"Hmph, just pay attention to "[-]". If you dare to betray the organization, I will kill you immediately."

  Jin Jiu snorted and said nothing.

  He didn't know Li Mu, so he thought that Li Mu was a friend of the police.

  If he knew about the relationship between Li Mu and Belmod, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so calm.

  Belmod didn't explain, just looked out the window silently, recalling Li Mu's figure in his mind.

  On the other hand, Conan did not get the information he wanted, and the whole person became very serious, and his face was solemn.

  In the car, Conan was also thinking all the time.

  "By the way, brother Li Mu, I'm not going back today. Take me to Dr. Li's house. I'm going to play video games there."

  The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and Conan, the little devil, was too rude, and ordered himself directly.

  If you were obedient, wouldn't it be too shameless.

  "No, I have something to do later. I'll go to the Maori Detective Agency first, and then you should walk over there. Children should exercise more."

  Conan's face suddenly darkened, and it was only now that he remembered that he seemed to be at odds with Li Mu.

  However, Conan had no choice, he directly accepted Li Mu's advice and walked over by himself.

  "Brother Li, do you have anything to do? If you don't let us go, let's run back by ourselves."

  As soon as Xiaolan heard that Li Mu had something to do, she immediately thought about Li Mu.

  Mouri Kogoro's face darkened instantly. If he ran back, he would waste a lot of time, which would delay him from hitting the small steel ball.

  However, considering Xiaolan's fighting strength, Mouri Kogoro could only swallow what he wanted to say.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, I'll take you back."

  Li Mu drove to the Maori Detective Agency, put Xiao Lan down, and drove away alone.

  That night, in a certain hotel, Belmod was already sitting on the sofa waiting.

  I don't know when, Belmod suddenly looked forward to Li Mu's arrival.

  jingle bell... jingle bell...

  While waiting, the phone rang suddenly.

  Belmod picked up the phone and connected.

  "Hey, Bourbon, what's the matter?"

  It wasn't anyone else who called, it was Bourbon from the Black Organization, and of course Zero from the public security.

  "I'm sorry, Bourbon, I don't have time tonight, why don't I help you tomorrow night."

  After a while, Belmod hung up Bourbon and walked to the side window.

  Glancing at the moonlight outside, Belmod completely watched.

  I don't know how long it took before Belmod closed the curtains and walked into the bathroom.

  On the other side, Li Mu also came secretly.

  As soon as he arrived at the hotel, Li Mu heard the sound of water running in the bathroom, but it was fleeting.

  Obviously, when Li Mu came, Belmod was already healed.

  I didn't go in today, and secretly hid behind the sofa on the side, ready to surprise Belmod.

  Soon, Belmod came out, wrapped in a white bath towel, and walked slowly to the sofa.

  After sitting down, Belmod leaned on the sofa and raised one foot on his lap.

  The slender thighs are fully exposed.

  Li Mu came out from behind and suddenly hugged Belmod with his hand.

  "Belmode, do you miss me?"

  Belmod felt the sudden hand and was also startled.

  Just as she was about to resist, Li Mu's voice suddenly made her stop subconsciously.

  Li Mu walked to the front, picked up Belmode, and put it into his arms.. 0

  "Belmode, do you have anything to do with the Metropolitan Police Department today?"

  Belmod approached Li Mu and put a hand on Li Mu's murderous chamber.

  "What, do you want to help me?"

  Belmod's tone was very coquettish, Li Mu was attracted to her, he couldn't help hugging her tightly, and then put one hand on her body.

  "Your purpose should be a murderer. If that's the case, then I will help you, but how can you thank me?"

  While speaking, Li Mu put his hand into Belmod's white towel.

  Belmod's face instantly turned red, and his face was covered with a blush, looking very cute.

  But Belmod is not an ordinary person, he quickly reacted and sat directly on top of Li Mu.

  "I'm already yours, so can you help me?"

  "Since you said so, then I will do it like this and bully you well."

  Li Mu suddenly hugged Belmod and walked into the room on the side.

  Soon, in the room, Li Mu and Belmod happily lined up.

  I don't know how long it took, Li Mu hugged Belmod and hugged Belmod happily.

  And Belmod was also very tired, lying next to Li Mu and resting with his eyes closed.

  After more than ten minutes, Belmod came back to his senses, sat up, picked up a cigarette and was ready to smoke.

4.4 Li Mu suddenly stretched out his hand and threw the cigarette into the distance.

  "Okay, Belmod, don't smoke, it's not good for your health, and I don't want our future children to be unhealthy."

  Belmod's face turned red instantly, and he didn't know what to do now. It was too fast to say that he had a baby.

  "Okay, don't smoke, is this okay?"

  Li Mu also sat up straight and pulled her into his arms again.

  "Belmode, where have you been during this time, is there anything?"

  "What else can I do? It's nothing more than carrying out tasks. Apart from that, there is nothing else."

  Belmod looked at the moon outside and didn't know what to think.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1379 Doubtful Conan (four more)

  Belmod didn't speak, and Li Mu couldn't force her to speak.

  After a moment of silence, Li Mu pulled down Belmod and rested with Belmod.

  After all, it was late at night, so Li Mu should have a good rest.

  Until the next day, after Li Mu got up, Belmod was already up and seemed to be wearing makeup.

  Li Mu walked over and took a careful look.

  Belmod changed his appearance, which was also very beautiful.

  "What's the matter, I look beautiful now, don't I?"

  Li Mu touched his chin and then joked: "Belmode, if you disguise yourself as another person, the three of us seem to have some fun together."

  Belmod glanced at Li Mu and said nothing.

  Make her look like someone else, and then serve Li Mu with that person, she won't be so stupid.

  After the disguise, Belmod took out a gun and put it in his shoe.

  "Okay, I have something to do today. I'll leave first. Be careful when you go, so as not to be discovered."

  "No, you should have a mission. I'll help you. After all, I'm very worried."

  Li Mu grabbed Belmod's hand and left with him.

  Belmod felt a little happy in his heart, so he did not refuse and left with Li Mu.

  Half an hour later, Li Mu parked the car in the underground parking lot of a department store.

  "By the way, Belmod, what's the matter with you? Are you coming here today?"

  "Don't you know? Although the police have not investigated the Qixi Festival, they have found a suspect, so they came to arrest him."

  "I see, then you go, I'll wait for you here, it's not too late."

  After speaking, Li Mu sat in the passenger seat, picked up a blanket, covered himself, and rested.

  I spent a long time with Belmod last night, and I didn't have a job, so naturally I had to take a good rest.

  Belmod looked at the lazy Li Mu, rolled his eyes, and then came to the department store.


  An hour later, Belmod returned, with Conan following behind her.

  "Hey, Belmod, is that you~"?

  Belmod was about to open the door when he suddenly heard Conan's words, turned his head and smiled.

  "How did you know it was me?"

  Conan glanced at Belmod's feet, which looked bulging, as if something had been placed there.

  "That's the gun. As soon as you leave that guy, you'll deal with him with a decisive trump card."

  "Yes, I did intend to do this, but unfortunately I didn't need it at all, because a person who can't raise his right hand can't be a murderer."

  "Well, that's right."

  Not only Belmod, but even Conan saw that the suspect's right hand was injured, and it was impossible to kill at all.

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