"So, can you tell me what your purpose is? Does the Metropolitan Police Department have any of you?"

  A ray of light flashed in Conan's eyes.

  Belmod smiled, Conan was so direct, she was still uncomfortable for a while.

  "One of the deceased was a peripheral member of the organization. It seems that in order to save his life, he would always carry a memory card of the list of members in the organization, but he was killed anyway.

  As for the man in the Metropolitan Police Department, his code name is Ireland, and that's all I can tell you. "

  Conan was about to say something when he suddenly saw Belmod's body covered by a blanket in his car.

  "Then who is he? Is he also a member of your organization?"

  Belmod glanced at Li Mu, but instead of answering, he waved to the distance.

  "Staff, this little brother is lost, so I will trouble you."

  Conan glanced at the back subconsciously, and Belmod also took advantage of this time, sat in his car, and left.

  "Damn, Ireland? Who is that guy?"

  Conan's head is full of questions now, and he doesn't know how to solve this mystery at all.

  In the car, Belmode was driving, and Li Mu pulled the quilt and leaned against the window next to him.

  "I thought you would tell me about me, but why didn't you do that."

  "It's very simple, such an important thing is my trump card to threaten you, it's not important to say it out."

  Li Mu didn't care what Belmod said at all, he could sense that Belmod cared about him very much.

  And he is sure that he has always grasped Belmod's heart and will not let her escape from his clutches.

  "By the way, in the Metropolitan Police Department, the undercover agent of your organization should be the Matsumoto police officer."

  Belmod was stunned for a moment, then recovered immediately.

  "¨'Oh, why do you think so."

  "First of all, I will also be able to disguise, although you are very good at disguising, but I can still see it.

  Secondly, if you don't let you do it, it means that the other party's body size is somewhat different from yours, and the entire Metropolitan Police Department has only Matsumoto police officer. "

  Belmod smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

  But her expression was no different from admitting it.

  Half an hour later, Belmod drove directly to the door of Li Mu's house.

  Obviously, after so long, Belmod has already investigated where Li Mu's home is.

  Li Mu took out the key and opened the door. Belmod immediately drove in and came to Li Mu's parking lot.

  "Okay, you can get off the bus, and I'll send you here."

  "Then I'll get out of the car."

  Li Mu suddenly pulled out the car key, then came to the side of the driver's seat, and took Belmod from under the car.

  Belmod (Zhao Zhaohao) was in a hurry and said quickly: "What are you doing, I still have a task today, please let me go quickly, or I will be angry."

  After speaking, Belmod struggled from time to time, slapping Li Mu with both hands.

  At the moment, Belmod is very interesting.

  Li Mu ignored Belmod's struggle, put Belmod in the back of the car, and let Belmod lie there.

  Belmod seemed to understand something, and his face instantly turned red.

  "Li... Li Mu, don't you want to be here, right? But here, too, isn't it?"

  Although Belmod's mentality is very mature, in this case, Belmod is still particularly shy.

  "It's okay, it'll be alright."

  Li Mu ignored Belmod, then pressed him directly, pulling off Belmod's clothes with both hands.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1380 Bourbon is a police officer (one more)

  creak creak... creak creak...

  In the parking garage, Li Mu put Belmode on top of the car and pressed it on top of her, vibrating constantly.

  The car also shook slightly.

  These two people are Li Mu and Belmod.

  Although Belmod struggled for a while, he still hadn't gotten over Li Mu, and it started when Li Mu pressed him on the car.

  Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

  Suddenly, a ringing sound came from the phone.

  Belmod was suddenly startled, then quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and pushed Li Mu at the same time.

  "Li Mu, wait, let me answer a call"

  Li Mu didn't continue, first let go of Belmod, then hugged Belmod and rested his head on her neck.

  Belmod's cheeks were flushed, but he took out his phone to answer.

  "Hello, Bourbon? I see, I'll help you today, you wait."

  Belmod immediately hung up the phone, for fear that Bourbon would overhear something.


  Li Mu's expression darkened slightly, then he stretched out and continued to press on Belmod's body.

427 After more than ten minutes, Li Mu and Belmod relaxed at the same time, then sorted their clothes and returned to the car one after another.

  Call ~

  Belmod took a deep breath, picked up the tissue, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

  "Bourbon." Li Mu said suddenly.

  Belmod stopped and looked at Li Mu with interest.

  "What? Do you know him?"

  "Yes, I know him. His name is Bourbon, or Amuro Toru. Of course, he also has a code name called Zero."

  As soon as the voice fell, Belmod's pupils shrank.

  She is not a novice either. Conan knows it, and she naturally knows it.

  Zero is the organization of Neon Country to protect national security. Everyone is given a code name, that is, the Public Security Police.

  Belmod's expression became solemn, and Mei Mu was staring at Li Mu.

  "Li Mu, is this true? Is he really a police officer?"

  "That's right, I told you to be careful. Also, what did he ask you to investigate?" Li Mu nodded. (cafa) Belmod was silent for a moment, and finally decided to tell Li Mu.

  At this moment, Li Mu's power is very large, and maybe he can investigate something.

  "He asked me to help him investigate Nantian Ludao. It is said that he was killed near the Central Hospital of Mihua City."

  "Nantian Land Road, Nantian Land Road."

  Li Mu said it many times, and he always felt that he had heard about it, but now he seems to have forgotten it.

  "Nantian Ludao was killed after investigating a member of our organization, whose code name was Kiel." Belmod reminded.

  Li Mu immediately understood, with a smile on his face.

  Belmod noticed Li Mu's smile and quickly asked, "What's the matter, what do you know?"

  "Can I trust you?"

  Li Mu's sudden words startled Belmod.

  Yes, does she trust Li Mu?

  Belmod asked herself, she only had hatred for Li Mu at first, but when Li Mu came over, she came up with a little different idea.

  "Of course, I deserve your trust."

  Li Mu smiled. In fact, he didn't care. After all, he knew so much about Belmod's original work that he didn't say it.

  It can be seen that Belmod does not like the black organization, and has long planned to quit the organization.

  "Kiele, Mizuno Liannai, in fact, she is also from Cia, her father actually committed suicide to protect her.

  Moreover, I did the last task for you. Shui Wulianai was also rescued by me. Later, it was not very good to raise her, so I secretly handed her over to fbi. "

  Since the matter of Mizuna Rina and Hondo Yingyou was resolved, there was no need for Li Mu to continue to be imprisoned.

  So Li Mu deliberately pretended to be an FBI person and arranged an opportunity to rob Shui Wulianai.

  Even, in order to arrange for the sleeping beauty, Reina Mizuno, to wake up, Li Mu once again made Yingyou Hondo come on stage to wake up the sleeping beauty.

  Yingyou Bentang's acting skills are still good. At that time, he completely held the scene and Li Mu was ready to let him develop in the film and television industry.

  In the end, the person Li Mu pretended to be was also silenced by Li Mu.

  When Belmode heard Li Mu's words, her pupils shrank. She didn't expect that Shui Wulianai was cia, and she was still kidnapped by Li Mu.

  What shocked her the most was the last task. Before she started, she was solved by others.

  They have been investigating for a long time and have no clues.

  Li Mu looked at the shocked Belmod, and put one hand on Belmod's murderous chamber.

  "Isn't it shocking? I was very worried about you last time, so I helped you solve them, and captured Shui Wulianai by the way."

  Belmod's heart was still touched.

  Although I don't know if what Li Mu said is true or not.

  "Okay, in short, you are a member of the Black Organization, you must be careful of three people, three silver bullets."

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