Dangdang Dangdang!

  The bullet hit the iron sightseeing tower, and countless golden sparks splashed out, and the bullet kept jumping around.

  Occasionally, some bullets jumped on Conan's head. Although it was very painful, Conan didn't dare to come out.

  In this case, once you can't stand it, it's over.

  "Vodka, change direction."

  Vodka hurriedly manipulated the joystick, letting the direct plane fly to the other side.

  "Damn, I have to run."

  Conan knew that if he didn't leave here at this time, he would definitely be beaten to death.

  In the dark, when Li Mu saw that he was almost done, he quickly jumped out, pulled out the long sword in his hand, and jumped in front of Conan and quickly swung the sword.

  Suddenly, a cold light appeared in the bright moonlight.

  Dangdang Dangdang!

  Countless bullets were flying everywhere, and all the bullets that were shot were scattered by the long knife in Li Mu's hand.

  "True... true and false."

  Conan's eyes widened with an incredible expression.

· · 0 flowers 0 ·

  Cutting bullets with a knife is unscientific.

  Wait, this guy is... Goemon Ishikawa.

  Conan suddenly remembered that the person in front of him was Ishikawa Goemon in his father's profile, Lupin's friend.

  I thought it was a character from his father's novel, but now it seems to be true.

  Compared to Conan, the Black Organization was not much more shocked.

  In the back seat, Chianti couldn't believe it: "Gin, this is true or false, this guy can chop bullets with a knife, is he still a person?"

  Jin Jiu didn't answer Chianti, but looked at Li Mu seriously at the moment.

  As an important figure in the black organization, he also knows the strength of some people, including Ishikawa Goemon, which is not something he can handle.

0 0 ...

  "Okay, vodka, let's retreat, we have nothing to do here."

  Anyway, the memory card has already fallen, and the people who organize it are just small people, and Gin doesn't particularly care about it.

  "Got it, big brother."

  Although Vodka couldn't figure out what happened, he was still very obedient. Since his elder brother asked him to leave, he left.

  After watching the helicopter leave, Conan reacted and looked at Li Mu.

  "Who are you, why are you saving me?"

  Li Mu rolled his eyes and smiled, "My mother? I'm your father."

  Conan almost choked to death in one breath, and he actually said that it was his father, which was too annoying.


  Li Mu interrupted Conan directly and said with a smile, "I am your father, and your mother has already decided to marry me, so I will come to save you."

  Conan's face changed suddenly, and he grabbed Li Mu's arm.

  It was this guy who kidnapped his mother.

  Thinking of this, Conan became angry.

  "You guy, stay away from my mother, or I will never let you go."

  Li Mu smiled, how could this be possible, he would never give up with Xizi.

  "Sorry, it's late, we'll love each other."

  After speaking, Li Mu disappeared immediately.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!one.

Chapter 1384 Nighttime Sickness ~ Xiaolan (One More)

  "Wait, isn't my mother with Bourbon? When was she with Ishikawa Goemon."

  Conan suddenly became suspicious, and thought while touching his chin with his right hand.

  He remembered very clearly that the last time he was with his mother was called Bourbon, and now it was Ishikawa Goemon.

  The lingering Conan didn't know that these two people were pretending to be Li Mu, and they were not real.

  In short, now Conan is stunned, and I don't know who is the real one, whether it is Bourbon or Ishikawa Goemon.

  "Wait, Sister Xiaolan."

  Conan suddenly reacted, Xiaolan seemed to be still below, and quickly ran to the inside of the sightseeing tower.

  It's a pity that Li Mu has arrived at this moment and holds Xiao Lan in his arms.

  "Brother Li, is Sister Xiaolan alright?"

  At this moment, Conan "[-]" can't care about Li Mu holding Xiaolan anymore, what he is most worried about is Xiaolan's safety.

  "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong, it's just some skin injuries, just wait until the ambulance arrives."

  "Really, that's great." Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

  But then, Conan looked at Li Mu seriously.

  "Brother Li, do you also know that the murderer is here?"

  "That's right, I told the police, but after Dr. Akasa disappeared, the imprisoned Matsumoto police officer was found in the nearby woods."

  Conan had no doubts after hearing this, and waited for the ambulance with Li Mu.

  When he came to the next floor, Li Mu looked at the fallen policeman and sighed.

  "Oh, these policemen are really, the whole search class today was thrown into the street."

  Conan is also full of black lines, and more than a dozen policemen are cleaned up by one person, which is really embarrassing.

  Only Miwako, who left early, was fine, or else they would search the first class to Matsumoto police officer, down to the junior staff, and all of them rushed to the street.

  Not long after, the ambulance arrived and took Xiaolan and a group of police officers to Mihua Central Hospital.

  After the doctor's treatment, there is no major problem, but it is only a skin injury, and it is enough to rest for one night.

  Those cops can just leave the hospital.

  Only Xiaolan and Ireland fought for a while, and she still had some scars on her body and needed to be hospitalized for a night.

  "Li Mu, how is Xiaolan, is she okay?"

  As soon as Fei Yingli came to the hospital, she walked up to Li Mu with a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

  Li Mu just made a phone call, and Fei Yingli hurried over.

  "Don't worry, Attorney Concubine, Xiao Lan is just a skin injury, nothing at all, she can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

  "That's fine, it's fine."

  Concubine Yingri patted her fierce chest, the huge plump man swaying up and down.

  Li Mu stole a glance and then recovered.

  Fei Yingli went in and looked at Xiaolan. After the other policemen were bandaged, they rushed over one after another.

  After all, Xiaolan is not only the daughter of their friend Maori Kogoro, but also because of their injuries, so they should come and see.

  Li Mu glanced at the police who came over, and joked: "Officer Mu Mu, the people in the other classes will laugh at them."

  As soon as the words fell, Officer Mumu and all the other police officers blushed.

  The whole search class was knocked unconscious by one person, and this person was also his own 'boss', which was really embarrassing.

  Thinking of being laughed at in the future, Officer Mu Mu hurriedly said, "Li Mu, you must help me with this matter, we can't expose it, or else we won't be able to get along in the police station in the future."

  Li Mu smiled, guessing that it would be useless if he didn't say anything.

  "Officer Mumu, we found the real Matsumoto police officer. Of course, we couldn't contact you. Me and Miwako can only call the police chief Oda for help. You are already famous."

  Officer Mumu: "..."

  Other police officers: "..."

  When they thought that they were about to become famous in the entire Metropolitan Police Department, everyone's face was slightly red.

  Searching for a lesson (not counting ordinary police), these elites were knocked out just like that.

  The police officers from other counties who came to support them also blushed. It is conceivable that they will be ridiculed by others this time.

  "Wait, Matsumoto police officer? Let's go see him right now."

  Officer Mu Mu also reacted and left quickly, and the other policemen also left one after another.. 0

  After the person in the way left, Li Mu looked at Xiaolan on the side, walked over and sat beside her.

  "Xiao Lan, are you okay?"

  "Don't worry, I'm fine."

  Xiaolan looked at Li Mu's eyes and was full of gratitude.

  "Well, let's go back first, lawyer concubine, I will trouble you tonight."

  "It's okay, leave it to me."

  Li Mu didn't say anything, grabbed Conan's clothes and left with him.

  Conan didn't refuse either, he just said hello and said goodbye.

  After sending Conan back to the Maori Detective Agency, it was already dark, but Li Mu still returned to the hospital.

  In the ward, the lights were turned off, and Li Mu sneaked into the ward.

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