li Mu.

  Li Mu was also very happy, but he pretended to be calm on the surface, and said politely: "Since the concubine lawyer wants to sit here, then sit here."

  Xiaolan sighed regretfully, then glared at Mouri Kogoro.

  Although Concubine Yingli and Li Mu were sitting together, Xiaolan had no choice but to agree.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1363 Hefei Ying Li Ji ~ (four more)

  On the plane, Li Mu sat near the aisle in the first class cabin of the car, while Fei Yingli sat next to Li Mu, near the window.

  On Li Mu's left, Haibara Ai and Ayumi from the Youth Detective Squad were sitting, and behind Li Mu was Xiaolan Yuanzi.

  After Li Mu sat down, he glanced at the people around him, then picked up a blanket and put it over himself.

  When everyone was not paying attention, Li Mu held his arms tightly and grabbed the blanket with his right hand to prevent it from falling.

  The left hand stretched out to the side and placed it on Feiyingli's big tui.

  Concubine Yingli blushed, took a peek around to confirm that no one was paying attention, moved her body to Li Mu's side, and grabbed Li Mu's hand with one hand.

  Li Mu felt Fei Yingli's hand, grabbed her gently, and scratched the palm of her hand.

  Afterwards, Li Mu changed another hand, stretched out his right hand, and put it under Concubine Yingli's clothes.

  Because there are people around, Li Mu's range is not large, and he can only stretch out a little to prevent others from discovering.

  Just then, a man stood up and walked forward.

  Li Mu quickly retracted his hand, but when he retracted it, he gently rubbed Fei Yingli's skin.

  Fei Yingli's face turned slightly red, and she glared at Li Mu angrily.

  In the following period, Li Mu didn't do anything, because the people in the first class cabin were too ordinary to move, and it was easy to be discovered.

  After waiting for a while, Li Mu felt bored, so he closed his eyes and rested.

  He was resting when suddenly a scream came, Li Mu hurriedly stood up, turned his head and looked around.

  I didn't know when, Miss Mushuli grabbed her throat with both hands and struggled on the ground.

  Although Li Mu still didn't know what was going on, he had already guessed it.

  Estimated, no, it must be Conan's death halo, so he killed Miss Makiri.

  Li Mu was a little speechless, but he still walked beside Miss Mu Shuli and put his hand under her ear.

  "She died, what did she eat just now?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Kogoro Mauri's face changed suddenly, his hand was on his cheek, his face was extremely pale.

  "It's over, I'm dead, I'm playing."

  Li Mu looked at Mouri Kogoro, who was jumping up and down and seemed to have nothing to do, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  Others are probably very speechless.

  "Okay (adci), Maori Detective, you're fine or you're dead."

  "'re all right?" Maori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then said happily, "That's great, it scared me to death, I thought I was done for today."

  Li Mu ignored Maori Kogoro, but turned his head to look around, and finally looked at Xiaolan.

  "What exactly happened just now? Do you know?"

  Everyone said what happened just now.

  After listening to it, Li Mu thought, although this is a theatrical version, but Li Mu also forgot a lot of the plot.

  Fortunately, Li Mu can use his reasoning ability, coupled with the weak plot, to combine her.

  "How is it, Brother Li, have you found any clues? Do you know who the murderer is?" Xiaolan asked.

  "Not yet, but I don't think she should start with this chocolate. After all, she can't bet on odds. No one would be so stupid."

  While speaking, Li Mu quickly thought about the people around Mushuli, and then thought about Mushuli.

  Li Mu lowered his head and sniffed gently. There was a faint smell of poison in the air, or on the cheeks of Miss Mu Shuli.

  This was also because Li Mu was a doctor, and he could smell the faint smell of poison on his cheeks.

  "I see." Li Mu immediately understood when he smelled the poison.

  "Everyone, I already know who the murderer is."

  Li Mu was a little proud, pointed at the makeup artist Sakai Natsuki and said, "You are the murderer, Miss Sakai Natsuki."

  Sakai Natsuki was startled, but he said calmly on the surface: "You said that I was the murderer, so the evidence is there. I asked you for the murder, the evidence of my murder?"

  "How to kill is very simple. You poison your cosmetics, and you use Miss Mushuli's ability to cover her ears when flying, so that the poison gets into her hands, and if you eat anything, you will be poisoned and die."

  Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and muttered to himself, "It's possible to say that, but if there is no evidence, there is no way."

  "That's right, evidence, where's the evidence?" Sakai Natsuki was a little panicked, and hurriedly shouted.

  "Evidence?" Lin Fei paused for a moment and affirmed: "If it were me, it would definitely not be safe to put it in the trash can at the airport. After all, we can notify the airport, so we can only mail it, right, to my own home."

  As soon as the words fell, Sakai Natsuki's face was pale, and he fell to the ground weakly, his body was a little weak.

  Li Mu didn't even look at Natsuki Sakai, he sat in his seat and winked at Concubine Yingri.

  Feiyingli blushed and stood up shyly.

  "Xiao Lan, let me go to the bathroom."

  Li Mu glanced at Concubine Yingli, if there was no one else at this time, Li Mu would definitely follow and do that kind of thing on the plane.

  After all, it's still very exciting.

  But with so many people, Li Mu naturally couldn't do such a thing. If he was discovered, it would be over.

  But it seemed that someone helped Li Mu.

  Conan on the side thought of something, and quickly shouted: "No, the captain is in danger, hurry up and go with me."

  Although the waiter didn't know what was going on, after hearing Conan's explanation, he quickly opened the captain's room.

  As soon as it was opened, everyone found that the two captains were lying on the side, their bodies were still shaking slightly, and they kept moaning.

  Mouri Kogoro's face changed suddenly, and he said quickly: "Come on a few people and move them to the side, there must be no accident."

  Immediately, two big men came and moved the two captains to the side, but no one noticed that one of them accidentally touched the fuel tank switch and drained the fuel in the plane.

  Li Mu didn't care so much, and secretly went outside the first-class restroom while everyone was not paying attention.

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