Li Mu looked at the three suspects on the side again and said, "Officer Mumu, why don't you investigate to see if there are needles on them, and you can't let them hide."

  Officer Mu Mu immediately looked to the side of the suspect.

  "Three, please lend us the items on your body."

  "Okay, I'll show it to you."

  Mr. Xiaomu immediately took out all his belongings, which was a way to reduce his suspicion.

  The other two saw that Mr. Xiaomu took it out, and even if they didn't want to, they could only take out the things.

  Officer Chiba investigated, then shook his head and said, "Officer Mumu, there are no needles here at all."

  Li Mu Hattori Heiji and others also took a careful look and checked them one by one, but found nothing.

  At this moment, Officer Takagi came back and said quickly, "Officer Mumu, although the deceased lost a lot of blood, he died of aconitine.. 0"

  "It turns out that, then it is poisoning, but the murder weapon is not known where it is. It is so small, what if it is thrown away." Officer Mu Mu said with a headache.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, if he was the murderer, he would have thrown the needle.

  As long as it was thrown into the water or the toilet, it would be fine, but unfortunately, the murderer still didn't throw it away.

  Li Mu picked up a ballpoint pen and took a careful look at the refill inside the ballpoint pen.

  Most people can't see it clearly, but Li Mu can see clearly that there is indeed a very small needle inside.

  The face of a person next to him changed suddenly, his heart became tense, and his hands subconsciously grasped his clothes.

  "Officer Mumu, there seems to be a needle in the refill of this ballpoint pen. It seems that the murderer is very intentional."

  "Brother Takagi."

  "I see, Officer Mumu, I'll go right now."

  Officer Takagi was about to leave, and Mr. Jinichi Yamanaka sat on the ground paralyzed among the suspects.

  "No, I didn't expect that I would keep this. I was thinking about throwing it away. Now it seems that I was wrong."

  "That's right, just throw that thing in the flush toilet and flush it."

  Maori Kogoro is also a little despised, this guy is simply a fool.

  5.9 Conan Kimono Heiji has black lines all over his head, this idiot is so stupid, why keep the murder weapon on himself.

  Li Mu didn't say anything, and tightened the bathrobe.

  "Officer Mumu, I'm going back to rest. As for the record, I'll leave it to these two boys and let them go."

  "Oh, Mr. Li."

  Officer Mumu was about to say something, but Li Mu had already left and could only look at Conan and Hattori Heiji.

  "Brother Hattori, Conan, why don't you go to the Metropolitan Police Department, and Brother Mouri, you and me to make a transcript."

  "Alright then, Officer Mumu."

  The three did not refuse, after all, this was the request of the police officer Mumu, and they still have to build a good relationship in the future.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1407 Why are you in Xiaolan's room again (two more)

  Officer Mumu left with Officer Takagi, Kogoro Mouri and others, and there were only Li Mu, Xiaolan, and Ye three in the hot spring hotel.

  After watching the three of them leave, Li Mu went directly to Xiaolan's room to rest.

  Xiaolan blushed slightly, and said a little shyly: "Brother Li, you should go back. What if Dad finds out?"

  "Yeah, Big Brother Li, it's not very good to be found out."

  "Okay, let's not talk, let's rest, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

  Li Mu pulled Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan and fell on the tatami.

  Xiaolan and Ye both blushed slightly, and felt a little shy in their hearts, but they did not reject Li Mu.

  The two rested just like that.

  I don't know how long it took, Mouri Kogoro and the others came back from the Metropolitan Police Department.

  After returning, the brush pen Kogoro yawned and said a little tiredly: "Okay, I'm going to rest now, you guys should go to rest too."

  "Got it, Uncle Maori."

  Hattori Heiji came to Xiaolan's room and knocked gently on the door.

  "He Ye, are you asleep?"

  In the room, He Ye squeezed in Li Mu's arms and said impatiently, "I slept a long time ago, don't disturb me, can you?"

  "Oh, I know."

  Hattori Heiji hurriedly left.


  The night passed like this, and the next day, Hattori Heiji woke up, brushed his teeth with Conan, and left.

  Just as she walked out of the door, on the other side, Xiao Lan's door was also opened, and Li Mu came out.

  Hattori Heiji and Conan: "..."

  The two were stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds, Hattori Heiji and Conan both reacted.


  Hattori Heiji rushed forward, grabbed Li Mu's collar, and shouted, "Damn, you bastard, what did you do to He Ye, hurry up and tell me."

  "That's right, say, what did you do to Sister Xiaolan'?" Conan also said dissatisfied.

  Li Mu calmly pulled the two hands away.

  "Did I last night? I'm sorry, Xiaolan and the others were scared, so I slept with them all night. What's wrong?"

  "Sleep...for a night?"

  The two were stunned.

  Li Mu actually slept with the person they liked for one night, one night.

  "Come on, what did you do, did you do anything you shouldn't do?" Hattori Heiji said sharply.

  "What did you do?" Li Mu rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, "Is this? You say sleeping together, does that count as something?"

  "Hug... Hug together?"

  The two shouted in unison, as if struck by lightning, and their bodies trembled slightly.

  Hattori Heiji suddenly gave a cold drink and shouted sharply: "You bastard, I won't let you go."

  After saying that, Hattori Heiji rushed over.

  "Wait, don't come here, or I'll do it, don't..."

  Bang bang bang!

  Three seconds later, Hattori Heiji threw himself on the street.

  Conan next to him wiped his cold sweat, but luckily he didn't do it, otherwise he would have been beaten by Li Mu.

  In the room, after Xiaolan and Ye finished their clothes, as soon as they came out, they saw Hattori Heiji who fell to the ground.

  "Heiji, what's wrong with you? It's too annoying to hear your shouting just now."

  As soon as Hattori saw Kazuya, he quickly stood up and said worriedly, "Kazuya, you slept together last night, did he do something to you?"

  He Ye's face was slightly red, and his heart was beating wildly.

  Xiao Lan on the side was also very shy, Mei Mu glared at Li Mu.

  This kind of thing, Li Mu actually said it.

  Li Mu didn't care, and said calmly: "This kind of thing is nothing at all. After all, it's just a room, and it doesn't count without hugging."

  "What's nothing is nothing, didn't you just say that you sleep together?" Conan broke it down.

  He Ye Xiaolan immediately looked at Li Mu with a murderous look in his eyes.

  Li Mu actually said that, he must teach Li Mu a good lesson.

  "Cough, cough..." Li Mu coughed and said, "Yes, that's right, the two of them hug each other, and I am alone."

  "Is that right?"

  Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu with a suspicious look on his face.

  "That's right, Big Brother Li just accompanied us, and didn't do anything."

  Having said that to Ye Xiaolan, they are no longer suspicious.

  "Okay, no more to say, that's it, we should have breakfast too, and then go back."

  "it is good."

  After eating breakfast, Lin Fei took Maori Kogoro and the others back to the city.

  Arriving in the urban area, a series of phone calls came from Kogoro Mauri's house.

  "¨'There's a phone, I'll answer it right away."

  Mouri Kogoro hurried to the second floor and answered the phone.

  "It turns out that it is the most wanted class in the world. Okay, you should find me, Kogoro Mouri, for this kind of thing."

  "I didn't expect to have a commission as soon as I got home. It seems that my life is much better this month."

  Xiaolan is a little happy. After all, Maori Kogoro has a job and has money, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

  "Then I don't know what my reward is, what, this reward...what, Yoko Okino?"

  Mouri Kogoro was about to refuse when he suddenly heard Yoko Okino and shouted excitedly: "I know, I will definitely go, it doesn't matter what the reward is, who I am, I am..."

  Xiaolan and Conan: "..."

  Such an unscrupulous guy, only Kogoro Mouri, and Yoko Okino were sent away.

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