But as long as one person puts a large document in it, the envelope inside will fall out. In fact, the envelope was put in very early. "

  "So that's the case. So, the only murderer is Nakaoka Kazuya, and this can also be used as an alibi. The murderer is really deliberate."

  Officer Mu Mu couldn't help but sigh.

  Others were also relieved, at least there was only one murderer, and there were no other murderers secretly.

  Suddenly, a cell phone was turned on, and Officer Mumu answered the call, and he was overjoyed.

  "Everyone, all the bombs are defused."

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1400 Bullying Xiaolan (one more)

  woohoo hoo...

  In a pitch-dark conference room, Miwako was breathing heavily and her body was shaking slightly.

  At some point, Li Mu stopped and let go of Miwako.

  Miwako immediately sat aside, breathing heavily, as if she was about to die.

  After a long time, Miwako recovered and pouted in dissatisfaction.

  "Li Mu, you are too, why are you so fierce, don't you know how to take pity?"

  Li Mu smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled Miwako into his arms, ravaging her hard.

  Miwako's face was flushed, and her body struggled slightly, but she couldn't break free from Li Mu and could only be bullied by Li Mu.

  After a while, Li Mu let go of Miwako and scratched her Qiong nose.

  "Okay, Miwako, let's go, we have been apart for a long time indeed."

  Li Mu left immediately, and Miwako got dressed and left.

  After coming to the search class, Li Mu met Xiaolan who had just made a transcript.

  "Xiao Lan, are you okay? When will the transcript be ready?"

  Xiaolan also reacted and said quickly: 953 "Brother Li, it's you, you're here, why didn't I find you just now?"

  "Oh, I was just waiting for you below, and you haven't come over. I think, I may not have said anything, so I'll come to see you first." Li Mu explained.

  After that, Miwako also rushed over.

  When she saw Li Mu, Miwako's cheeks were slightly red, and she felt very shy inside.

  Xiaolan also saw Miwako, and suddenly saw the water stains on Miwako's stockings, and quickly said, "Officer Sato, what's wrong with your socks? Why are they wet?"

  Miwako also noticed her feet, her face changed slightly, and then she recovered immediately, and said seriously: "This was accidentally left when I went to the bathroom just now. Really, it was actually seen. I'll deal with it first."

  After saying that, Miwako ran away immediately.

  Li Mu could clearly see that there was a faint blush on Miwako's back cheeks.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, let's leave when Detective Maori returns."


  More than ten minutes later, Maori Kogoro also made a note, and then left with Li Mu.

  Back at the Maori Detective Agency, Xiao Lan looked at Li Mu and said, "Brother Li, it's getting late, why don't you stay too."

  "Yeah, Li Mu, let's stay, it's very late today."

  Conan grimaced and looked at Li Mu with an unhappy expression, but there was nothing he could do.

  After all, this is the request of Xiaolan and Maori Kogoro, and he himself has no way to resist.

  "Okay, then please."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, he touched the back of Conan's head, and left happily.


  Conan was very unhappy, especially Li Mu's smile, his heart was even more unhappy.


  A few days later, at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu looked at Conan in front of him, the corners of his mouth rose, and he couldn't help snickering.

  "Hahaha, Conan, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you peeked at someone and then got beaten up?"

  At this moment, Conan is very embarrassed. His entire leg seems to be broken, and he has a bandage and a crutch beside him.

  Conan turned his head in dissatisfaction and did not explain.

  Beside him, Xiao Lan smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, Li Mu, don't bully Conan, he's already miserable enough."

  "This?" Li Mu paused, then turned his head and snickered.

  Conan gritted his teeth angrily, wishing it was Li Mu who was hurt at the moment.

  On the other side, Kogoro Mori was on the phone, and then hung up.

  After hanging up the phone, Maori Kogoro smiled and said, "Hey, little ghost, I have already booked a hot spring hotel, you can go with me, so that it can be better (caei) faster."


  "Really, travel, then let's go, let's go now."

  Li Mu is also interested, and the hot spring tour seems to be a very good trip.

  In addition, during the hot spring trip, he and Xiaolan can have an intimate two-person trip. As for Conan and the others, Li Mu directly ignored it.

  Maori Kogoro was also interested and laughed: "Then, let's go now, so that we can save a lot of money."

  Conan and Xiaolan: "..."

  "Then let's go, Detective Maori, and you drive."

  "it is good."

  Mouri Kogoro immediately became interested, and quickly packed up and saluted.

  After everyone packed up and saluted, Li Mu and the others drove away.

  More than an hour later, Li Mu and others came to the vicinity of the hot spring hotel.

  After arriving at the hot spring hotel, Li Mu directly booked two private rooms.

  In the private room, Li Mu and others soaked in the same hot spring, enjoying the steaming hot spring.

  In the hot water, Mouri Kogoro had a wet towel on his forehead, looking like he was enjoying it.

  "It's really good. Hot springs are good. If you can soak in hot springs every day, it must be a great pleasure."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he secretly glanced at the hot spring hotel next to him.

  Next to them, is Xiaolan's box.

  As for why it is a box, so that you can sneak past without worrying about being discovered by others.

  Thinking about it, there was a smile on Li Mu's mouth.

  Beside him, Conan noticed Li Mu's smile, and asked curiously, "Brother Li, why are you smiling again, is there anything to be happy about?"

  "Is this?" Li Mu paused, then smiled: "I'm sorry, I won't tell you."

  Of course Li Mu couldn't say it, and he couldn't say that I was thinking about how to bully your sister Xiaolan later.

  Conan glanced at Li Mu, turned his head in dissatisfaction, and looked very unhappy.

  Don't let this guy go.

  Seeing that it was almost time to come in, Li Mu rubbed Conan's little head.

  "Okay, Conan, I'll leave first and do something very important. You should also enjoy this hot spring."

  That's right, a very important thing, taking a hot spring with Xiaolan and bullying her by the way is really very important.

  Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and had a very bad feeling in his heart, but he just didn't know what was going on.

  Li Mu picked up a towel, covered his body, and went out to Xiaolan's private room alone.

  After secretly looking around, and confirming that there was no one else nearby, Li Mu secretly opened the door and went in directly.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1401 Bullying Xiaolan in the hot spring (two more)


  Li Mu just entered Xiaolan's hot spring, Xiaolan thought who it was, and subconsciously screamed.

  Next door, Maori Kogoro heard the shouting and ran out quickly.

  "Xiao Lan, what happened, what happened?"

  After speaking, Mouri Kogoro slammed into the door.

  Li Mu hurriedly blinked at Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan also came back to her senses and noticed that the person was Li Mu, her cheeks were slightly red.

  "Dad, it's nothing, just saw cockroaches, it's true, there are cockroaches in the hot spring."

  Outside, Maori Kogoro suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and complained at the same time, "Really, you are my daughter, Maori Kogoro, anyway, so you're afraid of cockroaches."

  Conan, who had just driven out, was also relieved, and then slowly walked into his "two-three-zero" hot spring.

  After there was no one outside, Li Mu crept to Xiaolan's side.

  Li Mu hugged Xiaolan gently, pulled her into his arms, and pinched her lovely nose with his little hand.

  "Xiao Lan, you just said I was a cockroach. I'm angry. You need to comfort me."

  Xiaolan blushed, her beautiful eyes glanced at Li Mu, and she said, "Brother Li, you are really, you just startled me, and you were almost discovered."

  "Okay, it's okay, and this is not particularly important. What matters is how you should compensate me."

  Li Mu blinked at Xiaolan, put his right hand on Xiaolan's body, and then went from top to bottom.

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