"Okay, Li Mu, tell me, how did you hook up with Fei Yingli, and also hook up with Xiaolan, Yuanzi, how many women do you have?"

  Li Mu sat up, looked at Hui Yuanai's curious eyes, couldn't help reaching out and pinched her cheek.

  "My people? I count them, one, two... I guess there is one battalion."

  Haiyuan was saddened with black lines. Although she knew that there were many rich women and women, she did not expect that there were so many.

  A battalion, what is the concept, can Li Mu be able to do it alone?

  Thinking of this, Hai Yuanai subconsciously looked at Li Mu, her eyes seemed to doubt Li Mu.

  Li Mu noticed Hui Yuanai's gaze, and was immediately amused. He quickly grabbed Hui Yuanai and pulled him over.

  "Okay, little girl, you actually look down on me. I'll show you now how powerful my abilities are."

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu ignored Hui Yuanai's struggle and suppressed Hui Yuanai again.

  "Damn, get out of the way, don't, wait, I'm getting smaller."

  In the end, Hui Yuanai became smaller again, and Li Mu didn't take it out either.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!people.

Chapter 1368 Settlement with Maori Kogoro (one more)

  The next day, when Hai Yuanai woke up, she couldn't help but glance at her swollen body, and Mei Mu glanced at Li Mu.

  Last night, Li Mu accidentally left her in her body again and couldn't take it out.

  This is the third time, she has become smaller, and Li Mu can't take it out, causing her body to swell and hurt.

  Perhaps seeing Li Mu sleeping very happily, Hui Yuanai felt very upset and pinched Li Mu angrily.

  Although Li Mu was still sleeping, he still felt something.

  Feeling Hai Yuanai's small movements, she reached out and grabbed her, then pulled her hard and pulled it in front of him.

  "Xiao Ai, do you provoke me so much, do you think I'm easy to talk about? Believe it or not, I'll punish you."

  Hui Yuan's sad face instantly turned red. After so long, she still didn't know what Li Mu meant by 'punishment'.

 "Four seven zeros" But when he saw Li Mu's current expression, Hui Yuanai became angry and kicked Li Mu in dissatisfaction.

  "You guy, you dare to tease me, I will never let you go."

  After speaking, Hui Yuanai's two little feet kicked Li Mu.

  Li Mu not only didn't care, but showed a happy expression on his face.

  "Comfortable, Xiao Ai, you are quite capable, but your strength is a little weaker."

  Hui Yuan's sad face instantly turned red, and he turned away arrogantly, and stopped kicking Li Mu.

  She had no idea of ​​giving Li Mu a foot massage.

  Li Mu didn't bother, nor did he plan to rest, so he got up and put on his clothes.

  On one side, Haiyuan Ai was still red Guoguo at the moment, and there was nothing on her body.

  This youthful figure immediately attracted Li Mu's attention.

  "Xiao Ai, are you trying to seduce me like this? I admit that I am bewitched by you."

  Hai Yuanai's calm face turned red again, she quickly picked up the quilt to cover herself, and kept scolding, scolding anything.

  "Okay, Xiao Ai, I won't bother you anymore."

  Li Mu blinked at Hui Yuanai, making Hui Yuanai blushed.

  Afterwards, Li Mu made a breakfast for Hui Yuanai. After she had breakfast and took a bath, Li Mu sent her back.

  Then Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency.

  As soon as he arrived, Li Mu saw Kogoro Mouri, Conan and others standing outside holding a salute.

  Mouri Kogoro also noticed Li Mu, and waved his hand excitedly: "Come, Li Mu, come here, come here quickly, and take us to Kyoto."

  "Dad, you really are." Xiaolan complained.

  Li Mu was nothing, after all, he was also his future father-in-law, and gave him a forgiveness hat, and it was nothing to endure him.

  "Detective Maori, what's the matter, did you go to Kyoto because of a commission?"

  "Yes, there is indeed a commission. I was going to call you, but Xiaolan didn't allow it. Who knew you were still here."

  Looking at Maori Kogoro's happy expression, he must be happy because he saved a fortune.

  Xiaolan smiled, with apologetic eyes in her eyes.

  "Brother Li, I'm so sorry. I think you'd be very tired if you slept so late last night, so I didn't plan to inform you."

  "It's okay, I'm not sleepy."

  Although Li Mu and Hai Yuanai have been together for a long time, he is not tired at all, on the contrary, he is very energetic.

  Even though he came here many times all day yesterday, Li Mu's waist could not bear it.

  "Xiao Lan, let me tell you, Li Mu is really not sleepy." Maori Kogoro said proudly.

  Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro's smug expression, the corners of his mouth rose, and he smiled: "Mori Detective, we should also settle the bill, so many times of driving, car rental, you will only be charged one billion."

  "What? One billion?" Mouri Kogoro's eyes popped out, and he shouted: "Just kidding, how could there be one billion, you think too much."

  Conan in the back was also ashamed, one billion yuan, and even sold Mouri Kogoro.

  "Of course there is one billion. Let's do the math. The cost of a celebrity is high or low, and it all depends on the popularity. I am a celebrity as a driver, and the appearance fee is very high. In addition, my luxury car is lent to you, and the price is also..."

  Li Mu talked a lot, Maori Kogoro's face was pale, and his body trembled slightly.

  This is what he heard from the front, and he didn't hear the back, otherwise Mouri Kogoro would be scared to death.

  Xiaolan in the back couldn't help snickering. She really didn't believe that Li Mu would let Maori Kogoro give so much money...  

  After talking for a long time, Mouri Kogoro said tremblingly: "You...you are robbery."

  "Is robbery so easy to make money?"

  Maori Kogoro choked, yes, robbery is not so easy to make money.

  "Hahaha... just kidding."

  Maori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, he really couldn't come up with one billion yuan.

  Conan groaned in his heart, glanced at Li Mu, and then showed his signature action, dead fish eyes.

  Not long after, Li Mu came to the Shanneng Temple in Kyoto.

  Mouri Kogoro got off the car and said proudly: "The Buddha statue in the temple here was stolen, so please come and help me, but this must be a very simple case."

  Li Mu and Conan glanced at Mouri Kogoro disdainfully at the same time, this guy can solve the case, this time is impossible.

  "Detective Maori, here you are, I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

  In the temple, an old monk walked over with a middle-aged monk.

  The old monk had a smile on his face, and the smile looked warm and genial, like sunshine.

  "Host, I'm so sorry for being late today."

  Mouri Kogoro touched the back of his head and said politely.

  "It's okay, Detective Maori, please come with me first."

  The host turned around, holding a string of rosary beads in his hand, and walked towards the 4.1 living room on the side.

  After arriving in the living room, the middle-aged monk on the side poured a cup of tea for Li Mu and the others.

  After drinking tea, the host said: "Maori detective, this is the case, there is one less Buddha statue in our temple, and this Buddha statue will be used in a few days.

  Here is a letter with clues about the Buddha statue in it, so hopefully you can help me find this Buddha statue. "

  After finishing speaking, the host handed a letter to Kogoro Mori.

  "Don't worry, this matter is left to me, and I can definitely make it halfway through."

  Mouri Kogoro took the envelope and laughed proudly without looking at it.

  As if the mystery could be solved immediately.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1369 Hattori Hei Minor Eavesdropping (Second)

  "Hey, Hattori, why are you here?"

  Conan was about to see what the secret code was when he saw Heiji Hattori outside.

  Hattori Heiji was a little stunned when he saw Conan and the others.

  "Gong... Conan, you're here too, what's going on? Are you investigating the case?"

  "Xiao Lan, you are here too."

  Seeing Li Mu and Xiaolan, He Ye hurried over and walked to Xiaolan's side.

  "It turned out to be you." Kogoro Mori glanced at Hattori Heiji, but did not say his commission.

  Hattori Heiji didn't care either, walked over directly, and stood behind Mouri Kogoro watching.

  "Is this some kind of code?"

  "Brother Heiji, this is the secret code given by the host to Uncle Maori. I hope Uncle Maori can crack it and find the Buddha statue in the temple."

  "Oh, so that's the case, then I'll help you too."

  When Hattori Heiji heard Conan's words, he immediately became interested, picked up a photo and took a photo.

  After filming, Hattori Heiji put the phone in his pocket and looked at Kazuha.

  "He Ye, I'm leaving, are you leaving?"

  "No, I'm not going. Don't you have something to do? Go by yourself."

  He Ye waved his hand and didn't plan to leave at all.

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