I don't know if He Ye will take a cake and feed him personally.

  A little excited to think about it.

  "Thank you then."

  He Ye didn't think much about it, just reached out and took it.

  Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji's smug look, the corners of his mouth rose, and he whispered to himself, "Actually, the cake is very good and delicious, except that it is easy to gain weight, it is simply perfect."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he and Ye Xiaolan were in a car at the same time.

  Get fat, get fat.

  Thinking that they might gain weight, He Ye immediately gave up the plan to eat dessert.

  "I'm sorry, Pingji, I've eaten enough today."

  "Yeah, Heiji, why don't you eat with Conan?"


  Hattori Heiji glared at Li Mu, otherwise Li Mu would not be rejected.

  Conan looked at the angry Hattori Heiji and couldn't bear to cover his forehead.

  Hattori Heiji vs Li Mu, a complete defeat.

  Li Mu looked at the unhappy Hattori Heiji, but he was very happy in his heart, and happily hugged the Oden and left.

  "Damn, this guy, I will never let him go."

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1377 Metropolitan Police Department, Belmod (two more)

  That night, Li Mu and others stayed in Kyoto for one night, and then returned to Tokyo.

  For the next few days, Li Mu still lived his usual life.

  On this day, both Li Mu and Maori Kogoro were invited by the Metropolitan Police Department to come to the Metropolitan Police Department to participate in a special search meeting.

  After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu entered the conference room directly, while Conan and Xiaolan sat outside and waited.

  At the meeting, there were already a lot of police officers, and most of them knew Li Mu.

  For example, the two brothers of police officer Henggou, police officer Nakamura, police officer Yamato and his lover police officer.

  "Yo, isn't this Mr. Li and Detective Maori?"

  In the distance, Officer Henggou saw Li Mu and ran over quickly.

  "Officer Henggou, how are you, you look more energetic than your brother."

  That's right, in Li Mu's opinion, Officer Henggou, the elder brother, is much better than his younger brother.

  His younger brother is like someone who owes him millions and a dead face all day.

  The flat-headed Henggou police officer frowned slightly, staring at Li Mu with fierce eyes.

  Li Mu ignored it, and 887 turned his head to look aside.

  "Okay, not much more to say, let's sit down, the meeting is about to start."

  Officer Henggou smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the subject.

  After everyone chatted for a while, the police from the Metropolitan Police Department had already arrived, led by Matsumoto and Matsumoto police officers.

  Although they are all ranks in the police department, the qualifications of the police officers are obviously older than those of the others, and their powers are also higher.

  But what Li Mu cared about most was Matsumoto Police, or someone who pretended to be Matsumoto.

  In addition, he also sensed a familiar aura in the crowd.


  That's right, there's a cop that Belmod is pretending to be.

  But Li Mu didn't expose the matter, instead he pretended that he didn't know anything and sat silently in his seat.

  Meanwhile, Officer Shiratori took out a piece of paper and read it aloud.

  "Everyone, the purpose of inviting everyone here today is to discuss the serial murder cases that have fled in various regions.

  The people who were killed were all taken away from one item, and left behind a mahjong tile, as shown above.

  Besides, before the death of the last victim, the words "Xiaqixi Festival" and "Beijing" were said. Do you have anything else to ask? "

  As soon as the words fell, several policemen immediately asked a few questions, but they were all nonsense.

  Li Mu drank tea calmly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

  After a while, Matsumoto looked at Li Mu and asked, "Mr. Li, what do you think? What do you think is the purpose of the murderer, or the connection between these two people."

  Li Mu drank a cup of tea, then stood up straight and looked at everyone.

  "In these years, except for some perverts, basically killing is for money, love and hate disputes.

  These people don't seem to be related, either they were killed by the perverted murderer casually, or there is some dispute between them.

  As the last victim said, these people may be involved in a major event in Kyoto during the Tanabata Festival, so someone wants to take revenge.

  As for the Qitong, it may represent the meaning of the Qixi Festival, so I suggest to investigate this method. "

  What Li Mu said was justifiable and well-founded. The policemen nodded subconsciously after hearing this, and they all agreed with Li Mu.

  "It turns out that it seems to be related to the major case in Kyoto during the recent Tanabata Festival. Mu Mu, please ask the Kyoto Prefecture police for this matter." Police inspector Matsumoto ordered.


  After the meeting, everyone naturally wouldn't stay long, and Li Mu also left the conference room directly.

  "Xiao Lan, Maori Detective, I'm going out, you guys wait for me here for a while."

  Li Mu planned to go to Belmod, but Xiao Lan and others were in their own car (caeb).

  Therefore, they can only wait for a while, otherwise Li Mu can't go back alone.

  "Well, Brother Li, you have to be careful."

  Li Mu waved to Xiao Lan, then found the right time to enter the elevator with the policeman who was pretending to be Belmod.

  Belmod also noticed Li Mu, but did not speak. After all, she is a police officer and cannot reveal her identity.

  But she didn't speak, it didn't mean Li Mu didn't speak.

  "Hey, lovely Belmod, what are you doing here?"

  Li Mu's voice was very low, so low that apart from Belmode, even the monitoring in the elevator could not hear it.

  Belmod's body trembled, but he didn't speak. The elevator stopped, and then got out of the elevator. He stood outside and looked at Li Mu with interest.

  "How did you see it?"

  "I, of course, saw it with my eyes. After all, how could I not recognize my woman."

  Under the human-skin mask, Belmod's face flushed crimson, and a shyness emerged in his heart.

  Li Mu was about to continue speaking when he suddenly sensed that Conan was moving rapidly.

  Obviously, he also seemed to have discovered Belmod and was about to come and track him.

  "Then, lovely Belmod, remember to transform yourself into a beautiful woman next time, or I can't eat every time I think of my woman with such a face."

  "Really? It seems that the next time you come to see me, I will be easy to look like someone else."

  A strange light flashed in Belmod's eyes, as if interested in the idea.

  Li Mule was happy, and joked: "You can try, but I will let you beg for mercy."

  When it comes to 'begging for mercy', Li Mu also emphasized his tone.

  There was an extra blush on Belmod's cheeks, but when he saw that the elevator was about to come down, he hurriedly walked outside.

  "What's the matter, I'll talk about it later, I'll go first, bye."

  "Well, I'll come to find you at night, remember to wash and wait for me."

  Belmod stumbled and nearly fell to the ground.

  After stabilizing his body, Belmod glanced at Li Mu, and his heart became extremely shy.

  After a while, Belmod got into Gin's car and left.

  It was at this moment that Conan came down from the upstairs and was slightly taken aback when he saw Li Mu.

  But then Conan turned his attention to the Porsche in the distance with a solemn expression.

  When he came back to his senses, Conan set his eyes on Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, did you just see who that person is?"

  "He?" Li Mu pretended to glance at it, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, I only know a few policemen."

  Even if he knew, Li Mu couldn't say it.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1378 The tryst with Belmod (three more)

  On the endless street, a black Porsche is driving at extreme speed.

  In the Porsche, sit three men in black suits.

  These people are none other than the gin, vodka, and Belmod of the Black Organization.

  Gin smoked a cigarette, pressed the butt into the ashtray, and looked at Belmod with emotionless eyes.

  "Belmode, who is the man who was talking to you just now?"

  "I don't know, but it may be the friend of the policeman I changed my face. After all, it is impossible for me to know his friend."

  Belmod looked at the passing scenery outside the window, and thought of Li Mu's figure in his mind.

  Tonight, Li Mu will go over to look for him, and when he thinks of this, there is an invisible blush on Belmod's face.

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