After all, Li Mu is here, where can she go by herself.

  Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth angrily, and left with Conan on his side.

  "Okay, I'm leaving, little devil, you go with me."

  "Ah, Brother Heiji, don't pull me, I don't want to leave here."

  Conan struggled desperately, but how could he break free from Hattori Heiji's vicious hand.

  And Mouri Kogoro can't wait for Conan to disappear, and Xiaolan and Ye also want to drink Li Mu together, so naturally they won't help Conan.

  In this way, Conan was finally taken away by Hattori Heiji.

  Outside, Conan stood aside, turned his head in dissatisfaction and said, "Hey, Hattori, you pulled me out again, is there something wrong?"? "

  "Ah, did you guess it?" Hattori Heiji exclaimed, then lowered his head quickly, and said softly, "Kudou, don't you have that bug? Give it to me, I'll use it."

  "Don't you want to eavesdrop on Li Mu and the others?"

  Conan said he could see what Heiji Hattori was thinking at a glance.

  "Yeah, come on, give me that."

  Hattori Heiji did not hide it, but looked forward to it.

  Conan looked at Hattori Heiji, who was looking forward to it, and suddenly had some doubts in his heart.

  "Hey, Hattori, what's your idea, tell me quickly, or I won't give it to you."

  "You..." Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth angrily, but still said: "I'm just worried about Kazuya, so I want to eavesdrop, and I have work today and need to investigate, so it's not convenient to stay by his side. "

  "Work, what work?"

  Conan thought it was a case, and suddenly became interested.

  "Oh, it's like this, I'm going to find my first love, about eight years ago, when I was playing in Kyoto Prefecture..."

  Hattori Heiji spoke for a long time, but there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes.

  But after a while, Hattori Heiji reacted and said quickly: "This kind of thing is not important, hurry up and give me the bug."

  "Although I really want to give it to you, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't give you the bug."

  "What? Kid, are you kidding me?"

  Hattori Heiji suddenly shouted and grabbed Conan.

  Conan turned his head and said with a bitter face: "Hatto, do you remember the last time you played the cocoon game?"

  "Of course, it is said that you were all trapped inside, and you saved everyone in the end, but does this matter have anything to do with it?"

  Hattori Heiji's eyes stared straight at Conan, as if Conan would teach him a lesson if he didn't give him an explanation.

  Conan's head was full of black lines, and when he remembered what happened last time, he felt bitter in his heart.

  "Last time, I accidentally revealed that my glasses had special functions, and then I revealed that I was using a bug to eavesdrop on Li Mu and the others.

  At that time, police officers Mumu and the others were listening outside the game. They learned about this and taught Dr. Ali a lesson, so Dr. Ali rarely gave me this, and I didn't dare to monitor. "

  That's right, Dr. A Li has already warned him that if he is found again, he will confiscate everything.

  After all, Dr. A Li wasn't stupid. Eavesdropping on Li Mu would mean stealing, peeping, and privacy at a young age, but at an older age, it would be a commercial espionage.

  "What? You turned out to be eavesdropping and they were caught. What's the matter? Did you eavesdrop on your little girlfriend?"

  Hattori Heiji couldn't help laughing, which immediately caught Conan's eyes.

  "¨'What, I'm just investigating the case, and..." Conan stopped suddenly, glanced at Hattori Heiji and snickered: "You still talk about me, aren't you also eavesdropping?"

  Hattori Heiji's face froze, yes, he seems to be planning to eavesdrop too.

  "Did you eavesdrop on He Ye and want to see what relationship she has with Li Mu?"

  "Let's talk less and say, will you give it to me?"

  Hattori Heiji was in a hurry and grabbed Conan's collar.

  "No, if I'm found out, I'll be finished, and Dr. Li will be arrested by the police. After all, I'm a child, but he's an adult."

  Conan is still a little insistent, or else something goes wrong, he may be mistaken for being taught by Dr. Agasa.

  People can tolerate it once, but not twice.

  Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do. After all, Conan was right, this kind of thing was illegal.

  Suddenly, Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "Why don't you give it to me and I'll put it in Heye's place (Wang Lihao), then you don't touch Heye's things, so don't worry about being suspected.

  Also, I'm here to eavesdrop on He Ye, you can listen too, so you don't have to worry about the relationship between Xiaolan and Li Mu, what do you think? "

  Conan was immediately attracted, this method is very good, not only achieves his goal, but also has nothing to do with himself.

  When something happened, Hattori Heiji went to take the blame. Anyway, Hattori Heiji's father was the police chief, and there was nothing at all.

  This kind of thing is foreshadowing.

  "Okay, Hattori, I'll give it to you."

  Conan didn't hesitate, picked up a new button-type thing and handed it to Hattori Heiji.

  "Okay, it looks very high-end, give me more in the future."

  Hattori Heiji praised it a lot, wondering if he should prepare some for himself and use it in the future.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1370 Hattori who disturbs others to open a house (three more)

  Hattori Heiji took the button-type bug given by Conan and came to the hall of Shannoi Temple again.

  "He Ye, take your cell phone, I want to borrow it."

  Hattori Heiji didn't give He Ye a chance to answer at all, took the bag directly, and then pretended to hold the phone.

  While holding the phone, Hattori accidentally put the button-type bug in his backpack.

  Then he picked up the phone and glanced at it.

  In the back, Conan held a mobile phone and pretended to say, "Brother Heiji, your mobile phone is here, you don't need to borrow it."

  "Ah, did you find it? That's great."

  Hattori Heiji pretended to be delighted, and then returned Kazuya's phone and backpack to Kazuya.

  "I'm so sorry, I thought my cell phone was missing, so I'm going to borrow your~ cell phone to make a call."

  "Really, Heiji, you have to pay more attention in the future, don't be so over-meaning."

  He Ye didn't have any doubts and took over the backpack.

  Hattori Heiji smiled awkwardly, and ran away quickly with his phone in hand.

  Li Mu sneered, no one else saw it, how could he not see it.

  However, Li Mu didn't dismantle it directly. It would be boring to dismantle it like this.

  Might as well play with them.

  Thinking of this, Li Mumo silently sat on the side, pretending that nothing happened.

  When Xiao Lan and Ye went to the bathroom, Li Mu took the opportunity to pick up He Ye's backpack and took out the button-type bug inside.

  Because Li Mu and Ye knew each other, Maori Kogoro didn't say anything.

  After taking out the button-type bug, Li Mu picked up the backpack and packed it in many layers until no one else could hear it.

  "Detective Maori, I'll go out and Xiaolan will come over. You ask them to wait for me at a nearby hotel. I want to have a good time."

  "Well, I see."

  Mouri Kogoro waved his hand impatiently, all about this code in his head.

  Li Mu didn't say anything, just walked nearby and looked around.

  Although I want to play Hattori Heiji, I have to make it a little better, look a little bit like, it is best to make Hattori Heiji angry.

  "Hey, He Ye, don't be angry."

  "Hmph, Bruce Lee."

  and leaves.

  Li Mu's eyes lit up, he turned his head quickly, and looked at the two people not far away.

  One is called He Ye, and the other, Li Mu, is actually called Bruce Lee, although he doesn't know him.

  Bruce Lee, that sounds like his English name.

  Li Mu's figure flashed, changed his face, and then walked towards the two people in the distance.

  "You two, sorry to disturb you."

  That He Ye and Bruce Lee stopped and looked at Li Mu in astonishment.

  "Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

  Li Mu casually took out a flyer for a nearby hotel and handed it to Bruce Lee.

  "Everyone, I'm the president of this hotel. I hope you can try out the rooms in our hotel. If you stay for one night, you can get rich prizes."

  Bruce Lee and Ye were about to refuse, but they stopped subconsciously when they heard Li Mu's words.

  Great reward, what is it.

  Li Mu immediately knew the greed of the two and said quickly, "As long as you stay for one night, you can get [-] yen as a reward. Of course, we will give [-] yen in advance."

  Bruce Lee's eyes suddenly lit up.

  In this era, the era of economic bubbles, the purchasing power of [-] yen is very large.

  And it also gave [-] yuan in advance. Even now, there are more than [-] RMB, a huge sum of money.

  "Okay, we promised, when will we give the money."

  "Of course you can now, but go to the hotel first."

  "it is good."

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