As soon as he finished speaking, Belmod leaned on the car seat with a smile on his face.

  "So, can you tell me which three silver bullets are?"

  There were two silver bullets she recognized, and one had already died, so why are three more bullets appearing now.

  "The first one is that guy Kudo Shinichi, the second one is that guy Bourbon, he is also very powerful, and the third one is Shuichi Akai."

  "Akai Shuichi, it's impossible, he's already dead."

  Belmod shook her head. She saw Shuichi Akai being hit in the video with her own eyes.

  Li Mu laughed, except for a few people, even Belmod and Jinjiu, didn't know that Akai Shuichi was still alive.

  "The corpse is not Shuichi Akai, his name is Kusuda Ludao. As for the fingerprints, it's too simple. In order to investigate him, the fbi once let him touch Conan's mobile phone.

  To be precise, Conan took the initiative to help them, so the hand of the corpse was placed in the fireproof pocket, just to mislead you.

  The most important thing is that I knew about this all the way, because Shui Wulianai, it was me who arranged to use FBI's hand to send her back to your organization. This matter was also told to me by Shui Wulianai. "

  When Belmod heard Li Mu's words, he was extremely shocked.

  If it wasn't for Li Mu to say it, she probably wouldn't know that she and Qin Jiu had been kept in the dark.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1381 Lost Hattori (two more)

  "All in all, you have to be careful with these people. If you have any tasks in the future, you can ask me for help. As for the memory card you want, I will help you get it."

  Li Mu gave an order, then opened the car door and left.

  Before leaving, he came to Belmode again today and left a mark on her cheek.

  "By the way, the Okiya Subaru of Conan's family is Shuichi Akai, be careful yourself."

  Belmod suddenly grabbed Li Mu, then pulled hard and kissed Li Mu himself.

  "Thank you for telling me so much. It seems that I have to be careful, or I will be tricked by people in the organization. I don't know yet."

  Li Mu touched his mouth, smiled, turned and left.

  Today Belmod actually took the initiative, which shows that Belmod already has "[-]" in his heart.

  Belmod also stared at Li Mu for a moment, then drove away.

  That afternoon, Li Mu received a call from Officer Mu Mu and drove to the Police Department again.

  When he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu saw Mouri Kogoro and others, including Conan.

  It's just that today's Conan doesn't seem to be in a good state, perhaps because of the entanglement of who is the bad guy.

  "Brother Li, you're here, you know? The things in our school have been destroyed. There are many things about Shinichi."

  Li Mu immediately understood that it was probably because of Kudo Shinichi's affairs that Conan was very distressed.

  "Okay, it doesn't matter, it is estimated that he caused trouble, and I will help him deal with it."

  Li Mu patted Xiaolan on the shoulder.

  Xiaolan also relaxes in her heart. Although she has been separated from Kudo Shinichi, her nature still makes her care about Kudo Shinichi.

  Conan on one side is also very headache, and his identity may be discovered.

  And the fbi seems to have a job recently, and in the end, he can only do it by himself, and he will naturally feel upset.

  After comforting Xiao Lan, Li Mu and Maori Kogoro entered the conference room one after another.

  Sitting in his seat, Li Mu began to wait for the meeting to start.

  It didn't take long for the meeting to begin.

  Officer Shiratori picked up a document and showed it to everyone using a projection.

  "Guys, this is what we're investigating, two years ago there was a fire in Kyoto that killed a woman.

  In addition, seven other people were rescued. It just so happened that these seven people were the victims this time. We have already found a suspect, that is Kosuke Kinoshita. "

  Officer Mumu also said: "In addition, we asked the family of the deceased at the beginning, and Kosuke Kinoshita said that there are eight people who are unforgivable, that is to say, the murderer has to kill one person."

  "So, Officer Mumu, do you know who the killer is going to kill? Where is the next crime address?" Officer Nakamura asked.

  "We don't know this yet, we don't know where the murderer is, and we don't know the next murder location."

  A group of police officers whispered.

  Li Mu alone has seen through all this, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Meanwhile, Miwako noticed Li Mu's smile and asked softly, "Li Mu, how is it, do you know who the murderer is?"

  "Of course, I already know all this."

  Li Mu smugly winked at Miwako, Miwako's face instantly turned red, and she lowered her head shyly.

  "Mr. Li, what do you know about this case?"

  Officer Mu Mu noticed Li Mu and asked quickly.

  After all, Li Mu is really powerful, and sometimes even if it's just a little clue, maybe the murderer can be found.

  Of course, Li Mu's reasoning ability is indeed very powerful, and more importantly, his special ability.

  "Yes, I already know everything."

  Li Mu stood up and sorted himself out. Miwako looked at Li Mu's figure, and her face turned red.

  "According to my reasoning, the murderer said there was another person who could not be forgiven. If I guess correctly, the last person is himself."

  "It turns out that because he blamed himself for not being there at the time, the victim was pushed out of the elevator by seven other people and then died, so he wanted to commit suicide and apologize to his beloved, right, Mr. Li."

  Officer Henggou wasn't particularly stupid, he just understood Li Mu's thoughts in an instant.

  "It turns out that, then we still have to find where the murderer is and stop all this.. 0"

  Although the murderer was going to commit suicide, as a police officer, Officer Mu Mu still had to organize all this.

  "Then where is the murderer now, Mr. Li, you should know?"

  Miwako looked at Li Mu expectantly.

  "I'm sorry, I don't know." Li Muyi said righteously.

  Although he is much more powerful than Conan and Hattori Heiji, it does not mean that he knows everything.

  It just so happened that he hadn't figured it out yet.


  A group of policemen almost fell to the ground.

  Seeing Li Mu's upright and awe-inspiring appearance, he thought that Li Mu already knew, but he didn't know anything.

  Outside, Conan also almost fell off the stool and complained for a moment.

  Officer Mu Mu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said quickly, "Brother Maori, how about you? Do you know any clues?"

  "Of course, I already knew."

  Mouri Kogoro patted his own murderous chamber, and then walked to the front of the notice board.

  "If I guess correctly, the places where the victims are connected are connected, and then there is the map of the water monster..."

  Li Mu held his chin, listening to the serious nonsense Kogoro Maori, holding back his smile.

  Only Maori Kogoro can do such nonsense.

  And the most speechless thing is that these policemen actually believed it, especially the police officer Nakamura. As a staunch supporter of Kogoro Maori, 5.4 believed it without hesitation.

  What left Li Mu speechless the most was that the police officer Mumu actually believed this and sent someone to the place where Kogoro Mouri said.

  Beside him, Miwako noticed Li Mu and asked a little puzzled, "What's the matter, Li Mu, do you think there's something wrong with what Detective Maori said?"

  "No, no." Li Mu shook his head.

  Even if he looked down on Maori Kogoro, but he was also a father-in-law, Li Mu naturally couldn't expose his shortcomings.

  Ahead, Officer Mumu received a call, but hung up after a while.

  At the same time, in Osaka, Hattori Heiji threw the phone away in disgust.

  I thought I could provide clues, but it turned out to be a step behind Li Mu.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1382 Miwako's help (three more)

  Leaving the conference room, Li Mu thought while walking.

  Up to now, Li Mu still doesn't know where the murderer is. After all, although his brain is powerful, it is a memory from before.

  "Wait, Li Mu, can you come with me this time?"

  At the back, Miwako ran over and looked at Li Mu with some anticipation.

  Li Mu picked up a car key and threw it to Maori Kogoro.

  "Detective Maori, I lent you my car. You can drive back today."

  Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up, he nodded quickly, and happily took the key.

  "Don't worry, I will protect your car well, and it won't happen to it."

  Li Mu smiled and didn't care too much.

  After all, it's just a car. Li Mu has a lot of cars, and some of them are for the convenience of taking care of his lover.

  For example, Concubine Yingri, Yukiko, and Li Mu will use different cars to prevent others from being recognized.

  "Miwako, let's go."

  Li Mu walked in front, and Miwako followed behind.

  When passing Officer Mumu, Miwako suddenly stretched out a hand and wiped Li Mu's face hard.

  "Li Mu, how are you, there seems to be something dirty on your face."

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