"Is there?" Li Mu touched his cheek, but he didn't find anything dirty.

  "Okay, I've cleaned it up." Miwako looked a little serious.

  From Li Mu's face just now, she could feel that Li Mu was real, not someone else's fake.

  After walking downstairs, Li Mu sat directly in the passenger seat of Miwako.

  After Miwako sat in the car, she did not drive, but looked at Li Mu seriously.

  "Li Mu, can you do me a favor?"

  Li Mu stared at Miwako for a moment, at this moment Miwako was very serious, it didn't look like she was lying.

  "Please, Miwako, I'm already so close to you, how could I not believe it? Could it be that you don't believe me〃"?"

  "This... how is this possible, I believe in you very much, yes, that's how it is."

  Miwako touched the back of her head and showed a faint smile.

  This smile is very sweet, and there is no trace of embarrassment.

  "Very good." Li Mu nodded suddenly, and then said solemnly: "Since you believe me, then tonight, you must make up for my loss."

  Miwako's face instantly turned red, and she still didn't know what Li Mu meant.

  "Today...not today, I still have to investigate the case, and I will compensate you after a while."

  "Okay, let's go, let's talk as we go."

  Li Mu leaned on the seat and put his right hand on Miwako's body.

  Although Miwako was shy, she pretended that nothing happened and drove away calmly.

  Along the way, Miwako said while driving, "Li Mu, I always thought that someone in our Metropolitan Police Department was impersonating a police officer, so I hope you can help me find it."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, he naturally knew who that person was, but he couldn't say it yet.

  "Don't worry, leave this matter to me, I will definitely solve this guy."

  "Then, I'll leave it to you."

  Miwako is still very confident in Li Mu, she believes that with Li Mu's help, this matter will definitely be resolved.

  Little did she know that Li Mu planned to resolve this matter at the end.


  At night, Li Mu had been sitting in Miwako's car, wandering around the city, but couldn't find any clues.

  Li Mu looked out of the car boredly and looked up at the night in the sky.

  Although it is already an industrialized society, the sky is now, and the stars in the sky can be seen.

  The stars are scattered all over the earth, and the stars are so beautiful.

  Suddenly, Lin Fei saw the North Star in the sky, suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

  "Miwako, I understand. The seven barrels represent the Big Dipper in the sky. I guess the prisoner murdered according to the Big Dipper. Please go and ask someone to investigate."


  Miwako immediately took out the phone and dialed it.

  Not long after, a phone call came, Miwako answered it, and hung up again.

  "Li Mu, I already know where it is. The next murder scene is Mihua City Park."

  Miwako quickly turned the steering wheel, and then drove towards the direction of Rice Flower City Park.

  More than ten minutes later, Miwako suddenly received a call from Dr. Agasa.

  After hanging up the phone, Mikako said seriously, "Li Mu, it looks like we can't go to Mihua City Park. Let's go to the forest first."

  "I know, you go."

  Miwako turned the steering wheel again, in the direction of the forest.

  It didn't take long for Miwako to go outside the forest. At this moment, Dr. A Li was standing outside waiting.

  As soon as Dr. Aga saw Mikako, he hurried over and said, "¨' Officer Sato, we received this tape-covered beetle, so we thought it was someone calling for help."

  Li Mu took the beetle, nodded and said, "Miwako, it seems that someone has indeed been kidnapped, and it may be a policeman from the Metropolitan Police Department. By the way, Dr. Li, you go buy some porridge and the like, say Maybe the kidnapped person is hungry."

  "Okay, I'm leaving."

  Dr. Li hurriedly left with a few goblins.

  Li Mu also took Meihezi into the forest and stood outside a wooden hut in the forest.

  Miwako slowly took out a gun and sneaked closer to the wooden house,

  Li Mu followed Miwako outside, suddenly stopped, and turned his head to look behind a certain tree.

  Behind this big tree, there is a person standing, it is Bei (Norde Zhao) Ermod.

  Belmod also noticed Li Mu, the corners of his mouth rose, his body shrank slightly, and he hid behind the tree.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he did not expose Belmode, but continued to follow Miwako, hiding behind the gate.

  Miwako turned her head, nodded to Li Mu, and gestured for the door.

  In secret, Belmod left secretly, then took out a mobile phone, called Gin, and left alone.

  "Li Mu, come on."

  Miwako held the gun and slammed the wooden door hard, then slammed the wooden door open, holding the gun at the people inside.


  That's right, the person locked in the wooden house was the Matsumoto police inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Matsumoto police also noticed Li Mu and Miwako, and he was relieved immediately, then fell to the ground and fainted.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1383 Conan, I am your father (four more)

  After Miwako rescued Matsumoto police officer, she called an ambulance and then dialed the numbers of other police officers.

  Unfortunately, at this moment, the other policemen of the Metropolitan Police Department have already rushed to the street and were knocked out by the Irish organization in black.

  "Damn, why can't the phone get through, and what should the manager of Matsumoto do now."

  Miwako was very anxious and didn't know what to do now.

  Li Mu looked at the anxious Miwako, put a hand on her shoulder and patted it twice.

  "Miwako, you are calling the police in other jurisdictions for help. By the way, ask the mobile team or some team for help. After all, your search class may have been all over the street."

  Miwako smiled embarrassedly, after all, she was the only one who could be contacted during the entire search, which was really humiliating.

  "Okay, you go to invite someone, any class is fine, I'll go to the sightseeing tower in Rice Flower Park."

  Li Mu left immediately, then walked through the forest and came to Belmod's motor vehicle.

  Of course, Li Mu also deliberately changed his appearance.

  "Belmode, it's me."

  Belmod thought who it was, suddenly heard Li Mu's words, and immediately drove away.

  "What's the matter, why did you remember being with me today?"

  Li Mu reached out and put his hand on her tight leather jacket, holding her murderer with both hands, holding both hands.

  Belmod's face flushed instantly, but he still steadied the motor vehicle.

  "Send me somewhere in Ireland, and I'm just trying to sort this out."

  "Really? It looks like that guy is finished."

  In Belmod's eyes, Ireland is not Li Mu's opponent at all.

  Li Mu smiled and did not answer.

  Half an hour later, after Li Mu got off the car, he hurriedly took the elevator to the observation tower.

  Above, Conan and a group of policemen and Xiao Lan have been defeated by Ireland.

  Near the sightseeing tower, there is also a helicopter flying, and Gin and his little brother are sitting on the plane.


  Suddenly, a slight sound came, and Li Mu could hear the sound of a sniper rifle.

  Looking up, I saw outside the sightseeing tower, Ireland has been solved by gin.

  "What? I thought I had to do it myself, but now I just need to drive away the gin."

  Li Mu squeezed his fists and changed his body shape quickly.

  In the blink of an eye, Li Mu turned into a warrior in an ancient warrior outfit, with medium-length hair, and a sword in both hands.

  "Ishikawa Goemon has appeared."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and this time, he was going to use the identity of Ishikawa Goemon to appear.

  Even if he was particularly surprised, it had nothing to do with Li Mu. At most, the black-clothed organization was looking for trouble with Lu Bang and the others.

  However, considering the abilities and strengths of Lupin and Ishikawa Goemon, it would be a bit mysterious if the black-clothed organization was looking for trouble.

  Li Mu didn't think much about it, and hurriedly ran to Conan.

  At this time, Jin Jiu also saw Conan's shoes, his face changed slightly, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

  "Vodka, use that."

  "Got it, big brother."

  Under the helicopter, a thick and ferocious gun barrel emerged, and the muzzle was facing Conan.

  "go to hell."

  Gin sneered and gently pressed the trigger, and the bullets of Huang Chengcheng rushed out at the speed of sound and hit the iron plate.

  Fortunately, there is an iron plate behind Conan, otherwise Conan will definitely be beaten into a sieve by this machine gun.

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