If he knew that Li Mu had already (Li Lihao) and Yoko Okino got together, he didn't know what Kogoro Mouri would think.

  "Oh, it's too embarrassing, and my father is really, how can I live without money." Xiaolan shook her head and said.

  Conan also had a headache, and muttered to himself: "This producer has seen through his uncle, and his uncle is true."

  "Okay, Conan, Xiaolan, I'll go first, I won't disturb you, bye."

  Li Mu said hello and left.

  Sitting in the car, Li Mu drove a few streets when the phone rang suddenly.

  "Yoko, what's the matter? Well, I see, I will definitely go."

  Li Mu hung up the phone and continued driving.

  The phone call just now was from Yoko Okino, the purpose was to let him attend the class that he wanted to go to the most in the world, which is Kogoro Mouri's.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1408 Meet Yoko Okino again (three shifts)

  TV station, a car parked in the parking space, and then Li Mu got out of the car.

  After getting off the car, Li Mu went directly to the TV station.

  Because he said hello in advance, Li Mu was not stopped, but went directly to the lounge.

  Li Mu didn't go to the restroom of Kogoro Mouri and others, but went directly to Yoko Okino's restroom.

  After all, it's better to be with Yoko Okino than to share a lounge with Kogoro Mouri.

  Just opened the door of the lounge, Li Mu didn't see anyone, obviously Yoko Okino hadn't come over yet.

  "Forget it, let's rest for a while, anyway, there is no one else."

  Li Mu sat directly in the lounge on the side.

  I don't know how long it took, the door of the lounge was opened again, and outside, Yoko Okino also ~ walked in.

  As soon as he came in, Yoko Okino saw Li Mu and was slightly taken aback.

  "Brother Li, it's you-, you're here too."

  Yoko Okino excitedly closed the door of the lounge, locked it, and rushed directly to Li Mu.

  Li Mu stretched out his hand, hugged Yoko Okino, and pulled it into his arms.

  "Yoko, do you miss me?"

  "Yes, you don't come to see me very often, really, I miss you a lot."

  I'm afraid it's hard for outsiders to imagine that Yoko Okino acts like a little girl in Li Mu's arms.

  Especially Mouri Kogoro, if he sees it, he will go completely berserk.

  Their favorite popular idol, Yoko Okino, actually acted like a spoiled child in Li Mu's arms.

  Li Mu hugged Yoko Okino tightly, and felt some remorse in his heart.

  It seems that I have too many people. Even if I go to one house every day, I have to take turns in many houses.

  Fortunately, Li Mu can take two at a time, which can save a lot of time.

  "Okay, Yoko, don't act like a spoiled child. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you must find me. I can handle a lot of things."

  "Well, I know." Okino Yoko nodded.

  She also knew Li Mu's energy. During this period of time, many people had troubled her, all of which were handled by Li Mu.

  "Okay, let's go out and have a look first. With so many people here, it's not good to be discovered."


  Yoko Okino also knows her identity. After all, she is a big star. Once exposed, even if it can be suppressed, it will be a loss.

  Therefore, Yoko Okino usually needs to maintain her perfect image.

  The two left the lounge one by one.

  "By the way, I heard that Detective Maori is also here, why don't you go say hello." Yoko Okino said.

  Although Li Mu helped Yoko Okino, Kogoro Mouri was also a fan of Yoko Okino.

  Of course, Maori Kogoro's ranking is still behind Li Mu.

  "Okay, let's go have a look together."

  Li Mu also happened to be going to say hello, and Xiaolan probably came over.

  The two came to the studio, and Kogoro Maori was sitting on a stool, ready to be interviewed.

  "Detective Maori, you are here too."

  "Miss Yoko." Mouri Kogoro got excited and came over quickly and said, "Miss Yoko, I didn't expect you to come, I'm so touched."

  "Where, I heard that you are here, Detective Maori. I came to see and say hello."

  Yoko Okino has a sweet smile.

  It's no wonder that he can become a popular popular idol. This smile can add a few points. Are you afraid of not being famous?

  When Mouri Kogoro saw Yoko Okino's smile, he immediately became happy, like a lunatic.

  "Miss Yoko, it's great, you..."

  Suddenly Mouri Kogoro stopped and looked behind Yoko Okino.

  "Li Mu boy, why are you here?"

  Li Mu could hear the dissatisfaction or jealousy in Maori Kogoro's heart.

  "Dad, what do you mean, can't Big Brother Li be here?" Xiao Lan said dissatisfied.

  This stinky uncle actually called himself a kid.

  Li Mu decided to bully his idol Yoko Okino first, then Xiaolan, and finally Concubine Yingri.

  Thinking about it, Li Mu was a little excited.

  "Oh, nothing, come and see, after all, Maori detective is on TV today, right?"

  Maori Kogoro was overjoyed and laughed happily: "Hahaha... It's really good, Li Mu, you really are a very good person, and you came to watch me on TV on purpose."

· · 0 flowers 0 · · ·

  This idiot, Li Mu doesn't know what to say anymore.

  Li Mu was just joking, teasing Maori Kogoro, and Mouri Kogoro actually believed it, which is really stupid.


  Suddenly, a flashing light sounded, and Li Mu subconsciously looked to the side of a wretched man.

  Xiaolan walked over and took the phone from the man's hand.

  "I'm sorry, but it's not good to take photos of others without their permission."

  "Yes... I'm sorry, I... I couldn't hold back for a while, sorry."

  The fat man, Mr. Yamazaki, was apologetic.


  However, this guy looks like a wretched uncle, which makes people have the urge to hit people.

  On the other hand, an uncle in his fifties who looked more serious walked up, took his mobile phone, and slammed it hard.

  With a click, the phone was directly cut off.

  Then the man threw the phone hard and snorted coldly: "Hmph, how old you are, to be chasing stars, it's a shame, but don't worry, I will accompany you with this phone."

  This uncle in his fifties is not an ordinary person. He is a tycoon in the music industry, Mr. Noburo Kimishima.

  "How...how can this be, I...I can't stand it anymore, I'm going back."

  After speaking, Mr. Yamazaki choked up and was about to leave the shooting friend.

  "Wait, Mr. Yamazaki, don't you get angry? Calm down."

  A person in charge quickly stopped Mr. Yamazaki. If he leaves, today's shooting may not be possible.

  Li Mu glanced at the helpless Mr. Yamazaki, and his expression was also cold.

  He actually secretly photographed his own woman without giving him a lesson, and he didn't know how to write dead words.

  "Okay, that's it, hurry up and shoot, I have to go back, there is no need to waste time."

  Mr. Kimishima snorted coldly and returned to his seat.

  And Mr. Yamazaki calmed down his mood under the comfort of everyone.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!five.

Chapter 1409 Pot worth [-] million (one more)

  The first class was naturally Kogoro Mouri's class. Perhaps because Yoko Okino was there, Kogoro Mouri performed very well.

  Of course, this is probably the charm of beautiful women, and Kogoro Mouri is directly amazing.

  The second class, Mr. Yamazaki, uses a traditional popcorn machine.

  But all of this has nothing to do with Li Mu. Li Mu was chatting with Xiaolan or Yoko Okino, and he was very happy.

  As for those jealous eyes, Li Mu directly ignored them.

  I don't know when, an employee's face suddenly changed, and he quickly walked over to the person in charge and said something.

  After hearing this, the person in charge suddenly changed his face, became anxious in his heart, and asked other people nearby from time to time.

  Mr. Jundao frowned slightly, walked over and said, "What's wrong, what happened."

The person in charge of "Zero Zero Seven" looked a little ugly, but he knew he couldn't hide it, so he had to say, "Mr. Jundao, your pot is missing."

  "What? My pot is missing." Mr. Kimishima shouted.

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