Kazuya Nakaoka smiled, reached out and applauded.

  "It's amazing, I didn't expect you to investigate this, it's really good."

  Suddenly, Kazuya Nakaoka's expression changed, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

  "That's right, I met Zhishi at..."

  Kazuya Nakaoka slowly told the story of himself and Chihiro.

  Conan listened silently without saying a word.

  In the auditorium, snipers came to all directions, picked up night vision goggles, and confirmed the positions of Conan and Nakaoka Kazuya.

  "Officer Mumu, we have confirmed Kazuya Nakaoka's position, requesting sniping, requesting sniping."

  Although the police officer Mumu didn't see the scene, he still picked up the phone and was silent for a moment.

  "Sniping is allowed."

  As soon as the words fell, all the snipers were facing Kazuya Nakaoka.

  Among the snipers, a leader picked up the phone and whispered, "Prepare at a distance, 3, 2, 1."

  Counting to one, several snipers fired at the same time.

  Immediately, the sedative guns that were enough to fascinate the elephants hit Kazuya Nakaoka.. 0

  Kazuya Nakaoka struggled for a while, then fell directly to the ground.

  "Officer Mumu, hit the target, the target fell to the ground."

  Outside, when Officer Mu Mu received the sniper rifle, he was overjoyed and shouted excitedly: "Everyone, come on, immediately arrange a demolition team to dismantle the bomb."

  On the other hand, Li Mu also sent a message to Conan.

  Conan was looking at Kazuya Nakaoka, when he heard the ringing of the phone, he quickly turned on the phone.

  Kick the goal with the ball.

  Conan reacted immediately, just use the ball to kick the goal to stop the bomb.

  According to Li Mu's words, Conan breathed a sigh of relief after stopping the bomb.

  Outside, the police heard what Officer Mumu said and rushed out immediately, and even Officer Mumu rushed out.

  Li Mu looked at Miwako who was rushing out, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Miwako's hand, and pulled it hard.

  Miwako was immediately pulled by Li Mu, and then fell into Li Mu's arms.

  "Li... Li Mu, what are you doing? If you don't let me go, I'm going to arrest the suspect."

  "The suspect has been dealt with, what is there to be arrested, and you seem to have a particularly important matter."

  "A particularly important matter?" Miwako was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is there anything else, is there an accomplice?"

  Having said that, 4.3 Miwako got serious, with an expression of hatred and hatred.

  "No." Li Mu interrupted Meihezi and said solemnly: "I was frightened today and I need someone to come to comfort me. In short, I am afraid and need someone to comfort me."

  Miwako looked at Li Mu seriously, and her face instantly turned red.

  Although she is emotionally dull, she is not a fool, and she still knows some things.

  For example, what Li Mu means now.

  Miwako secretly looked around, blushed, and said softly, "Li Mu, when you go back tonight, don't stay here, you will be seen."

  "Okay, I'll wait for you tonight."

  Li Mu didn't say much, sat in the car and winked at Miwako.

  Miwako blushed and ran away quickly.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1399 Messing around at the police station (four more)

  In the Maori Detective Agency, Xiao Lan sat on the sofa worriedly, looking at the dark night outside from time to time.

  In front of him, Mouri Kogoro walked around anxiously.

  Xiaolan looked at Maori Kogoro who kept walking, and comforted softly: "Dad, don't worry, nothing will happen, Big Brother Li and the others will take care of it."

  "Xiao Lan, despite what I said, I'm still very worried. I'm afraid that something may go wrong with the police officer Mumu."

  Mouri Kogoro looked worried and kept noticing the scenery outside.

  Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

  Suddenly, the phone rang, and Mouri Kogoro was in a hurry and quickly connected the phone.

  Xiaolan quickly stood up and stood nervously beside Kogoro Mouri.

  "Really? Officer Mumu, that's great, I'll be there soon."

  Maori Kogoro hung up the phone and said quickly, "Xiao Lan, that's great, we've caught the murderer, and now I'm going to the police station to make a record."

  Xiaolan was also overjoyed after hearing this, with a faint smile on her originally worried face.

  This smile is particularly sweet, like an angel, bringing warmth to people.


  On the other hand, after police officer Mumu and others caught Nakaoka Kazuya, because he was still in a coma, they sent him to the hospital.

  The other policemen rushed back to the police station to take notes, and Kai Li Mu also followed Miwako to the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, just after Miwako turned off the fire, Li Mu put one hand on Miwako's body.

  Miwako's face instantly turned red, she secretly glanced at the other police officers nearby, and quickly pushed Li Mu away.

  "Li Mu, don't be here, if you are discovered, it will be bad."

  Li Mu also noticed that the police around him were all focusing on Li Mu.

  Most of them had jealous eyes in their eyes, who let Li Mu and Miwako sit in the same car.

  "Okay, but help me make a note first, and then come to the [-]th floor near the stairs, remember to wait for me~〃."

  After speaking, Li Mu went downstairs without giving Miwako a chance to refuse.

  Miwako's face was slightly red, as if thinking of something, her heart suddenly became tense, and she was a little tangled at the same time.

  Should you go?

  In the end, Miwako decided to go, of course, if she had time.

  After arriving at the floor where the first lesson was searched, Li Mu took the lead in making a note, then walked up the stairs alone to the twentieth floor.

  And Miwako was working in a hurry. I don't know when, Miwako suddenly thought of Li Mu and hurried to the [-]th floor.

  On the twentieth floor, near the elevator on the entire floor, only Li Mu was here alone.

  As for the original [-]th floor, it was a large conference room, and there were usually no people, so Li Mu didn't need to worry.

  After Miwako came, Li Mu grabbed Miwako, went to the conference room, and opened the door of the conference room.

  "Li Mu, how did you open the door here?"

  "Is this..." Li Mu paused for a moment, then teased: "I pried it open, it's very good here."

  "Pry it open, no, I want to tell you again, picking a lock is a bad behavior, and it's still the lock of the Metropolitan Police Department, so you can't pick it anymore."

  Li Mu looked at the serious Miwako, and immediately became happy, and grabbed Miwako.

  "What's the matter, Miwako, don't you want to be here. It's dark and no one, the environment is perfect for us."

  Miwako blushed, not knowing what Li Mu meant.

  But here, too...that.

  Li Mu didn't give Miwako a chance to refuse, and directly grabbed Miwako and pulled her aside.

  "Li... Li Mu, don't be here, go back..."

  Before Mei and Zi finished speaking, Li Mu stopped her and put his hands on her clothes.

  It didn't take long for Miwako's clothes to fall to the ground, leaving only flesh~se silk~ socks all over her body.

  Li Mu didn't hesitate, and hugged Miwako directly.

  In this way, Li Mu and Mi Hezi secretly hid in the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Also on the twentieth floor, when there was chaos in the dark room, Kogoro Mouri and Ran also came to the Metropolitan Police Department.

  As soon as he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, Kogoro Mouri hurriedly came to the floor where the first search section was located.

  "Officer Mumu, who is the culprit?"

  Mouri Kogoro was also very curious as to what caused the prisoner to resent him so much.

  "It turned out to be Brother Maori, here you are."

  Perhaps because the case was about to be solved, Officer Mumu was also a little happy, with a smile on his face.

  "Brother Maori, the culprit has been caught. It's Kazuya Nakaoka, and it's still stolen. We found a lot of bombs."

  "¨'Kazuya Nakaoka?" Kogoro Mori was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise, "Didn't he get arrested? Then how did he send the challenge letter."

  "I don't know either, but the stolen goods have already been captured, and the prisoner has been caught. We can ask him at that time."

  Officer Mumu was also a little puzzled by this. How did Nakaoka Kazuya send the challenge letter during his imprisonment.

  Mouri Kogoro's pupils shrank, and he said quickly: "By the way, I understand, the prisoner must have an accomplice."

  "What? An accomplice?" Officer Mu Mu was shocked and shouted: "That's not good. What if his accomplice can detonate a bomb?"

  Nearby, other police officers also became anxious.

  But Xiaolan thought of something, and said softly: "When you said that, I remembered that the paste on the challenge letter was squeezed out."

  Conan's eyes lit up, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

(Nuo Wang Zhao) Those who are familiar with Conan know that this bad boy's expression means that he already knows everything.

  "Officer Mumu, I already know Mr. Kazuya Nakaoka's technique, he sandwiched the envelope inside, which was impossible to find at first.

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